Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

True Faith is a power held by the truly devout. With True Faith, for example, a brandished cross can have an effect on a Vampire, Mage, Werewolf or Wraith instead of being merely an empty symbol of the creed. Faith can come from many different beliefs, such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and even virtuous pagans can resist the lure of darkness if their faith is true.
This characteristic is not necessarily increased through experience. Certainly, it may arise as a result of a person’s experience, but it is more vital than that, more a measure of conviction and strength of mind. Nor is it necessarily something that comes from outside the individual, from some God or angel. Whether or not their beliefs are correct, these people believe so unwaveringly that their own conviction protects them.
Some Mages however, theorize that True Faith is really something that may have an external source, which is Channeled by will, the nature of such a source varying for each faithful. According to this theory, although a Celestial Chorister and a Nephandi may both have Faith, the source from which they channel would be distinct.
The way faithful act towards supernaturals vary. It goes from zealous fanatics who will hunt everything thats not human, to ones complete pacifics that do not wish to harm anyone, no matter what. Also somewhere in between there are those that wish to protect but wont go out of their way to exterminate all supernaturals.
â—‰ Any character with Faith may attempt to ward off supernaturals by brandishing a holy symbol or uttering prayers.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
1 - 4 Successes means that supernatural may not physically advance at the faithful and will stay back.
5+ successes means that supernatural will flee the scene.
NOTE: Faithful with one dot of true faith are immune to Delerium and the Fog Of Wraiths.
◉◉ You may bless an object, which results in it becoming more dangerous to supernaturals.
Free Action
By blessing a weapon faithful turns it's damage into aggravated type.
By blessing an icon like a cross they may roll Dexterity + Athletics vs Dexterity + Athletics against the target and if it touches the skin it deals 1 aggravated damage.
By blessing a water (may not be running water), the faithful creates holy water. Which may be splashed at the supernatural at 5 meter range. Roll Strength + Athletics vs Dexterity + Athletics, each success deals 1 aggravated damage to the supernatural.
NOTE: True Faith attacks are the only ones that overrule vampires Fortitude 3 Defy Bane power. True Faith attacks will always deal aggravated damege to supernaturals.
◉◉◉ Intense devotion allows you to detect supernaturals. Such perceptions are intuitive, not perfect – you get feelings that suggest the presence of unclean things, rather than having an automatic Evil / Goodness Detector.
Resisted Action
Roll Wits + Perception vs Composure + Performance
This may not trigger all the time either, which means you don't have to roll it each time someone is around. Only when you are willingly using it.
◉◉◉◉ May not be ghouled. As well as adds +1 to Resolve equal to True Faith rating.
◉◉◉◉◉ The person is so pure, so holy, that they can fill a supernatural with self-loathing, disgust, terror, and even physical pain. Any supernatural hearing the person pray, preach, or recite psalms, or who is touched by the faithful, may be forced to flee immediately.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: a Scene
A vampire who is unable to flee is reduced to a gibbering wreck, flailing on the floor and screaming, sobbing, or begging forgiveness.
A garou would revert to human form and is unable to use rage as they feel like abominations.
A fae will question their existance and reality.
Ghosts or a Spirit will flee anything that they posses or area.
Demons or thralls will run or beg for forgiveness, or even leave their hosts.
End frenzies or bring someone out of madness episode.
True Faith can be frozen by a storyteller if your character displays signs of Sin. Or is more sinful than virtuous. There is no direct marker to this, generally there are 7 sins and 7 virtues. If you character displays more virtue than sin then there isn't that much of a problem. One sin won't land you in faithless land, only displaying 1 virtue will.
Intent is key to maintaining true faith, things out of your characters control , do not count as sins. For example a rape victim still displays chastity, she is not guilty of the sin of lust. If she is overwhelmed with lustful thoughts that lead to her assault, she is still sinless if she was drugged or mentally controlled to act that way. The same rule of thumb applies to any -artificially- induced sinning. The person who induced the sin, is the sinner, never the victim.
Below is a chart of sins and virtues... with loose definitions rather than bench marks. To keep true faith, one must try to keep displaying more virtues than sins.
One can absolve their sin with regular church attendance and confessional.