Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

Vicissitude is the signature power of the Tzimisce, and is rarely shared outside the Clan. Similar to Protean in some ways, Vicissitude allows vampires to shape and sculpt flesh and bone. A wielder of Vicissitude can always reshape her own flesh. The wielder must establish skin-to-skin contact and must often manually sculpt the desired result for these powers to take effect. This also applies to the use of the power on oneself.
Tzimisce skilled in Vicissitude are often inhumanly beautiful; those less skilled are simply inhuman. There are rumors that Vicissitude is a disease rather than a “normal” Discipline, but only the Fiends know for sure, and they aren’t talking.
Vampires may choose to heal the effects of Vicissitude by spending blood as though they were aggravated wounds.
Note: Nosferatu always “heal” Vicissitude alterations, at least the ones that make them better-looking. The ancient curse of the Clan may not be circumvented through Vicissitude. The same applies to physical deformities from the Gangrel Clan weakness.
Vicissitude may also be used to create Szlachta, also known as War Ghoul by deformin g humans or animals or combination of both. For this pick an animal from bestiary and contact Storyteller for the assistance. If using human for war ghoul then Storyteller will create fresh Human Character sheet. You then will need to aquire said NPC through roleplay and apply Flesh Craft and Bone Craft on them for bonuses. This may be used on your ghouls as well, so end results may be extremely terrifying and powerful.
â—‰ Malleable Visage
The user may alter their own body in simple, cosmetic ways. He can be taller or stockier. He can change his voice by reshaping his larynx. He can adopt new skin tone, new eye color, new hair, and so on. The process is not simple; it requires the user to actually craft these changes in his own form, which can be disturbing and painful. True to its name, only flesh (including muscle, fat, and cartilage) can be manipulated with Malleable Visage.
Extended Action (Takes 5 turns to cast)
Costs 1 Blood Point Per Change
Roll Vicissitude + Dexterity, Difficulty 12
Can't be used on others.
This power allows to change your own body features, but it does not transcend the human form (This means you can't make yourself look like a monster)
There are a few notable rules when trying to impersonate someone. First you must score at least 3 successes, and secondly when talking to someone you must roll Performance + Manipulation + Vicissitude versus Perception + Wits. ​
◉◉ Fleshcraft
While Malleable Visage is relatively inoffensive, Transmogrify the Mortal Clay is where Vicissitude’s real power takes shape. Now the Tzimisce may perform dramatic alterations, and not just upon himself, but upon any subject she can subdue long enough to impart her vision. Tzimisce often use Transmogrify the Mortal Clay to craft monstrous servants, torture enemies, and bestow “gifts” upon those who please her.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Blood Point Per Change
Roll Vicissitude + Dexterity, Difficulty 12
Not only it has all of the properties of the Malleable Visage that now can be applied to other people but now you may shape flesh like a clay.
If used on others the target may use either Athletics + Dexterity to dodge or Athletics + Stamina to resist it.
This may be used to:
Extended Action (5 turns)
Add +1 to Someone Charisma by making them extra beautiful
Disfigure someone, removing 1 Charisma per success scored over them.
Clump Flesh for +1 Defense bonus. ​
Tense the muscles for additional +1 HP
Normal Actions
Deal 1 lethal damage per success when used as attack to peal someone's flesh off, smear it, so on.
Blind someone for -3 to all physical actions. However this action does need 3 successes to work.
◉◉◉ Bonecraft
This terrible power allows a vampire to manipulate bone in the same manner that flesh is shaped. In conjunction with Fleshcraft, above, this power enables a Vicissitude practitioner to deform a victim (or herself) beyond recognition. This power should be used in conjunction with the flesh-shaping arts, unless the vampire wants to inflict injury on the victim.
Costs 1 Blood Point Per Change
Roll Vicissitude + Dexterity, Difficulty 12
This allows to bend and shape bones, and all of the options below are usable on self or others.
Vampire may use this to deform or modify self or someone, such as extending limbs, changing shape of the face, or even adding horns and so on. If used on others the target may use either Athletics + Dexterity to dodge or Athletics + Stamina to resist it.
This may be used to hurt others by making their bones rip in or out in a bloody mess. dealing 1 aggravated damage per success scored. Normal Action.
Vampire may grow talons or claws for +2 attack roll bonus and aggravated damage capability. Free Action on self and Extended Action (5 turns) on others.
