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Individual applications for species are on the species pages


You will need a google account to access applications. (You can make a secondary if you wish)  Once you have filled out your sheet follow the steps below.


  1. Click the share button.

  2. Select change under "get link"

  3. Select viewer, commenter, or editor in the drop down box (viewer if posted to a forum, editor if given to staff more discreetly)

  4. Select copy link

  5. You will see a grey box pop up below that says "link copied"

  6. Put said link into the Notecard (edit format) in world and place it into the Character Submission Box at the landing area. 






We welcome new players to our sim. You don't have to be a world of darkness expert to play here, nor do you need a character sheet..

Players can start right away playing a world of darkness character, but there are some simple rules they must adhere to. All the basic rules are on this page right here. That's right, just look at this page, and you can begin play immediately! The rest of the site you can explore at your leisure. You can learn the heavier stuff as your character learns.


  • This Is a Masquerade Sim: This means mortals cannot have previous experience of the supernatural when starting, it is also forbidden for supernatural to reveal their true nature to mortals.

  • Experience has its perks: Players with character sheets are likely to have higher statistics and a greater range of abilities than players without character sheets. This is a benefit of learning  the yummy lore and glorious in-depth details of the system. Characters without a sheet -are- at a disadvantage against characters who have sheets, but this is easily rectified by making a sheet at a later time.

  • Young Bloods: Those without character sheets are forbidden from playing characters who are older than the average mortal age, the reason for this, is that abilities for those  characters  without sheets are greatly diminished and so cannot reflect the experience of eons, millennia or centuries.

  • +5 roll Bias: Players without character sheets roll +5 on all rolls they might make during a scene.

  • Base Line Abilities: Players without character sheets can only use the passives associated with a species they might have chosen to play. They cannot use Garou Gifts or Vampire Disciplines or Changeling Arts and Mage is simply beyond their capability.

  • XP: Characters without character sheets cannot spend XP but they can earn it should they decide to advance their character one day and create a sheet.

  • Health: Characters without Character sheets have a health rating of 5.

  • Mortals Without Character Sheets: Status effects, such as becoming a ghoul do not affect your roll bias, +5 is always the maximum roll possible for characters without sheets. Joining secretive organizations still requires Roleplay with the appropriate characters. DELERIUM and THE FOG and THE MISTS automatically effect human characters without sheets (They will rationalize their supernatural experiences with Werewolves, Wraiths and Changelings as something else more mundane instead) 

  • Characters without a sheet MAY join the Nocturne Police Department.




NOTE: Supernatural characters without a sheet do not have access to abilities beyond those stated below.



  • You can drink the blood of mortals, the act is often pleasurable for the victim who forgets the feeding experience if it is a consensual experience.

  • You can heal by drinking blood.


  • You may shift into a wolf or large man wolf however this does not alter your roll bias.

  • You are able to enter the Spirit wilds, a land filled with the spiritual forms of animals.

FAE: (Changeling)

  • You appear as a mythical humanoid such as an elf, satyr or troll however no other characters can see this magical form unless you enchant them.

  • Enchantment requires consensual touch.

  • You are able to enter a special area called the Dreaming, A land of strange and fantastical creatures. 


  • You can't really interact with any characters unless they have the ability to perceive the dead or are wraith themselves.

  • Your roll bias is +1 against things that are living and +5 against other wraith.

  • You are able to enter the underworld, the terrifying lands of the dead.

  • You have a dark half that can sometimes take you over (if you a roll a botch)




  • Forbidden to characters without a sheet. Mage magic requires a character sheet to fully represent. However Mortals without sheets do count as sleeper witness to all mage effects (This affects mage characters, and isn't something sheet less characters need to worry about, but mages do)


  • This is by appointment only and forbidden to non sheeted characters.














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