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Story Telling


You do not need to join a faction to enjoy the nocturne experience, however these factions do represent the real world of the world of darkness. While individual species do have their own storylines that will occasionally spring up, factions intersect across all species and can affect -individuals- in various different ways. Though they are seemingly "institutions" of the mundane world, all characters regardless of species inhabit the mundane world in some form or are affected by actions occurring in the real world.

  • Wraith maybe a slight exception on a day to day basis., though factions -can- effect their fetters or relate to their passions, both of which reverberate loudly across the shroud. A wraith obviously can't be arrested, but its fetters can be impounded/ arrested!


To find out more about these individual factions click the pictures below. Note both groups are open enrol in world, though you must be a member of the main nocturne group in order to join one of these groups.


Promotions in group are earned and will be assigned based on "ROLEPLAY". If you do not -do the basics- then you will not qualify.


  • We can't have idle hands as soldiers or fixers or Kingpins. 

  • Merely seeking titles will not gain you a title.

  • As with all jobs, there are expectations and the roles have clearly defined job expectations. If you do not perform, you will be removed from the position.

  • These aren't vanity roles. They are ROLE PLAY TOOLS. To drive roleplay.










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