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This page is meant as a primer for stats. You are free to skip over this page if you have an idea of what stats are and how they work.

This page is to give the novice player a basic understanding of what stats are.


On this page we will give you an overview of







You will not find how to purchase or use any of the above on this page. 

If you wish to learn how use the statistics then check the COMBAT or FEATS pages both are found under CORE RULES tab.



Each rank you possess in a stat  adds +1 to your rolls involving the use of that statistic.


Zero:  Incompetent:

• Poor: 

•• Average: 

••• Good: 

•••• Exceptional: 

••••• Outstanding: 



The feats pages tells you what stats are required in most circumstances. However this cannot cover every instance. Use the stats overview if you need a clue. Storytellers may tell you to roll an Attribute + Skill or Attribute + Knowledge for a particular task.



10+ Super easy, barely an inconvinance.

12+ About Average

14+ Above Average

16+ Hard

18+ Very Hard

20+ Near impossible.



Most feats and indeed all combat requires a combination of Attributes and Skills. 



  • If you possess both required stats add the dots together (+ any bonuses from other stuff) this is your roll modifier.

  • f you possess none of the required stats you roll  + 1 as your roll modifier.  (no bonuses)

  • If you possess only half the required stats you roll just the highest but DO NOT add +1

  • +1 is the lowest modifier possible. 


For example you can't punch someone with strength alone, Punching is STRENGTH + BRAWL. If you have Strength but not brawl, you can -attempt- to punch someone , but you roll only your strength  as your roll modifier. 








Attributes are the CORE stats for all characters.  In general when we look at Attributes we view them in certain way. Attributes for physical, mental and social can be loosely ordered into three categories for a better overview of what these attributes break down to, we provide the following color code. OffenceUtility Defense • 

Remember if you roll a ZERO attribute or a ZERO skill your entire roll is made with a +1 bias as your total roll bonus, and no more.


  • Offence : Means the attribute is -mostly- used in an offensive capacity.    

  • Utility : Means  the attribute is used mainly for tasks and general purpose.

  • Defense : Means the attribute is used -mostly- in an defensive capacity.




 StrengthDexterity Stamina

Strength = Power & Might. Dexterity  = Agility & Flexibility. Stamina = Fitness & Resilience.



Intelligence = Knowledge & Reasoning. Wits =Alertness & Cleverness. Resolve = Determination & Stubbornness.




Charisma  = Social Charm. Manipulation = Social Sneakiness. Composure = Social coolness or calmness.




Another reason Attributes are so important is that they form the basis of your "Derived Attributes" Derived Attributes  are a combination of 2 Attributes. The Derived Attributes are as follows


  • HEALTH:                   STAMINA + 5 = total Health Points.

  • WILLPOWER:            COMPOSURE + RESOLVE = total willpower

  • INITIATIVE:                DEXTERITY + WITS = total initiative

  • MOVEMENT SPEED:  DEXTERITY + STAMINA +10  (Meters per turn during an active combat scene )

  • AWARENESS:           PERCEPTION + OCCULT        (See notes)



​Awareness is an "Alert" that gives a character a feeling something isn't right. It's a sixth sense regarding the supernatural a "Gut feeling" a "Hunch" that something is not quite right. See the awareness feat on "Mental feats page"




Skills are specific talents that lend themselves to a general type of task. These skills are learned numerous ways and no -formal- education is required to learn them. This is mainly what separates skills from knowledges. Skills can ONLY be rolled in combination with ATTRIBUTES never knowledges or other skills.


MELEE: is a combat skill using weapons and is most commonly rolled with DEXTERITY.

BRAWL: is a combat skill using no weapons and is only rolled with STRENGTH

FIREARMS: is a combat skill using projectile weapons it is rolled only with  COMPOSURE.

ATHLETICS: is a multipurpose skill used for physical feats and may be rolled with STRENGTHDEXTERITY / STAMINA


PERCEPTION: is a sensory skill and it is often rolled with  WITS / INTELLIGENCE (Perception + Occult is rolled for supernatural awareness)

STEALTH: is a hiding and stalking skill and it is rolled mostly with  WITS 

EMPATHY: is the skill of emotional understanding and is most often rolled with INTELLIGENCE WITS / PERCEPTION

PERSUASION: is the skill of controlling others and is most often rolled with MANIPULATION


ANIMAL KINSHIP: is controlling and understanding animals. It is most often rolled with CHARISMA

LARCENY: is the thieves skill. It is used for pick pocketing and picking locks it is mostly used with DEXTERITY occasionally with WITS






Knowledges are not natural aptitudes but things a character has learned over their lifetime, which are usually used in professions or hobbies. This makes it a very important selection for your character creation, since many concepts such as cops, actor, dancer, museum curator and many more require to have certain specialty. All of these specialties can be picked up via picking a right Knowledge. 


NOTES: Your level in chosen knowledge not only affects your roll bonus but also broadens how much you can claim to know or able to do in that sphere. Such as the more levels I have in linguistics the more languages I may know. The higher your art work level, the more forms of paintings your character may know, etc. 



