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A turn is equal to ONE emote. You may only emote ONCE per turn. You will have to wait for someone else to emote before you may emote again.

During combat a turn is known as an action phase.



A scene is many turns focused on a situation. A Prince's meeting or a barroom brawl.

A scene is based mainly on the location. The minimum turn requirement for a Scene to be considered a scene is 10 turns.

During combat the entire scene of combat is referred to simply as -the combat-



An Act is usually an entire role-play  session from log on to log off. Several scenes will make up a sessions Act.

An Act is a series of turns and scenes that are inter-connected. An Act generally will not last longer than 12 hours. A new day is always a new act.

A new act requires a change of location, players and theme. Generally for a player to enter a New Act, they have to play a New scene that involves a rest or break from the overriding narrative of the previous act. Example. If you were in a princes meeting and he spoke of concerns with the garou and you immediately go out to locate and spy on garou, that is STILL the same ACT. If you wish to regenerate willpower pools or health you will need to break from the narrative and do some -rest- role-play or seek another narrative.



A story is a loose series of interconnected Acts and can last from anything from a day to a year or longer. In game a "Story" does not generate restrictions on actions or cool down of powers in ways that Turns/Scenes/Acts do.





A FULL ACTION is any action that requires the use of a stat or dice roll to perform.

A FREE Action is often a reflexive action such as -testing- to resist drugs or mind control. Though other things such as holding a door closed or peeking around a corner or making a perception roll can also be a free action.





  • A physical or mental attack roll

  • Getting to your feet from a prone position

  • Reloading a weapon

  • Drawing a weapon

  • Starting a car /Making a drive maneuver

  • Performing a physical or mental feat

  • Using a power




Free Actions are free, they are generally perceptive rolls or involve essence/willpower spending, there is really no limitation on them other than you can't -spam- free actions till you get the result you desire. In short, you only get one free action per situation/challenge instance.


  • A social role that can be performed casually such as lying, detecting lies

  • Perception or sensory rolls

  • Spending essence (including healing with blood or rage)

  • Standard driving

  • Standard movement

  • You may not make social rolls if your character is actively engaged in combat




There is no limit to the amount of automatic/reflexive actions a character can roll. However they may of course only roll for an individual test once per occurrence.

  • Tests versus gases/toxins/diseases/drugs

  • Resisting mental powers

  • Defense rolls.




  • If you fail a feat roll, you may not reroll it unless you have clear ability or item that allows for a reroll.

  • You may not continuously roll a variety of powers such as Dominate, Presence, Animalism, Auspex, and any other powers akin to it. Once you rolled a certain level power on someone, you may not roll it again against the same person in this scene.



The time sphere has some limitations and it is worth reiterating the limitations of time within nocturne setting in the time and action sections of the rules. In fact all species with temporal manipulation abilities had better pay attention to the following restrictions on time meddling.

  • If you time travel into the future to see next weeks lotto results, then travel back to purchase a lotto ticket. The very act of time travel has altered the future timeline, so that the probability of the lotto balls landing exactly the same is dramatically changed. Entropy is better for systems of luck than time manipulation. If you wish to abuse gambling, go the Entropy route. 

  • So you want to terminate an enemy before they are born. Well good luck, Skynet... You may travel back and kill your enemy before they were born, you just can't return to Nocturne, as its timeline no longer exists FOR YOU. You created an alternate timeline, that never even heard of your enemy, but of course... that never happened in Nocturne Prime Time Line. Prime Time Line (PTL) remains unaffected by your meddling of the past. This resolves many time travel "Paradoxes" such as the "Grandfather Clock Paradox" whereby you go back in time and kill your grandfather before your parents were born, making it impossible for you to travel back in time. The same can be said of any meddling antics in the past. By going to the past to "Undo" something, you remove the motivation to undo something, so never travel to the past to undo it... As time travel cannot undo stuff, it instead creates alternate timelines and prevents your return to the Prime Time Line. Effectively meddling in the past is a great way to kill your character off as far as Nocturne is concerned. 

  • Generally the Nocturne PRIME TIME LINE is not up for grabs. Its bigger than any single or group entity as it is the shared experience and history of all player and non player entities, Players are free to disappear forever on their own alternative time line, but as far as nocturne is concerned, those player characters disappeared the moment they time travelled into the past to undo something and never returned. The something they sought to undo was never undone on the PRIME TIME LINE.































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