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The amount of damage suffered is auto calculated when an attack is successful.

The type of damage you suffer depends on the type of object used to attack. There are generally three common types of damage and two situational ones. Changelings and mages are supernatural, yet their bodies are very human. So assume "Mortal" applies to them for damage and healing purposes.


  • Any character that is reduced to 0 health is considered knocked out or torpored, unless they agree to character death. 

  • The maximum damage that can be done to someone within a single hit is 10.




  • Bashing is caused by Blunt weapons/objects/fists/feet/vampire feeding/drowning/low intensity electrocution. (tazer)/some drugs.

  • Undead (vampires) and fera (except fragile  corax) are more resistant to bashing damage so when hit with bashing damage it comes in at -1 success, aka 1 damage less than what attack have scored.



  • Lethal is caused by sharp objects /claws/bullets/poisons/High intensity electrocution (Electrical outlets, power lines)

  • Mortal/Mage/Changeling characters take +1 damage when hit by lethal damage.

  • Vampires reduced to zero health by lethal enter torpor.



  • Aggravated is caused by some supernatural attacks as well as rare elements.

  • Any character hit with aggravated damage attack take +1 damage, essentially adding +1 success on attacks that have landed on the target. 

  • Fire inflicts aggravated damage on vampires. Check for Rötschreck 

  • Silver inflicts aggravated damage on werewolves. Lose 1 Gnosis per wound inflicted with silver (or turn touching silver) Revert to breed form.

  • Cold Iron inflicts aggravated damage on Changelings. Lose 1 Dross per wound inflicted with cold iron (Gain 1 Banality touching it ) Final death if killed by it. No recycling, -might- become a wraith.

  • Gold has the same effect on Corax and Moloke as silver does on werewolves.



  • Chimerical damage only effects creatures of the dreaming or the enchanted.

  • Chimerical attacks are treated as bashing damage.

  • Changelings reduced to zero health by Chimerical damage wake up and forget who they are until glamor is given to them.

  • Chimera and creatures of the dreaming reduced to zero health by Chimerical damage are destroyed.

  • A wyrded effect does not inflict Chimerical damage. It inflicts lethal damage unless the cantrip says otherwise.



  • Necrotized damage comes from several different sources. Poisons and toxins but also some applications of Necromancy or other supernatural powers.

  • Treat Necrotized damage as Aggravated damage for healing purposes 

  • add + 1 difficulty to physical feats while suffering from necrotized wounds.



  • A victim who is soul flayed has reached zero composure and zero resolve.

  • A victim in this state suffers 1 bashing health level of damage per success of mental /soul attacks.

  • Victims who suffer health damage due to being soul flayed gain 1 permanent derangement.

  • Victims recover lost composure and lost resolve at the start of the next night.

  • Victims with zero composure + resolve defend against mental attacks by rolling 1.









  • Heal one point per hour. 




  •  Heal one point per day.


  • Heal one point per hour. 




  •  Heal one point per week.


  • Heal one point per hour. 



  • Wraith treat all damage as bashing damage regardless of source of damage, wraith  reduced to zero by any damage awaken in the labyrinth and undergo a process known as a destruction harrowing. This does not apply to RISEN characters.



The following conditions may be inflicted on a character as an alternative to death. These ailments are often severe but rarely permanent. We recommend not -chopping- anything off mortal species or those without the ability to regrow limbs. For example chopping off a vampires arm should hinder them about as much as mortal suffering a broken arm. When these penalties are applied as an alternative to death it is with the understanding that they may not be magically healed for at least two weeks (or that healing of it takes two weeks  even if attended to immediately) This allows there to be a degree of consequence other than permanent death.



Generally if you both entered a kill condition fight and the loser does not wish to die, the victor should present the options to the character.

The loser should pick from the options, with the understanding they agreed to a death scenario when entering a scene and are actually being presented a very nice alternative. This is called a compromise and should be satisfactory for all parties. This is just ONE alternative to death, The victor is welcome to present other options, but ultimately the loser will decide which of the evils allows them the most RP mileage.


SUPERNATURALS always suffer , the bloody and gruesome version of the injury... Mortals /mages/ changelings suffer the more -healable- version. This is just to make sense of the -healing- of the injury. A mortal/Changeling /Mage can't just grow back limbs (naturally) while vampires/werewolves etc can.

It is possible to inflict -more- than one out come on a subject. In some cases this means effects are cumulative.




You have suffered an injury or birth defect that mars your face, speech, or another important physical element of your social life.

Social Feats are rolled with + 2 difficulty.

Contested social rolls are rolled with -2 to your stats.

(This is the least disruptive injury , though it should be played out with a great deal of anguish and discomfort. The victor may demand you take a derangement or phobia in addition to this type of injury, derangements and phobias are PERMANENT )

  • MUTED:

Your tongue may have been severed, your voice box crunched or might have neural injury.

Your character cannot speak. Any communication must be done through writing, gestures, or hand signs.

All social rolls that require some form of communication are made with +5 difficulty, obviously some talents such as singing/public speaking are just impossible.


Head trauma, stabbed inside the ear, loud explosions... 