As with all rolls, if you do not possess both parts of required roll, you roll +1 as your modifier. For example without intelligence you can't diagnose a problem within your field of knowledge, without wits you can't apply knowledge to your field of knowledge. Likewise the other fields of knowledge have their specialist attributes.

You can't botch a Knowledge roll if it is your speciality.

You gain + 1 success if you roll a natural 20+ on your knowledge roll.


TECHNOLOGY: is mostly Research and Development of new technologies or the understanding of how existing technologies work. Mostly rolled with INTELLIGENCE


  • Mechanic (working engines, cogs, etc. Useful for car mechanics, clock or music box tinkerers, etc) 

  • Computers (research, hacking, spying, etc. This covers anything to do with working on a computer but does not cover building one) 

  • Engineering (electronics, bio, physics, chemical, etc. This is useful for any lab worker of any kind, or someone who wishes to kit-bash radio shack parts.)

  • Custom tech field (Player defined, needs approval )


ACADEMICS: involves practical application of knowledge on a given subject. Most often rolled with INTELLIGENCE for diagnosis /WITS for application of knowledge 


  • Medicine/Medical (First Aid, CPR, Surgeon, Nurse) â€‹

  • History (Be it art or country to time period. The higher your level the more you may claim to know. You may not however claim to know supernatural history, unless it is of your own race.)​

  • Astronomy (deals with solar bodies, constellations, and horoscopes. Useful for mystics) 

  • Survival (This encompasses foraging, first aid, traps and snares)

  • Law (Required for Cops, Lawyers, and even preferred for independent investigators. Also knowing the law may help you steering it into your favor) 

  • Journalism (Required for journalists, but also generally helps with finding information)

  • Investigation (Great for cops, investigators, or anyone who might find a need in finding something out) 

  • Streetwise (You know who to ask about right things on the street, as well as less likely get in trouble on the streets)

  • Linguistics (Each level  =  3  languages you may know. 15 being the max. This does not include SPECIES specific languages which require being of the species, nor does it include "Historical " or "Occult" languages which require the correct Academia...Each dot of Academia for history  or each dot of OCCULT  only allows for one additional "Historical" or "Occult" language, not any -live- languages as covered in general by Linguistics.

  • NOTE: CHINESE: Chinese is not a language in general. Each separate Chinese entry counts as 1 language. The order on this list is in order most widely spoken to least widely spoken. Standard Chinese (Mandarin) ,Yue (Cantonese), Wu (Shanghainese), Minbei (Fuzhou), Minnan (Hokkien-Taiwanese), Xiang. Gan, Hakka. Zhuang ,Mongolian ,Uighur, Krygyz  and finally Tibetan. (13 Chinese languages in all requiring level 5 to master all!) Japanese and Korean are also separate South East Asian languages, as are Philippino, Vietnamese , etc. It is impossible to master ALL south Eastern Languages even with 5 dots.  ) English is the assumed free default language all characters have. If you want to speak a different primary language + English, you need at least 1 dot in linguistics. (You've learned English as a secondary language)

  • Custom category (Player defined, needs approval)


CRAFT: Is the creation of objects or works via the use of various mediums. Usually it is used in an artistic way, though trade crafts may have more practical applications. Craft is often paired with DEXTERITY when it is for practical purposes and CHARISMA when it is for Artistic purposes.

  • Art Work (be it painting or sculpture, or anything else) 

  • Metal Work (Black Smith, crafting melee weapons, trinkets, armours)

  • Gun Smithing (Crafting and attuning Guns)

  • Writing (plays, poems, songs)

  • Carpentry (Everything from whittling a stake to making a totem pole, used by messiahs everywhere)

  • Custom category (player defined, needs approval)


PERFORMANCE: Is the use of ones talents to convey an emotional mood or a message to an audience. This can range from acting to musical performance. Performance is often Paired with CHARISMA when it is vocal, it is performed with DEXTERITY when it is physical.

  • Acting / Public Speaking (Great for actors, liars, etc) 

  • Singing 

  • Music Instrument (This may be 1 instrument or several, up to your liking. At level 5 you quite possibly could master most instruments known to man)

  • Stage/Street Magic (using the tricks of Sleight of hand/distraction/misdirection, puppetry)

  • Dancing

  • Custom category (player defined, needs approval)



OCCULT: Is the knowledge of folk lore, myths, legends as well as the knowledge of old forgotten rituals. It cannot be used to identify supernatural creatures though it may lend itself to a degree of supernatural protection. Occult is often paired with WITS.
NOTE: Occult is required for supernatural awareness checks and for the practice of human sorcery. (not mages, though they do need it to practice & create ROTES) Occult is one of the rare fields that does not require a particular focus as all Occult knowledge shares similarities in theory and practice. However it is recommended that you choose a particular focus for your occult knowledge. Occult can be anything from urban myths and legends to superstitions, to ancient religions or ritual practices. Generally it is a specialized knowledge dealing with those subjects often occulted (blocked) by mainstream or scientific institutions.















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