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Generally we expect players to follow the etiquette for all round good behaviour and OOC drama avoidance. OOC drama is the number one cause of most people leaving second life environments, it would be remiss of us to not even mention it and not to mention ways to avoid it. Just try to be a good all round egg, show respect to other players and over all be excellent to each other. We do not think any of this unreasonable, we expect people to be decent human beings.



This is a ROLEPLAY community. You are playing the role of a fictional character in a fictional universe. Under no circumstances are we accredited psychologists providing therapy. Under no circumstances should you be using this gaming experience as therapy for issues relating to your real life. This is a safe space to explore your darker fantasies free from judgement and a place to explore stories. Nothing in the nocturne experience in any way condones or validates real life criminality or oppressive behaviour in real life. We expect characters to be dark or to struggle, we expect players to be kind and supportive. This is not the place for real world societal issues to be discussed , and certainly not the venue for enacting change in society as a whole. This is a game, keep your political or religious beliefs to yourself OOC, or discuss them within your own echo chamber, we welcome IC drama, we do not welcome OOC drama. Be Excellent To Each Other.



What your character feels or does to a character is entirely an in character thing. Do not let real life feelings or emotions drive your roleplay. People deserve better, they deserve better, you deserve better. In all OOC communications we expect you to be excellent to one another. Friendly banter is fine, so long as its banter. If you offend someone , apologize, be the better person. We're not saying this to limit your freedoms, we're saying this to help build and maintain a healthy environment, not one that is filled with toxicity or hostility ooc. Be Excellent To Each Other.



This is simply asking you to behave in a manner which is befitting and adult. We don't want temper tantrums, we don't want people getting hurt over roleplay. Roleplay is meant to be fun, so make it fun, for you and for those you play with. You should be able to have a reasonable discussion with another player ooc, regardless of what is occurring in character. Be Excellent To Each Other.



At the end of the day, everyone has different things they are seeking from a roleplay experience. 

Conflict does happen, be generous, take a hit especially when your success threshold for avoiding damage  was pretty low.

In situations where there should be some form of consequence, try to negotiate something the other player will find enjoyable, or perhaps tempt them with a chance that next time they can avenge what you are going to do to them... give and take. You need to be giving as well as one who takes. Negotiate, compromise, keep on friendly OOC terms. There is ZERO REASON TO BE A DICK OOC OVER ROLEPLAY!

Be Excellent to one another.



Some people play out horrific or brutal types of scenes. This is world of darkness. So long as OOC consent is not violated we do not judge a persons rp preferences or sexual kinks.  (unless of course they are forbidden in SL) We are not asking people to adopt kinks, we're asking them not to judge the kink choices of others. If you don't enjoy a particular kink yourself, that's fine. If you're a judgemental asshole, that is not!

The same goes for those who -don't- indulge in any dark aspects of world of darkness, so long as they enjoy themselves and follow the rules, they are entitled to limit their exposure to darkness. Use the ROLES to your advantage, be proud of what you are, and flag yourself when seeking a particular type of roleplay. Its your roleplay that suffers in the end if you don't. Its also your choice. Judgement is not welcome. Keep your opinions to yourself. If you have issues with what another player enjoys roleplaying then the problem is with you not with them. Someone wants to play a fantasy where only social rp happens, fine, let therm. Someone enjoys the darker, more violent or more kinky aspect... that's fine too.

Don't Judge and Be Excellent To One Another



  • Don't call people out in public chat, try a -friendly- Instant message. We are adults, deal with things with integrity.

  • Don't preach or Judge when you IM someone, be diplomatic or raise your complaint privately with someone who can, if you feel you can't.

  • Accept people who instant message you, don't be on the defensive. Don't be hostile OOC.

  • We value our role-players, we want you to value them too. Toxicity is the death of roleplay sims.

  • We must have polite OOC discourse. You can be opposed to anything, but you must always be polite. Be Excellent To Each Other.



  • Thoughts generally cannot be read by everyone. If you have a negative thought about another players character express it in words or in body language, generally it is bad form to describe another character in a negative way and then hide behind the fact that nobody can react to it.

  • If a character cannot react to your action, then you do them and yourself a disservice.

  • You are welcome to describe your in character thoughts about objects or places but when it comes to people playing characters, make sure you give them something to react to.

  • If you insist on using derogatory thought emotes about certain characters, then those that -can- read minds will automatically succeed in reading your thought emote with no roll required. Those that can't read minds will see your character show a notable change in body language that indicates your over all mood towards them (Disdain, Disgust, Jealously, Arousal) and pick up on it. Thus being able to react to it.

  • We don't believe in the use of thought emotes to deride another character. Its simply bad form and petty. You can't call someone a c**t, and then say, "I only thought it", to avoid consequences. There will be consequences to petty or vicious thought emotes. You are here to make roleplay happen, not give commentary on other peoples roleplay. Don't be toxic. Be Excellent To Each Other.


