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There is no such thing as a long term risen status.

Players must be wraith character with the following perquisites.


  • Puppetry â—‰|Lifeweb ◉◉|Inhabit â—‰â—‰ |Embody ◉◉| Strength â—‰â—‰â—‰ 

  • 1 year experience of playing a wraith on sim (risen is not available for non sheet characters) 

  • Your old body must be relatively intact. It must not be cremated or decapitated or missing a heart or brain.

  • Generally very old corpses that are skeletons are unsuitable for the process of Rising.

  • Shrivelled and decayed bodies are fine so long as the shrivelled remains of the heart and brain still exist.

  • Any foreign objects such as bullets, embalming fluids, maggots will work their way out of the body upon rising and gaping wounds will close, leaving "old" scars.

  • Your body must be in a location a risen can conceivably escape from. A body entombed in concrete as a result of a mafia "burial" will need liberating prior to the act of rising, this no doubt involves using your wraith to lead the police to your burial site so they may free the body for you first. Obviously this requires a degree of preplanning. However it does make for good story! Such complications should be worked out with the Wraith storyteller. â€‹



Charisma will be locked at a maximum rating of 2 for social feats (but not Arcanos use) This is due to the appearance of the Risen body.





  • Your Wraith Must Request Risen Status from the Wraith Story teller, you must be able to then strike a bargain with your shadow. The storyteller  for the purposes of the Risen story arc , will play the part of your shadow during the deal phase. 

  •  Read the Shadow Pact page. This goes into far more details of what is expected of a Risen character. Its not easy to create a pact with your shadow, the risen experience will be authentic, and difficult. Risen means giving up something in the name of a greater goal. This is why the storyteller will go through this with you. We generally don't want Risen as a holiday splat, its meant to represent a great need, and a great deal of compromise with the shadow, just because you finally have a body in the Skinlands, does not mean you're a superpowered human who exists to party and socialize, you're there for a reason, the shadow has let you be there for reasons of its own, which means its not there to make things easy for your character.






Your rank in the Risen Arcanos is Equal to The Rank of The Corresponding redundant Wraith Arcanos.


​MENTAL RISEN ARCANOS  (Serendipity â—‰â—‰ and Mente â—‰ automatically taken)

These Arcanos compliment many of the wraith Arcanos that deal with emotional or mental command and make it easier for the Risen to find out information or set up circumstances vital for completing the Risen's mission 


  • FACINATE: Replaces PHANTASM Fascinate deals with getting characters to do what you want.

  • SERENDIPITY: Replaces LIFEWEB  Serendipity deals with turns of fate and coincidence

  • MENTE : replaces PUPPETRY        Mente allows a risen to read peoples thoughts through touch or transfer their own suffering.


PHYSICAL RISEN ARCANOS ( Fortitudo â—‰â—‰ automatically taken)

These are the Arcanos that allow a Risen to physically endure and overcome the physical threats that await him on the skinlands side of the shroud.

Typically these are "Combat" Arcanos and are the source of legends which speak of unstoppable , relentless killing machines from beyond the grave.


  • NECROSIS: replaces FLUX           Deals with slowing or accelerating forces

  • CELERITAS: Replaces ARGOS      Celeritas is what gives a risen his speed

  • FORTITUDO: Replaces EMBODY  Fortitudo is what gives a risen his durability

  • VIRIBUS: replaces OUTRAGE       Viribus is what gives a risen his strength


PRACTICAL RISEN ARCANOS (Aperta â—‰â—‰ automatically taken) 

These are the more practical Arcanos required for dealing with minor obstacles  (such as locked doors) or inconveniences such as being recognized as living corpse.


  • APERTA: replaces INHABIT          Aperta allows the risen a minor ability of mechanical and electronic devices.

  • VISAGE: replaces MOLIATE         Visage allows the risen to subtly disguise his dead form


NOTE: This is -not- literally what happens, But rather than give a status a separate XP sheet, we are converting Redundant Wraith Arcanos to Risen Arcanos, so that once the experience is over the wraith player has not spent a lot of XP on skills they can no longer use, and wraith players going Risen have not lost a bunch of XP on redundancies.  As Risen is intended a short term diversion from Wraith rather than a separate species, we believe this is the best way to go about things.



Arcanos                 Guild               Description

​Intimation                   Solicitors             The Arcanos of creating and removing desires (Paired with Fascinate can have interesting outcomes)

Keening                     Chanteurs            The songs of the dead

Pandemonium             Haunters             Creates all manner of ghastly effects Health spending applications of this  cannot be used by Risen. 

Castigation                Pardoners            Allows wraiths to wrestle with others’ Shadows

Usury                        Usurers                Lets a wraith manipulate vital energies

Fatalism                     Oracles               The Arcanos of working with the fates (Paired with Serendipity can have interesting outcomes)

Mnemosynis               Mnemoi               The Arcanos of memory



Relics, Artifacts & Soulforging cannot be used on the skinlands side of the shroud, but as it is now the skinlands.

RISEN, may only purchase -gear- that is available to mortals.

Any relics and artifacts they had before they made their journey across the shroud, will be where the wraith left them in the underworld.

An exception to this is if a character with Flux â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰ manages to reintegrate a relic and hide it away in the skinlands prior their journey across the shroud, however do note -not- all reintegrated relics will be useful in the skinlands. As a Risen cannot use FLUX while risen, they cannot reintegrate relics after they begin their journey.


Risen characters will have a minimum of


The redundant wraith Arcanos they replace (Lifeweb â—‰â—‰/ Embody ◉◉/ Inhabit ◉◉ & Puppetry â—‰)  are required to Rise.









The Walking Dead








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