Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

Vampires that master the Potence Discipline possess physical strength beyond mortal bounds. This Discipline is responsible for the legends of vampires possessing the strength of 10 men. Potence allows vampires to leap great distances, lift massive weights and strike opponents with terrifying force.
Even the lowest ranks of this power gift the Kindred with physical might beyond mortal bounds. More powerful immortals have been known to leap so far they seem to be flying, throw or toss cars aside like tin cans, and punch through concrete as if it were cardboard. In the Dark Ages, vampire nobles have been known to break open fortress gates with their bare hands and cut war horses in two with one stroke of a great sword.
â—‰ Prowess
Vampires with Potence gain far greater strength from their Blood than those who lack it.
Adds +1 to Strength per level of Potence. Each level may grant the bonus only once. ​​
This also turns your unarmed damage into lethal type. As well as allows you to leap a 20 meters distance horizontaly or vertically.
◉◉ Uncanny Throw
The vampire has learned how to channel her massive strength throughout her body to throw large objects at great distances and small objects beyond sight.
Normal Action
The Kindred may throw a small object for 50 meters and may throw larger objects, such as human, for 20 meters. Strength + Athletics Roll.
This ability is upgraded as you gain more levels in Potence.
At level 3 Potence you may throw a motorcycle sized objects for lethal damage.
At level 5 Potence you may throw car sized objects (for aggravated damage.
◉◉◉ Brutal Feed
Known as the “Savage Kiss”, this power allows the user to employ an unholy inner strength when draining a victim. In mere seconds, the attacker swallows torrents of blood while mauling the victim. The result is an efficient, if messy, feeding often employed in the heat of battle where the mangled remains of the victim can be disguised.
Normal Action
ROLL STRENGTH + BRAWL vs Opponents Defense move.
The vampire drains blood like usually, 1 per success scored, however they rip the victims flesh causing 2 aggravated damage from the bite.
◉◉◉◉ Fist Of Caine
The vampire’s bare hands can inflict grievous injuries, lethal to both mortals and other vampires. They can dismember, pierce, impale, decapitate, and even rip a heart out of the chest.
Free Action
Duration: a Scene
Turn your Unarmed or Melee Damage into Aggravated Damage. ​
◉◉◉◉◉ EarthShock
Their strength an elemental force, the vampire can slam their fist or foot into the ground, creating a shockwave that throws their opponents prone. One of the more dramatic applications of Potence, this power needs to be carefully employed, lest the user literally bring the house down upon themselves.
Normal Action
Vampire rolls Strength + Brawl, Difficulty 10, everyone within 10 meter radius roll Dexterity + Athletics Difficulty 10.
Attacker's Successes - Defenders Successes = Effect.
If victim scores more successes then nothing happens to them.
If victim loses the roll by 1-2 successes then they lose their footing, resulting in forfeiting their action.
If victim loses the roll by 3+ successes then victim falls down, losing their actions and having to spend a turn getting up.
This power causes significant collateral damage. If used on the ground, the earth cracks. If used indoors, furniture breaks and mirrors shatter. On anything but the ground floor the floor might shatter, causing everyone within the radius to plummet to the floor below.
=========================[GENERATION 7 ONLY]=========================
Generation 7 characters who have achieved ranks 1-thru 5 in this discipline may purchase ONE of the following disciplines below. The character may buy all level 6 ranks providing it is an IN CLAN discipline.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Crush
The vampire with this refined application of Potence knows just how to apply her deadly strength to destroying inanimate objects.
Normal Action:
SPEND: 2 Blood Points
Destroy any object up to human size with a single attack. This comes in handy when you wish to break through walls easily or destroy someones weapon or armor.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Relentless Pursuit
This power improves Soaring Leap
Normal Action:
SPEND: 1 Blood Points
You may perform two leaps in the same turn.
=========================[GENERATION 6 NPC ONLY]=========================
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Brutality
With this level of power, the Cainite’s hands move through flesh the way a mortal’s moves through packed sand.
Free Action:
SPEND 2 Blood Point
The attacks from kindred become so dangerous that they may not be blocked or parried, only dodged.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Immovable Object
The vampire’s strength is such that her force of will alone is enough to make her an immovable object, whether or not she has something to hold on to. She can lock herself in place, clinging onto where she stands with the power of her mind. Using this ability, she can resist any attempt to shift her by telekinesis or physical strength. She digs in, holding herself in place with her will alone.
Free Action:
SPEND 2 Blood Point
DURATION: One Scene or till turned off
If the vampire is standing on a solid surface, she cannot be moved. She might be hit by a truck or a train and not budge an inch (although she will take some hefty damage!). The only way to move her is to destroy the surface she is standing on. This will work if she is on a bridge, but blasting the ground will just leave her standing at the bottom of a crater.