  • Actions like thoughts are noticeable, unless it is emoted that someone is going to great lengths to conceal a particular action, generally this is a challenge that may involve an opposed roll on the dice. Emoting in public is generally a call for reactions. Be Excellent To Each Other.



  • Yeah, don't do it. Things said in confidentiality should remain confidential unless they are a breach of the terms of service of the sim or the terms of service of second life. In which case all such things should be reported to an admin. Be Excellent To Each Other.



  • Ic you might be a dick, OOC you aren't. Don't go after individuals who can't fight back. Challenge yourself at least. You're not impressing anyone by beating on the little guy. If you're at the position where you can beat newbies easily, then you know the system well enough to know who presents a challenge to you. If you insist on going after the little guy, you might catch the attention of the big guy, capiche? Obviously there are those that enjoy being victimized and they will make themselves known via their role. Be Excellent To Each Other.



  • Just because you're a socialite, that does not mean you can insult other players ic and not expect a physical response. Ask yourself one simple question. "If i walked into a bar and talked the way I just did to a hells angel, would I need a dentist appointment immediately after?". If the answer is yes, don't talk that way in a socialite role, you know a fist is coming your way, if you don't want to be hit, act like it. Be Excellent To Each Other.



  • We pride ourselves on being a kink friendly environment. Enjoy yourself without feat of judgement. If you do receive nasty comments based on something of that nature, report it to us. We take harassment very seriously. Be Excellent To Each Other.



  • ASSUME. All relationships formed in SIM are 100% In character. If it's an OOC relationship, then this needs to be clearly communicated with all parties in the relationship. This is a roleplay sim, assume its an IC relationship. If you want more, you need to communicate it. Obviously we can't make a rule about relationships, but we can put this as an advisory. Drama happens when people don't clearly communicate.  Forewarned is forearmed. This IS a roleplay venue, not an OOC dating venue. Remember that. We fill the roleplay void, not the relationship one. Honest communication is required! Be Excellent To Each Other.








Linden Lab encourages social interactions between users across multiple countries. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation is prohibited. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame users or groups are similarly prohibited.  


NOCTURNE:  Expects the policy above to be adhered to on our sim, on our forums, on our discord servers.


  •  The following information is about sexual conduct within Nocturne. Nocturne is not a Sex sim, but sex is not forbidden. As such some rules need to be applied to adult situations.


  • No child avatars or other horrible things with children involved. (T.O.S Violations should be reported to linden labs. Implications of Age Play are taken seriously and will result in a ban if a child or minor character is depicted or implicated. It is okay to call someone "Daddy" in sexual way, if both characters are adults. 18+)


  • Age Play involves minor on minor or minor on adult. Without clear proof of the -minor / child- status of characters we cannot take moderator actions. Terms like Father/Daughter /Mother /Son does not imply minors and not enough to warrant ejection from sim. Physical or Apparent age matters, family relations to one another  do not. All adults must be depicted as 18+ period.


  •  It is a modern sim that is grounded in masquerade. Keep that in mind when making your character design as we do ask that they do fit in this existing world. There are streets full of NPCs and also much larger forces at play that keep said masquerade a must. 


  • OOC Consent: Is a thing. Respect peoples personal limits.  


  • Do not recruit for other roleplay sims. This is known as poaching. We have carefully built and nurtured a player base. They may find things on their own, do not use our sim to promote your own. We don't do that to other sims, because we are respectful. Anyone actively recruiting or "Luring" our players to other sims while in ours , or using our infrastructure to recruit  (discord, groups)  will be permanently banned. No exceptions. Recruiting for other sims is the highest level of disrespect possible. If we wish to advertise other sims, we would provide the information in world.


  • Report it. If it is against our sim OOC rules. Report it to us, this includes active recruitment efforts. Provide logs to us in discord.


  • Respect people OOC. This includes the sim and staff .Do NOT advertise other rentals (Our rentals help with sim tier) do not advertise other roleplay sims. This policy applies to our DISCORD, ENJIN and the Sim itself. Do not wear the Group Titles of other sims when present in Nocturne, its hardly a respectful thing to do.


  • Remember that IC is not OOC. Someone might play a bad guy or act like an asshole in IC, this does not make them such in OOC. We encourage communication so that line does not get blurred. 


  • Consequences is a big part of World of Darkness. While storytellers are flexible, no one is free from consequences of their actions. Death is a possibility for everyone, however would you find yourself in such situation consult a ST


  • Call in a Staff member for any disputes, they will take care of the situation however the outcome may not  in your favor. We won't go in endless debates. Their decision is final.


  • In case of kidnap rp. The kidnap may last as long as both players agree upon, however if there is no actual rp between captor and captive for two days in a row, then on the third day the captive may rp their way out. A Story teller needs to be present for this.


