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The Warriors  Of Gaia




If you wish to learn more about werewolf the apocalypse and read the full and unedited pdf follow the link below.




Garou (Werewolves) are shapeshifters who change from human to wolf form—adopting many intermediary forms if they so choose. They are physically more powerful than most living creatures, and are immune to many of the ailments and diseases that plague their human and wolf cousins, but they’re still living beings and they can still die.


Werewolves heal much faster than normal humans, and as half-spirit beasts designed for battle, they’re exceptionally hard to kill. Most werewolves are theoretically capable of reaching the hundred-year mark or even beyond. It is a rare occurrence, however, that a werewolf has the luxury of dying from old age.


They are pack animals with a complex tribal social structures. Werewolves are expected to embark on quests and missions to help the sept and tribe, guard caerns from attack, lead and look after those lower in station — as their Litany requires.










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  • Your starter 3 powers aka Gitfs do not add towards your rank up process. 

  • Before picking up Kalindo (garou martial arts) you do need to be approved for it. 





Toughness: Garou heal faster not just because they are part man and part beast but because they are part flesh and part spirit. Any Bashing damage attack does 1 less damage to them than what attacker scored. This also allows them to regenerate faster They heal 1 Bashing Damage / Lethal Damage per hour, and 1 Aggravated Damage per day


Silver: One of the traditional Garou banes. Silver burns through werewolves flesh, dealing Aggravated Damage to them, which translates into +1 extra damage that garou takes each time they are struck with silver. They also lose 1 point of gnosis per health lost to silver and revert into breed form.

While there are ways to defend against it, none of them are easy or cheap. 


Gnosis & Rage: Gnosis is a  spiritual component that is present in everything, however Garou being half spirit already are able to use it. This is one of the sources of werewolves power which allows them to use Gifts and many other benefits. While Rage is a wellspring of power that Luna imbued garou with. However it is as much of a curse as it is a blessing. While Garou may use Rage to fuel their Gifts and to make them stronger, it also the source of those terrifying legends that speak of rampaging beasts during the full moon.  For More Information Click Here 


Forms: Garou have 5 forms that they may shift into: Homid (a human form), Glabro (A classic wolf-man), Crinos (also known a War Form, giant wolf on two legs), Hispo (Prehistoric Dire Wolf), and Lupus (regular wolf).  For More Information Click Here 


Breed Form: Garou chosen by Gaia to be her warriors, already born as werewolves even if they don't know it. This means no human may become a werewolf. This also means that garou do have a breed form. Those that are born as a human have Homid as their breed form, those that are born as wolfs have Lupus as their breed form, and those that are born as Metis (a shunned product of two garou breeding) have Crinos as their breed form. Most werewolfs undergo their first change in their teenage years, however there are some late bloomers.  


Auspice: The moon that garou are born under dictate what Auspice they are. New Moon - Ragabash (Tricksters), Crescent Moon - Theurge (Mystics), Half Moon - Philodox (Judges), Gibbous Moon - Galliards (Warrior-bards), Full Moon - Ahroun (Warriors).  For More Information Click Here 


Delirium: is the overwhelming instinctive fear that affects regular humans when they see Garou or other Fera in their Crinos form. Any regular human would need to roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 20 when under effect of Deliririum. A Botch means that human faints and blocks out a memory of ever seeing what they saw. A Fail means that human will experience intense fear and try to run away, and will try to rationalize what they saw, not beliving their own eyes. A Success means that human overpowers a Delirium and see things for what they are. 





The Garou (werewolves) were made to defend the earth from the cosmic forces that threaten to tear it apart. The Garou fight against the Wyrm, the destroyer. It is a struggle against nearly insurmountable odds, especially considering the rivalry between many tribes. These rivalries make it almost impossible for the werewolves to present a unified front against a cosmic force that pervades reality.  



Garou Nation: The alliance of 13 Garou Tribes that follows the Litany and fight together for the common goal of saving Gaia from the corruption. 


Deed Name: Garou who commit great deeds or poor deeds earn a name associated with the deed. A deed name is the name by which the spirits address the individual Garou. Generally the tribe elder should grant the Deed name of the individual Garou after consulting with the spirits. Choosing your own Deed Name is bit of a Faux Pas, You EARN a deed name for good or for ill. With this in mind you should choose your starting deed name with a Deed you could reasonably perform at your current level of power. Deed names can change as you commit greater or fouler deeds.

