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This section contains the stats of NPC creatures ranging from animals to zombies.




Attack: +3Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 2,  SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn




Attack: +1Damage: Bashing (cause too weak)

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 2,  SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn




Attack: +8Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +8

Resolve 3, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn 



HP: 12

Attack: +10Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +8

Resolve 4, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn 



HP: 3

Attack: +5Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 2, SPEED: Up to 10 meters per turn  



HP: 10 

Attack: +5Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 2, SPEED: Up to 10 meters per turn   



HP: 14

Attack: +8Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 3, SPEED: Up to 10 meters per turn   



                        Animal Swarms & Packs                        

Packs are meant to simplify the system. So that when you summon or have pack of animals at your side you treat them as one entity.  

The Larger Animals, Reptiles, Spirits, Regular and High level Summons can't come in packs.



Bat/Bird/Rat Swarm

HP: 10

Attack: +10, Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 2,  SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn 

-1 to attack rolls per hp lost (represents swarm getting smaller)


Dog/Wolf/Cougar Packs

HP: 15

Attack: +15, Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +15

Resolve 5, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn  

-1 to attack rolls per hp lost (represents pack getting smaller)






EVERY OTHER ANIMAL: Can only be found through Storytellers assistance







HP: 8

Attack: +3, Damage: Bashing with hands, Lethal with weapons

Defense/Initiative: +3

Resolve 0, SPEED: Up to 10 meters per turn  



HP: 12

Attack: +10, Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 5, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn   


Lesser Spirit/Elemental

HP: 8

Attack: +7, Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +7

Resolve 3, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn    


Normal Spirit/Elemental

HP: 13

Attack: +12, Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +12

Resolve 4, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn    

May use an area of effect attack on every 3rd turn. hitting multiple targets


Greater Spirit/Elemental

HP: 18

Attack: +15, Damage: Aggravated

Defense/Initiative: +15

Resolve 5, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn    

All attacks can be either single target or Area of the effect, hitting multiple targets


Regular Level Summon

The regular summons are units that don't really fall into any other category above and are usually achieved with level 2-4 powers. (Ex: Clay men of Ushabti)

HP: 8

Attack: +8, Damage: Lethal

Defense/Initiative: +8

Resolve 0, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn  


High Level Summon

The high level summons range from the huntsman to bane mummies and other creatures that can be either summoned or created through use of level 5 powers and above. 

HP: 15

Attack: +15, Damage: Aggravated

Defense/Initiative: +15

Resolve 5,  SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn  

Has 2 Actions


Zombie Horde

HP: 20

Attack: +10, Damage: Bashing with hands, Lethal with weapons

Defense/Initiative: +10

Resolve 5, SPEED: Up to 10 meters per turn  

-1 to attack rolls per 2 hp lost (represents Horde getting smaller)


Wraith Horde

HP: 20

Attack: +20, Damage: Bashing with hands, Lethal with weapons

Defense/Initiative: +15

Resolve 5, SPEED: Up to 20 meters per turn  

-1 to attack rolls per 1 hp lost (represents Horde getting smaller)















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