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There are two sets of background. Ones that can be bought with XP later, as well as those that CAN'T be. 

GEAR has no function for a WRAITH if he wishes to start with any GEAR he must purchase from RELICS & ARTIFACTS page.


                              Can be bought with XP                               



IRON WILL (1 - 5): +1 to Resolve rolls for each level ( 30 XP Per Level )

Note: Useful for resisting most mind control effects BUT this will add +1 difficulty to your Cantharis roll per level.



QUICK THINKING (1 - 5): +1 to Wits rolls for each level ( 30 XP Per Level )



ACUTE SENSES: +1 to Perception rolls ( 30 XP )​



BLIND FIGHTING: Ignores blindness penalties ( 30 XP )


WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: +1 to specific weapon type rolls. (Must specify the weapon, such as hand gun, knife, sword, etc) 

( 30 XP )​


LUCK BE A LADY:  Get one reroll per Scene. However you can't reroll a botch ( 30 XP )


AMBIDEXTROUS: Allows to dual wield weapons. This has really no effect when mixing 1 ranged and one melee weapon beside removing a need to spend a turn swapping weapons. However when using two one handed melee or long range weapons, this adds +2 to attack rolls. (No, you don't combine both weapons, just use one weapon bonus +2 from Ambidextrous)

( 30 XP )​



QUICK REFLEXES: Allows to draw weapon(s) and act in same round, as well as perform some quick actions called by Storyteller.

( 30 XP )​




MARTIAL ARTS ( 30 XP per move )​

Martial arts allow you to use different combat moves and bonus. These moves are unnamed so that you may pick your own fighting style and apply that move in that style (Ex: A counter attack for boxing could be cross counter while same counter attack for karate could be a karate chop.) NOTE: UNARMED COMBAT ONLY


  • Passive Moves are always on

  • Active abilities must be declared when used.


Combat Stance: Passive +1 to attack and defense rolls.


Full On Defense: Active Skip your own action in order to reroll your failed defense roll. 


Offensive Move: Active +2 to next attack roll but -2 to next defense roll.


Defensive Move: Active +2 to next defense roll but -2 to next attack roll.


Knock Out: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock a mortal out (does not work on shifters or undead). 


Counter Attack: Passive If your opponent botches an attack on you, then you may immediately hit them back. Your counter attack is treated as regular attack in terms of defense against it. 


Counter Throw: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on defense roll, throw your opponent down to the ground, dealing 1 minor damage to then. 


Knock Down: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock an opponent down to the ground. 


Staggering Attack: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, the opponent suffers a penalty of -3 to attack/defense rolls for next turn. 


Grappler: Passive +3 to all grapple rolls, defensibly or offensively. 


Prone Mastery: Passive When you are down, you do not suffer penalties. 


Kick Off: Passive Allows to get back up without sacrificing an action, however you do suffer penalty of -1 to all physical moves for that round. 


Disable Limb: Active During your grapple roll or while having someone in a hold you may roll a grappler attack to twist and disable someone's limb. This attack works with 3+ successes scored, giving your opponent a penalty of -2 to all physical actions for the scene. 


Disarm: Active Upon scoring 3+ successes on attack you forfeit doing damage but you disarm your opponent of the weapon they hold. 




                              CANT be bought with XP                              







It might be the desire of every living person to be remembered, but human memories are the very lifeblood of wraiths. Some individuals are remembered by few, some by many (this is covered by the Background Memoriam), but there are cases where a wraith’s works are remembered long after her name has been forgotten. The Legacy Background covers this sort of memory, representing a wraith’s creations that have lived on after her death. A Legacy can represent a variety of different things, from hard objects — buildings, statues, 1,000 planted trees — to less tangible things such as an art collection, a political theory, or a word that has become common usage.


Once per week  a wraith can try to gain focus and comfort from her Legacy. To do so, the wraith must travel to the site of the Legacy (or some important place associated with it in the case of intangible Legacies)




1 success heals 1 point of  Bashing damage.

