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All vampires possess a preternatural constitution that makes most normal damage inconsequential. Fortitude bestows a resilience and vigor far beyond even normal vampiric toughness. Kindred with this power ignore the mightiest punches and barely feel hails of bullets. This Discipline also helps protect against sources of damage even vampires fear, such as sunlight, fire and terminal falls. Gangrel, Ravnos and Ventrue possess this potent ability. Gangrel enjoy the benefit of Fortitude as a matter of course, but Ravnos and especially Ventrue delight in the power's psychological effects. It's not unusual for a Ventrue to take a "fatal" blow, giving his opponent just enough time to register the vampire's smile before the Ventrue finishes off the shocked victim.




â—‰ Resilience

Endowed with supernatural endurance, the user can strengthen their physical resolve.



Adds +1 to Stamina per level of Fortitude. Each level may grant the bonus only once. 





◉◉ Unswayable Mind

The user gains a mystical ability to resist any attempts to sway them through mundane charms, coercion, and wiles. Some exhibit Unswayable Mind as zen-like calm, others as supernatural stubbornness.



Adds +1 to Resolve per level of Fortitude. Each level may grant the bonus only once. 





◉◉◉ Defy Bane

By preparing themselves with an expenditure of power, the vampire can make themselves tresistant to fire and sunlight as well as other grievous wounds that would threaten them with Final Death.


Free Action

Costs 1 Blood Points

Duration: A Scene

With this power active vampire turns the aggravated damage type into lethal. Essentially what it does is removing the static +1 damage that aggravated damage does to vampires. 







◉◉◉◉ Prowess From Pain

Injuries and impairments now only fuel the powers of the vampire, who grows stronger and faster from each blow, rend, or tear received. Only utter destruction can stop one who calls upon this Fortitude power.


Free Action

Costs 1 Blood Point

Duration: A Scene

Upon activating the power the vampire no longer suffers any penalties from damage sustained, such as physical Impairment. Additionally, they can increase one Physical Attribute by one 1 for every 3 Damage taken, however the attribute can't exceed level 6.  





◉◉◉◉◉ Flesh Of Marble

The power of the Blood causes the skin of the vampire to harden, taking on a marble-like sheen that is still supple but stops almost any blow before momentarily breaking and reforming. A vampire using this power is almost impossible to destroy outright, barring a lucky blow or physical restraint.


Free Action

Costs 2 Blood Points

Duration: 1 Turn

Vampire ignores one physical attack per 2 Blood Points spent. 



◉◉◉◉◉ Shatter

When a fist hits concrete, it’s usually the fist that breaks. So it is with this power, where a vampire turns a blow against the one delivering it. This power has been known to break weapons and shatter bones.


Free Action

Costs 1 Blood Point

Duration: A Scene

Upon scoring a natural roll of 1-5 the opponent takes 1 lethal damage if they attacked you via unarmed means. If they used a melee weapon then it breaks, unless it is a magical or mythical weapon. 


=========================[GENERATION 7  ONLY]=========================

Generation 7 characters who have achieved ranks 1-thru 5  in this discipline may purchase ONE of the following disciplines below. The character may buy all level 6 ranks providing it is an IN CLAN discipline. â€‹



◉◉◉◉◉  â—‰  Curse The Laurel

An unusual application of Fortitude, this power allows a Vampire who has been successfully staked to slowly restructure her very heart around the offending stake so that it ceases to paralyze the Vampire.


Normal Action:

Roll Stamina + Fortitude, Difficulty 14

Spend 2 Blood Points 

The stake comes out in 1 week at 1 success, in a day at 2 successes, and in 1 turn in 3 successes. 


=========================[GENERATION 6  NPC ONLY]=========================


◉◉◉◉◉  ◉◉ Shared Strength 

It's one thing to laugh off bullets, rather another to watch the ricochets mow down everyone around you. Many Kindred have wished, at one time or another, that they could lend their monstrous vitality to those around them. Those few vampires who have mastered Shared Strength can — if only for a little while.


Spend 1 blood point per Dot of Fortitude to be shared.

Roll Stamina + Fortitude : Difficulty  12+ (normal mortal)) 14+ not a normal mortal.

Shared Strength duplicates a portion of a vampire's Fortitude (one dot for every point of blood the vampire spends) to another being.

the vampire must mark his target by pressing a drop of his blood onto the target's forehead. This stain remains visible as long as the power is in effect, the duration of which is determined by the initial roll. The target of this power need not be willing to accept the benefit to receive it, and the bestowing vampire can end the effect at any time for no cost. Particularly sadistic Kindred have come up with any number of ways in which a target's "devil's mark" and supernatural endurance can be used to land him in a great deal of trouble. A vampire can never bestow more levels of Fortitude than he himself possesses.


Successes  Result

1             One turn

2             One scene

3             One day

4             Two days

5             Three days

6             One week









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