Grow defensive quills and spikes that will inflict 1 lethal damage to anyone that hits them with unarmed combat and scores less than 3 successes. Free Action on self and Extended Action (5 turns) on others.
Fortify your bones as inner cage for +1 to defense rolls. Free Action on self and Extended Action (5 turns) on others.
Vampire may also pull bones out to form literal bone melee weapons (knifes, swords, axes). Normal Action.
1 success = small blade with +1 to attack rolls
2 successes = medium blade with +2 to attack rolls
3 successes = large blade with +3 to attack rolls
◉◉◉◉ Horrid Form
Kindred use this power to become hideous and deadly monsters that reflect the individuals path of Metamorphosis. Some look like certain animals, while others like indescribable horrors. ​
Normal Action
Costs 2 Blood Points
Adds +3 to Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina rating. The damage that vampire deals in this form turns aggravated. ​​This does not stack with any other Fleshcract or Bonecraft bonuses. ​
◉◉◉◉◉ Bloodcraft
A vampire with this power can physically transform all or part of her body into sentient vitae. This blood is in all respects identical to the vampire’s normal vitae; she can use it to nourish herself or others, create ghouls, or establish blood bonds. If all this blood is imbibed or otherwise destroyed, the vampire meets Final Death.
Normal or Extended Action
Costs 1 Blood Point
TAKES 3 turns to transform( spending additional blood points speeds up the process 1 turn per blood point)
DURATION: Lasts until dawn or vampire chooses to turn back.
When transforming each body part transforms into 2 Blood Points, with entire body being total of 10 Blood Points. If vampire uses any of the blood while in this form then they must spend equal amount to regrow their body part(s).
A vampire entirely in this form may not be staked, cut, bludgeoned, or pierced, but can be burned or exposed to the sun. The vampire may ooze along, drip up walls, and flow through the narrowest cracks. If all of the blood points are destroyed then vampire meets final death.
This also allows to give your blood acid like properties that deal aggravated damage, 1 per blood point drank. This also means that vampire may turn into poll of acid blood and damage someone with it by rolling Vicissitude + Dexterity vs Athletics + Dexterity.
◉◉◉◉◉ The Body Impolitic
Arguably the most ghoulish of Vicissitude’s gifts, The Body Impolitic allows the user to invest a portion of her sentience in the flesh of her body, then sever it from the trunk to do the Tzimisce’s bidding.
Normal or Extended Action
Costs 1-5 Blood Point
TAKES 2 turns to separate an appendage
DURATION: till appendage is destroyed
Vampire may separate their body parts, infusing them with their blood and creating an extension of themsleves like this. Vampire may grow additonal features on those body parts like an eye on a hand or a mouth, to spy or deliver a message. Vampire may then regrow their own appendages as normal while still having the servants created from their body parts active.
=========================[GENERATION 7 ONLY]=========================
Generation 7 characters who have achieved ranks 1-thru 5 in this discipline may purchase ONE of the following disciplines below. The character may buy all level 6 ranks providing it is an IN CLAN discipline.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Chiropteran Marauder
Similar to Horrid Form, the Chiropteran Marauder is a terrifying, bipedal bat, bearing a wickedly fanged maw and veined, leathery wings. This power confers all of the benefits of the Horrid Form, in addition to a few others. The mere sight of the marauder is enough to make mortals or weak-willed vampires flee in horror.
Prerequisite: Horrid Form
Normal Action
Costs 3 Blood Points
Adds +4 to Strength, +3 Dexterity, and +3 Stamina rating. The damage that vampire deals in this form turns aggravated. Allows vampire to fly.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Entrail Saraband
Turn your bowels into writhing tendrils
Free Action
Costs 2 Blood Points and 1 HP
This turns your literal guts into tentacles or snake like tendrils as they come out from either your stomach or your back. +2 to Attack rolls.
=========================[GENERATION 6 NPC ONLY]=========================
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Cocoon
The Cainite can form an opaque cocoon from blood and other fluids excreted from her body. The cocoon hardens after a few moments, turning into a tough, white shell. This cocoon provides considerable protection to the vampire, even shielding her from sunlight and, to a limited degree, fire.
Normal Action
Costs 3 Blood Points
Roll Vicissitude + Stamina, Difficulty 16
Takes 3 turns to do ragardless if you spend 3 blood right away or turn by turn.
Protects from sunlight and has double of amount of HP and defense of a vampire that uses it.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Kraken's Kiss
Transform your face into a tentacle that can drain blood
Allows to drain blood at double the amount per turn.