2 successes heals 1 point of Lethal damage.

3 successes heals 1 point of Aggravated Damage

This represents a process of confirmation and affirmation for the wraith, the physical manifestation of which is healed Corpus.


ADDITIONALLY: Wraith who lose all Fetters are LOCKED to the UNDERWORLD and cannot enter SHADOWLANDS (or by extension SKINLANDS)

Those wraith with LEGACY and no fetters,  can visit their legacy site one night per dot of legacy per week. But they cannot visit any location outside of this. For purposes of this benefit, the Legacy site must be restricted to a single building (1-3 dots) Street (4 dots) park (5 dots)

NONE:      No trace remains that you ever lived.
â—‰              A painting of yours hangs somewhere on the wall of an obscure gallery.
◉◉           You funded a building on a college campus.
◉◉◉        You reseeded a devastated forest area through which people pass every day.
◉◉◉◉     You designed the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty. (A famous Nocturne Landmark either way)

◉◉◉◉◉  An important idea in modern life is attributed to you. Perhaps you founded a religion or a political movement, or created a popular social media app.




The essence of the dead is hard to define, but Pathos stems directly from emotion, and the emotion that the living feel for the dead is expressed as memory. After all, memory is the way in which the living interact with the dead. People have a tendency to remember those who are lost in strange ways, or to project thoughts and feeling onto those who are no longer there to represent themselves. Some wraiths can take comfort from the fact that they are remembered by many people (though not necessarily fondly).

Others are recalled by few, one, or even none. There is an argument among the dead as to whether it is better for one person to remember you well than for an entire nation to recall your life with hate, envy, or resentment. However, Memoriam makes no judgments. 

Memoriam allows the wraith to access extra Pathos.


The wraith begins each night with 1 point of spendable pathos (Essence Gain) above her PATHOS RANK (Max essence) once spent this pathos is used for the night.

SYSTEM II: MEMORIAM rank is also used in the UNDERWORLD (Barataria Bay) for Breach Witness rolls vs NON WRAITH interlopers.


NONE: You lived and died alone. Few, if any, even remember your name. Alternatively, you lived so long ago that all memories of you have faded 
â—‰             One person remembers you. Perhaps you have a road side memorial somewhere
◉◉          A handful of people remember you on occasion.
◉◉◉       A stretch of highway is named after you, or perhaps a beloved local park.
◉◉◉◉    A community, organization, or company has you on 
its roll of honor — or curses your name

◉◉◉◉◉ You have legendary status in an entire nation (or more).This level of recognition is far easier to achieve in a negative light than in a positive




Eidolon is a measure of spiritual fortitude. It is an indication of special potential in a particular wraith to resist the temptations, assaults, and insults of the Shadow. While it does not necessarily suggest that a wraith is objectively good or even moral, it does reveal a wholesome knack for metaphysical resistance. Eidolon is tied to a wraith’s Psyche, and some Eidolons are so strong as to manifest occasionally as a separate entity, much like the Shadow does. Most, however, are firmly integrated into a wraith’s Psyche. A wraith with a high Eidolon rating does not necessarily possess special insight into the workings of her Shadow (although she may), but may instead have some special ability to stave off the Shadow’s attempts to drag her to Oblivion. 

Each point of Eidolon represents a bonus a wraith can use during CATHARSIS ROLLS.

There are also situational instances within the wraith rules where Eidolon may come in useful, but mainly Eidolon is used for Catharsis .

NONE:  Like most of the Restless, you face your Shadow alone.

â—‰            You can sometimes second guess your Shadow.

◉◉         You can mount a successful resistance to one of your Shadow’s ploys

◉◉◉       Spiritually tough; your Shadow must work hard to influence you.

◉◉◉◉    You see through all your Shadow’s stratagems, and occasionally counter them.

◉◉◉◉◉ Your Shadow must choose its moment carefully or waste all its efforts.

















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