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Corruption Magic


This magic school is known to be more rare to it's nature as it's rituals and spells range from every day curses to crippling body possessions and even ways to decay living, shaving their ears away or withering someones limbs. This magic is rather potent, often used for punishments or to strike the foes down, however due to it's dark nature it often takes a certain mindset for a kindred to fully emerse into such spells.





â—‰ Decay 

This power accelerates the decrepitude of its target, causing it to wither, rot or otherwise break down. The target must be inanimate, though dead organic matter can be affected.


Normal Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 8

If the roll is successful, the inanimate object touched by the thaumaturge ages 10 years for every turn the Kindred touches it, till contact is broken. It takes 1 turn to break wood that way and 2 turns to break metal. 



â—‰ Vertigo

The thaumaturge induces minor disorientation and dizziness through subtle manipulations in the subject's body. Although the physical discomfort is temporary and minor, Tremere have been known to use it on social rivals at the most inopportune times, causing them to lose their aplomb.


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Strength + Brawl vs Athletics + Dexterity

Duration: 1 turn per success

Gives victim -1 penalty to all physical rolls. 



â—‰ Stigma

The most basic of curses, the victim is stricken with an invisible stigma that manifests only in the eyes of those around them. Few can describe its actual form. People shy away from interacting with the marked victim, and will have a hard time taking him seriously. Social interaction becomes difficult, and frustration quickly follows for the accursed.


Resisted Action

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 day

Gives victim a penalty of  -1 per success to all Charisma and Manipulation rolls (max -5). 








◉◉  Widow's Spite

This ritual causes a pain, itch, or other significant (but not deadly) sensation in the subject. Similar in effect to legendary "voodoo doll" effects, this ritual is used more out of scorn or malice than actual enmity. In fact, it requires a wax or cloth doll that resembles the target, which bleeds when the power takes effect.


Resisted Action

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: 1 day

Gives victim a penalty of  -1 per success to all Composure rolls (max -5). 



◉◉  Malady

The thaumaturge causes the victim to suffer intense illness and discomfort, not unlike the plagues and pestilences of history. During the Dark Ages, this power was used to strike down rivals and force them into subservience to the thaumaturge. Cainites likewise feel the pain and suffering from the sickness instilled by the curse. For elder Kindred, this is one of the worst curses: to be stricken down with illness as if a common mortal


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: Victim gets to roll their resist once a day and once they beat the casters roll they wont be affected by it till it is cast again. However the power does not last more than a week. 

Gives victim -1 penalty to all Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina rolls per success scored, (Max. of -3)  



◉◉  Jinx

Vampire must take possession of someones blood and burn that blood to jinx the target. 


Extended Action (takes 3 turns to cast) 

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: till roll is used

Vampire chooses which action to curse and once the victim rolls that action they get -3 penalty to that roll. notify storyteller first. 







◉◉◉  Abated Tooth

All vampires require blood to survive; they depend on mortal vessels for sustenance and the Kiss to maintain their unlives. When Kindred do feed, they usually extend their fangs, to more easily pierce their victim's flesh. By invoking this power, a thaumaturge mystically dulls a subject's fangs, robbing him of the ability to use them effectively. His fangs become so severely blunted that it becomes nearly impossible to effectively pierce flesh, causing affected Kindred to search for alternate methods of feeding.


Resisted Action

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: 1 night per success

While affected by this power, a Kindred may not use the Bite close combat maneuver, and her Kiss ceases to cause ecstasy, instead becoming a "bite."



◉◉◉ Feast of Ashes

Primarily used against wanton or excessive vampires, this power temporarily removes a vampire's dependency on blood. While some would say this negates the Curse of Caine, it reduces the vampire to little more than a wretched scavenger, as he must consume literal ashes, though he gains little sustenance from them.


Resisted Action

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: 1 night per success

The victim of this power can no longer consume blood, vomiting it as he would mortal food or drink. Instead, the victim can eat only ashes. 



◉◉◉  The Bottled Voice

To rob an enemy of her voice strikes into the heart of her identity. This ritual is often used as a public punishment for those rebel souls that refuse to moderate their behavior in court or Elysium. The victim must be immobilized as a crystal bottle is placed over her heart while the caster chants the incantation that draws out the target's voice. Next, the thaumaturge must seal the crystal bottle with wax to trap the voice and complete the ritual. Afterwards, the victim is no longer able to speak or make any sort of verbal sound. This curse can seriously limit a Kindred's powers. Without the ability to speak, disciplines such as Dominate or Presence may be useless to the target, as are blood magic rituals with a verbal component.


Resisted Action

ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 12

To cast the ritual, the thaumaturge must immobilize the victim. This can be done via staking or binding the target. The caster must have unfettered access to the victim while he attempts to draw forth the voice. Once the ritual is complete, the crystal bottle contains the essence of the victim's voice, and she may not speak nor make any verbal sound until the seal or the crystal bottle has been broken. The death of the thaumaturge does not break this curse.