  • NO GOD MODDING: a player can be described as a power gamer if he or she presumes or declares that his or her own action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his or her own prerogative.


  • NO METAGAMING: a player's use of real-life knowledge concerning the state of the game to determine their character's actions, when said character has no relevant knowledge or awareness under the circumstances.


  • Avoid having alts in the scene that you are already a part of.


  • Do not stir up drama. This includes contacting others and telling them not to roleplay with someone or to look out for someone. Everyone got right to be here and we do not hold people accountable for anything that may have happened in the past, only by what they do here. 


  • Don't cheat.


  • Let people know that you are going afk if you are in the middle of the scene, especially in large combat scenarios.


  • Do not Storyteller shop. Meaning if one staff member already gave you ruling to something, do not ask other staff members with hopes for other outcome. Also always ask a storyteller that runs a scene for a ruling that has anything to do with said scene. 


  • Do not harass or bully others. We welcome dark roleplay, but we do expect players to think about the consequences of their actions before committing to violent acts against others, or before antagonizing characters who may be many times more powerful than them. There are consequences for disrespecting members of your clan or tribe or noble house or similar groups who are ranked higher on the social ladder. Some of these consequences may be social or political, others may be slightly more life threatening. However, most players in such positions will at least give you a friendly OOC heads up if you are crossing the threshold :)


  • But our most important guideline: HAVE FUN!!







The powers, abilities and so on should always be played within the spirit of the rules. There may be some things that are able to be exploited for maximum gain, but that is not in the spirit of the rules. Always try to put yourself in the other players shoes before trying to exploit a loop hole. The game mechanics exist to provide you with options NOT solutions. 



The system is ever being improved. Buffs and Nerfs will occur, we realize that people aren't fond of nerfs for their particular race, but we do this to make the game more fair or more balanced when we encounter problems. We also buff too for the same reason. Don't cause a big scene or create drama over it. Try to look beyond how the rules affect your individual character and what personal impact it has on your character, Try to be even handed and see things from our point of view. 



Post order is not always required, such as there can be a big gathering of people and most wont even interact with one another. Post Order usually applies in smaller scenes of  3-5 people, unless storyteller says otherwise.  



There are some actions that are forbidden without presence of the character they affect or at least a storyteller. â€‹


  • Breaking into a characters home while they are elsewhere. 

  • Mounting a rescue of a kidnapped player while the kidnapper is not present.

  • Calling for back up via mobile or computer technology with out emoting first to the other parties present that is what you are ATTEMPTING to do People should have the opportunity to try to prevent you making a phone call.

  • Do not send messages asking for help  from other characters  until the ones in a scene with you have had a chance to respond to your attempt.

  • Stumbling into hidden locations. You don't just accidentally find yourself in someone's secret dungeon or H.Q

  • Roleplaying the destruction of buildings or landmarks. This should be an obvious one, we are not rebuilding on anyone's whim.



There are some actions that are forbidden without presence of the character they affect or at least a storyteller. â€‹


  • During events don't argue with the ST

  • If you have questions then message the ST

  • If you are a non-combatant then understand you may get hit as AOE, Scatter, Cones, and other types attacks do exist

  • Not all the NPCs may follow the Player rules for abilities so they may add difficulty to the event 

  • Event running is hard, with a lot of moving parts, please understand and be kind.

  • Sometimes an ST may make a call during the event which is later proven to be inaccurate, this does not set a precedent. In order to maintain the flow of the event , it is best to go with the flow. Nothing quite derails an event like an OOC disagreement over rules. Please keep this to an absolute minimum. (The absolute minimum is -none- )





We do encourage a healthy and fun role-play environment as well as we want our players to feel at home on the sim, that's why we take everyone's concerns seriously. If you break any of the rules listed above you will get a warning. If you continue said behaviour or cause more issues that may lead to a ban. 


  • 1st offense = verbal warning. 

  • 2nd offense = second warning.

  • 3rd offense = week long ban. 

  • 4th offense = perma ban. 

  • NOTE: You can and will be perma banned if your actions are considered gross misconduct. Gross misconduct could be something like age play or actively using nocturne chat to promote other sims or engage in hate speech. It could be a number of things, and it is up to the admin to decide if your offense is considered gross misconduct.

  • TOS VIOLATIONS: Such as Age Play are immediate bans.


Keep in mind that it wont always be followed straight forward course. Such as someone making mistake by breaking post order or entering a scene without asking is trivial and can be just fixed on a spot. What will land you warnings and bans is malicious, trollish, and toxic behavior. If Staff deems your offense too great it may lead to immediate ban even if no warnings were given prior. 


Note: Ban history will be  reviewed on a case by case basis, good behaviour and time between offenses will be taken into consideration when deliberating on level of ban. Sometimes if something is not entirely clear, we may settle for a firm warning. However we reserve the right to ban for any reason and skip procedure entirely. You do not have statutory rights with regards to having access to Nocturne and its chats.












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