A Garou who consistently parts the veil to humans might earn the deed name "Veil Ripper", while a Garou who single handily takes down a pack of Black Spiral Dancers might earn the Deed name "Interupts the Dance" Do remember homids have a mortal name as well as Deed Name, Lupus might have pet names "Fluffy" as well as Deed names. Deed names, Like Renown are subject to change. A Garou who has sexual relations with vampires might beknown as "Fang Banger", if it reaches the attention of the tribe seer, as the spirits are always watching!


Veil: the secrecy. Humans must not know that Garou exist.  


Litany: The Litany is the code of laws kept by the Garou. It was codified at the end of the Impergium (A culling of humans that garou practiced in orehistoric time). While it takes the greatest scholars to master the entirety of the Litany, most werewolves learn it in the form of 13 basic precepts.

 For More Information Click Here 


Tribes: There are 13 tribes of Garou, each one coming with their own beliefs and culture, every Garou belongs to a certain tribe.

 For More Information Click Here 


Sept: The group of Garou who live near and tend an individual CAERN (A well of large spiritual power) is called a Sept. The Sept in Nocturne Called Sept of Standing Stones. The sept protect the Caern at all costs from any threats. 


Renown: Is a social position of Garou in the Garou Nation, their Sept. Each rank requires Garou to pass a challange. Your renown can't be higher than your highest Gift rank.  For More Information Click Here 


Rites: A ceremony or a ritual that Garou perform as part of their culture. It allows them to communicate.  For More Information Click Here 


Kinfolk: Are the mortal companions of garou, marked by Gaia to be the ones that Garou mate with. These kinfolk can be either human or wolf, they have limited acess to Garou gifts and are always protected. However they are considered to be a second class citizens in Garou Nation. 




The three main spiritual forces in the werewolf cosmology,  the Wyrm, Weaver and Wyld, all created by Gaia. The Wyld is raw unbridled creation. The Weaver spins reality into patterns. The Wyrm is supposed to destroy the excess order or the excess chaos. However, the Weaver went insane and tried to spin all of reality into its web, including the Wyrm. This drove the Wyrm mad so that it now seeks not to balance, but to destroy everything. The Wyrm has many agents and many faces, all bent on the utter destruction of Gaia, the Earth. The Garou are fighting to keep the Apocalypse from coming, but they are dying out and losing the war. Some tribes believe that the coming Apocalypse will be the end of everything, and fight desperately for even the smallest victory. Other tribes believe the side that wins at the final battle will be able to reshape the world in its own ideal. Some Garou blame the Wyrm for all evils and some blame the Weaver for spinning the world into stasis. Thus the Garou can agree on nothing and will not provide a unified front in the coming End Times. It is worth noting that Werewolves can only sense Wyld, Weaver, Wyrm. If there are distinct and separate entities from this, or even entities -slightly- similar, the garou are incapable of distinguishing them, as their senses are attuned only to the Wyld, Wyrm, Weaver. This is possibly why they are so keen to point to -taint- in everything.


Umbra: the Spirit World, is a realm existing alongside and yet separate from the material world. There are many layers to it that can lead to the most incredible sights of the universe.  For More Information Click Here 


Wyrm the Enemy?: most garou do not know that weaver is the actual problem and instead fight the wyrm. How does wyrm spirit manifest ? it is simply the corruption, anyone or anything that derives power from what is clearly corrupt. This could be bane spirits possesing people, a supernatural that has corrupt source of power like necromancers or infernalists. It even manifests in something as simple as serial killers. However this also means that it can manifest in someone who simply watches porn, which puts them low on a Garou radar, not a target they usually would go after. Vampires are also all by nature smell of wyrm but once again, unless they deserve it, they are often ignored as they are more trouble than they are worth. One of the biggest garou enemies in modern are is the Company called Pentex. It is a huge corporation that is literally found through pact with Legendary Wyrm Bane. It sponsors and runs many smaller companies, spreading to corruption all over the world.



Unless balance in the trait can be restored there can be no happy outcome or victory. 

  • Wyld winning would be unrelenting chaos and disorder and anarchy, a universe of madness changing instant to instant.

  • Weaver winning would be pure static order, rigid codes and consensus, a moment frozen in time, no doubt with authoritarian overtones, a Technocracy paradise, where free thought is outlawed and the dreaming dies.

  • Wyrm winning would see creation decay and eventually die. When the wyrm was finished it would eat itself and then oblivion would consume its husk.












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