-3 to Perception rolls based on hearing.


The character’s eyes are damaged or removed

One Eye: The character suffers a - 3 to visual perception rolls or rolls requiring vision Including attack rolls. His defence rolls are half normal value.

Both Eyes: Same as above but -5 penalty and defence is rolled with no bonus and minus 5 modifier.

(characters with blind fighting skill may NOT choose this as a punishment, because it is not )


Spinal injury, heavy bruising, spine snapped or partially removed, maybe even your lower body has been removed!

Your character has limited or no ability to walk. She must rely on a wheelchair or other device to travel

Manual Wheel Chair Speed = 2 x Users Strength meters per turn.

Electric wheelchairs have a Speed of 6 meters per turn , but allow the free use of the character’s hands.

Athletics + Dexterity feats  are made with +20 difficulty.

Combat :Suffer -3 to your Att/Def  Rolls

Your  Dexterity + Athletics stats are treated as 0 except for -throwing- items.


One Arm:  Difficulty for any rolls that require manual dexterity increase by +2  and  you suffer minus 2 penalty to att/defense rolls.

Both Arms :Difficulty for ALL physical actions increased by +3, you suffer minus 5 penalty to att/defense rolls. All rolls involving dexterity are rolled without ANY bonuses and incur a minus 10 penalty.

(characters with Ambidextrous skill may NOT choose this as a punishment, because it is not )


One Leg: halve your movement rate  and suffer a −2 penalty on Physical rolls that require movement (and Defense). All physical feats have difficulty increased by + 2

Both Legs: Take the Disabled option.




As a general rule objects and non sentient things may need to be destroyed. A quick and dirty rule follows for determining how much "Health" an object has.




MATERIAL STRENGTH                TYPE                        EXAMPLE

1                                             FRAGILE                   Sand , Glass, Plywood, Carboard, Clay

2                                             RESISTANT                Hardboard, Brick , Most wood, Tin, Wrought Iron ,Aluminium. 

3                                             COMMON               Concrete, Steel , Bulletproof glass, Stone. Gold, Silver.

4                                             STURDY                    Titanium, Tungsten, Diamond, Composite metals used in coins / bullets

5                                             SUPER                      Graphene, Carbon Fiber

6                                             MAGICAL                 Primium, Syir (ONLY Mage + Demon, Earthbound Thralls, have access to these )

6                                             BANE METALS           Cold Iron, Silver, Gold are treated as magical for species who treat them as banes.



  • Material Strength 1- 2  requires you Roll what ever attack you possess capable of inflicting BASHING damage.

  • Material Strength 3- 4 requires you Roll what ever attack you possess capable of inflicting LETHAL damage.

  • Material Strength 5-6  requires you roll what ever attack you possess capable of inflicting AGGRAVATED damage.

  • Note: Aggravated will also affect material strengths 6 and below, lethal will also affect material strengths 4 and below.

  • Strength ALONE cannot damage items that require Lethal or Aggravated damage to be inflicted. Bashing attacks against materials with strength 3 or greater simply fail. No amount of pounding with bashing will damage it.



DO NOTE: The object size refers to the entire object, not its components. While a brick wall is made up of individual bricks and cement it is one entity, not several smaller ones. Obliterating an individual brick is easier than an entire wall. If an object is less than 1 meter, we round it up to 1 meter for calculation purposes. 1 is the smallest possible scale for this equation.





  • A wooden door is roughly 3 meters so has health of 6.

  • An bashing attack at difficulty 14+ therefore must score 3 or more successes to break down the door.


  • A Syir or Primium door at 3 meters would have a health of 18

  • An aggravated attack at difficulty 18+ with 9 or more successes to break it down and 18 successes to destroy it.

  • In this instance you would likely have to make an extended action and accumulate successes over time to break open the syir/Primium door. You can see why such materials are highly valuable, as its very unlikely they can broken open in one turn :p




You may have to perform the task as an extended action accumulating successes with each attack. 

If your attack succeeds and you inflict damage equal to half or greater of the objects overall health it is considered broken.

If your attack succeeds and you inflict damage equal to or greater than the objects overall health it is considered destroyed!


  • Broken = unable to fulfil its primary function, Doors for example are no longer considered barriers and can be pried open, but it can be repaired.

  • Destroyed means totally obliterated unable to be repaired.



Do remember this quick and dirty rule set -may- be contradicted for specific power uses... in which case the specific power usage applies.

Note: Entire buildings are unable to be destroyed, Nor may any object be destroyed when the owner is not present. (Destroying peoples shit when they are offline leaves no room for roleplay repercussions and so for this reason permission must always be sought )



A garou stuck in a silver cage is going to have more difficulty escaping it than a human.

Lets say the door to the silver cage is 3 meters.


A human will need to make a lethal attack at difficulty 15+ and accrue 5 successes to break the door open

A garou will need to make an aggravated attack at difficulty 18+ and accrue 9 successes to break the door open.


Don't forget the Garou loses gnosis each time he -even- touches the bane metal, and reverts to breed form too. Meaning he is unlikely to muster the abilities to break the cage open in the first place.












Objects & Damage








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