◉◉◉◉  Atrophy 

This power withers a victim's limb, leaving only a desiccated, almost mummified husk of bone and skin. The effects are instantaneous; in mortals, they are also irreversible.


Prerequisite: Decay

Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Strength + Brawl vs Athletics + Dexterity

Upon a success it cripples the limb by drying it out, giving -3 penalty to all physical rolls. 

This power affects only limbs (arms and legs); it does not work on victims' heads, torsos, etc. If all 4 limbs are affected then the victim can't perform any actions involved hands or legs. 

Do not use this on players that can't revert this without their permission. 



◉◉◉◉  Body Failure

Thaumaturges wielding this frightful power devastating insights into the workings of the body, allowing a complete shutdown of its systems. This sudden biological overload often proves fatal to mortals and damaging to other supernatural beings. Body Failure has been used throughout the ages to afflict victims in "natural" and inconspicuous ways. Many cases "fatal palsy" and natural death may indeed be the result of a skilled thaumaturge.


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: 1 turn per success

By simply looking at someone vampire may send victims body into serious of cramps and contortions. This gives victim a -2 penalty to all physical rolls per success scored over them. At 3+ successes victim also suffers 1 normal damage per turn.



◉◉◉◉  Corrupt Body

This powerful curse is invoked by the thaumaturge, who approaches the victim and denounces his physical form. Over the course of seconds, the victim’s body distorts and perverts into a parody of itself. During this transformation, the victim suffers extreme pain that wracks his body. This defilement leaves behind a victim scarred both physically and mentally. Recently, Camarilla princes have had this power used upon violators of the Traditions to enforce their will; a graceful Kindred dancer reduced to an uncoordinated oaf is not likely to forget his mistakes


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: 1 day per success

Vampire chooses which stat to affect with -3 penalty, Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma. 






◉◉◉◉◉ Turn to Dust 

This fearsome power accelerates decrepitude in its victims. Mortals literally crumble to dust at the mere touch of a skilled thaumaturge, aged beyond death and into putrefaction.


Requirement: Atrophy

Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point.

ROLL Strength + Brawl vs Athletics + Dexterity

Each turn that vampire holds on victim they age that victim for 10 years.  If the victim succeeds, he does not age at all. Each turn of successful hold on the victim will give them a penalty of -1 to Strength, Stamina, and Dexterity.

Do not use this on players that can't revert their age without their permission. 



◉◉◉◉◉ Marionette

The thaumaturge invoking Marionette gains such mastery over the body that he can magically seize control of another being and manipulate her actions to suit his own whims. Although this control is not as fine as the direct and personal command of the Dominate power of Possession, the thaumaturge's true body is not as vulnerable during the manipulation. Once established, the Marionette victim is under the complete sway of the thaumaturge, forced to perform as the thaumaturge's macabre pawn. As Gepetto once moved Pinocchio's strings, so the thaumaturge bends his target to his will.


Requirement: Body Failure

Resisted Action

SPEND 2 Blood Points

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: 1 turn per success

This power works on someone in line of sight, taking control of someones body. The victim feels like someone moving their body for them in very unnatural way and due to the contortions all their actions come at -3 penalty. This takes full concentration, meaning thaumaturge may not take other actions while controlling someone. 



◉◉◉◉◉ Valediction

Many Sabbat rightfully fear this power, though none has ever seen it used. It levies a punishment for breaking one of Caine's greatest commandments - the ban against diablerie. As most Sabbat attain their power and station through some measure of diablerie, they must reconcile their beliefs with the admonitions of Caine, and this power engenders a great sense of humility.


Resisted Action

SPEND 2 Blood Points

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics

Duration: A Scene

When this power takes effect, the subject immediately reverts to her original generation.



◉◉◉◉◉ Fall from Grace

The magus is now able to curse his victim with supreme ineptitude, causing a loss in confidence and failings in any and all tasks. Striking a combination of mystical dread and self-loathing in the victim, failure becomes almost a certainty. Fate and circumstance now conspire to prevent prosperity. Victims of this power often retire from the normal activities of their lives as nothing goes right; relationships fall apart, jobs crumble around them, and accidents seem to become commonplace.


Resisted Action

SPEND 2 Blood Points

ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 day per success

Raises a Botch threshold to natural 1-4 rolls. 



◉◉◉◉◉ Severed Hand

The Arm of Clan Assamite created this ritual as a means of showing mercy to criminals that deserved punishment, but not the Final Death. Severed Hand allows the thaumaturge to permanently sever a part of a restrained Kindred's body in such a fashion as to prevent the vampire from ever regenerating the lost body part. Although the hand is typically the most common appendage removed, this ritual can affect eyes, fingers, tongues, and other body parts.

The most important component is the severed anatomy of the subject, which is why this ritual is almost always performed at the maiming. The Tremere stole the secrets of this ritual and then removed references to the veneration of Haqim. Clan Assamite was quite surprised to learn that Camarilla had adopted the same practices in their courts.


Extended Action

ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 16

This causes 5 damage to a donor and penalty of -3 to all physical actions till it is healed. The servant may be used for spying, as a pet, and such. 













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