Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

Path of Thoth
Path of Thoths focuses on self betterment as well as bestowing and sharing your vampiric gifts with others. This path taps into secrets of ancient mystics that found ways to resist frenzy, summon objects from a thin air, and explore benefits of the blood.
â—‰ Typhon's Brew
Most preparations of Setite alchemy begin with this magical, vitae-laced beer. A Lector Priest who does not know how to create Typhon's Brew can forget about pursuing further knowledge of alchemy. This beer sustains ghouls as if it were true vampiric vitae. Vampires can drink it, too, with similar results.
Restores 1 Blood Point per glass drank, as well as intoxicates a vampire.
â—‰ Elemental Strength
The vampire can perceive the spirit world, either by gazing deeply into it or by seeing the presence of nearby spirits as a hazy overlay on the material world, as well as speak to spirits. This power does not allow the thaumaturge to see into the realms of the dead or into the realms of the fae.
Free Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
The player gets +1 Strength and Stamina. The buff lasts for 3 turns. This power cannot be stacked with itself, only prolonged.
â—‰ Readiness
Using Readiness makes the caster able to gain a quicker understanding on a predicament. Enhanced lucidity enlightens the caster, allowing better reactions to changing situations and increased cleverness.
Free Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
Adds +1 to Wits rolls.
â—‰ Scent of the Garou's Passing
By sniffing a strange herbal mixture containing milkweed, wolvesbane and some other more noisome materials, a Kindred can detect the presence of a Garou by smell.
Normal Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 12
Duration: A Scene
Range: 10 Meters
Works as the power describes.
â—‰ Blood Rush
This ritual allows the vampire to create the sensation of drinking blood in himself without actually feeding. The ritual can be used for pleasure, but it is more often used to prevent frenzy when confronted with fresh blood. The vampire must carry the fang of a predatory animal for this ritual to work.
Normal Action
Roll Wits + Occult, Difficulty 10
Blood Rush allows the vampire to resist hunger-based frenzy once, at which point the Cainite feels hungry again (assuming he did before).
â—‰ Communicate With Kindred Sire
By enacting this ritual, the caster may join minds with her sire, speaking telepathically with him over any distance. The communication may continue until the ritual expires or until either party ends the conversation. The caster must possess an item once owned by her sire for the ritual to work.
Normal Action
Roll Wits + Occult, Difficulty 10
Duration: 1 turn per success
This allows to communicate with ones sire telepathically.
◉◉ Principal Focus Of Vitae Infusion
This ritual imbues a quantity of blood within an object small enough for the vampire to carry in both hands. (The object may not be any larger than this, though it may be as small as a dime.) After the ritual is conducted, the object takes on a reddish hue and becomes slick to the touch. At a mental command, the caster may release the object from its enchantment, causing it to break down into a pool of blood. This blood may serve whatever purpose the vampire desires; many thaumaturges wear enchanted baubles to ensure they have emergency supplies of vitae.
Free Action
The item can be used once a day and it comes in form of a pendant that gets a red hue. Once it is activated it restores 1 blood point to whome ever is wearing it, while losing it's red tint.
◉◉ Centering
By invoking this power, the thaumaturge causes a sudden, intense calmness in the subject by whispering soothing words to her. While under this serenity, the target is able to better focus on tasks at hand, ignoring distractions and annoyances, including grave bodily harm.
Magi in fear of frenzy often use this power on themselves to achieve a state of tranquility, as emotions are stifled.
Normal Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Wits + Occult, Difficulty 10
Duration: 1 turn per success
This power is usable on any subject within earshot of the thaumaturge. The target is unaffected by any effect that gives penalties. This includes wound penalties, situation modifiers and Disciplines. Modifications to difficulty numbers still apply during this time, however.
In addition, due to the unnatural serenity that this power bestows, the target receives +2 to all attempts to avoid frenzy. Lupines may even be calmed from their murderous rampage if five or more successes are scored on the activation roll.
◉◉◉ Swallow the Tail
The vampire may draw shed blood from your surroundings to them.
Normal Action
ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 10
Each success gives 1 Blood Point. However be mindful of the scene. Blood must be actually spilled for this to happen and it needs to be a decent wound, not a cut on a finger.
◉◉◉ Conjuring
nvoking objects "out of thin air" has been a staple of occult and supernatural legend since long before the rise of the Tremere. This Thaumaturgical path enables powerful conjurations limited only by the mind of the practitioner.
Normal Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 12
This power allows to conjure objects from a thin air and then send the same object back whenever vampire desires. There are limitations of course to this power as vampire may not conjure anything large or reverse conjure objects that they did not summon to begin with.
◉◉◉ Opening the Gate
This ritual prepares a corpse so that it becomes a focus for the Setite's magic. If the corpse is not already mummified according to ancient Egyptian tradition, it must undergo the procedure before the ritual begins. This process alone can take several nights, and is usually performed by a coven of Setite priests and sorcerers.
Once the body is prepared, the ritualist begins the ceremony by verbally recounting the victory of Set over Osiris, and informing the corpse of Set's subsequent penetration of the Western Lands and the powerlessness of Osiris to stop his progress. He arranges the canopic jars in reversed order, placing the jar that's supposed to be positioned to the west of the body to its east, and so on. The ritualist then saws open the corpse's chest cavity and breaks open the ribcage. He severs the corpse's spine and drills dozens of hooks into the corpse. Into the hooks he threads catgut strings, which he then attaches to a metal frame around the mummy. The sorcerer pulls the strings tight, forcing the body into a tortured position.
Extended Action (takes 5 turns to perform)
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 10
A successful Setite now possesses a means of siphoning energy from the Western Lands. He may at any time increase his blood pool by 3.
If anyone destroys the corpse or unstrings it from the frame, the Setite loses the extra blood points.
◉◉◉◉ Dual Thought
With the rigors of concentration required to learn Thaumaturgy, many Tremere are able to take quick and complete control of a situation. With this power, the thaumaturge is able to divide his attentions to two completely separate tasks without problems. As One-Tracked Mind forces the subject’s attention into a single objective, Dual Thought expands the thaumaturge’s concentration to the point that focus upon two goals is possible.
Normal Action
Spend 1 Blood Point
Successful use of Dual Thought allows the caster to take an extra action during his turn. This is restricted to mental actions, be it the use of Disciplines such as the use of Auspex or Thaumaturgy, or the contemplation of some problem, If the character is using both actions to solve a problem, he has two separate dice pools to draw from. These two actions happen at the same times, as determined by the initiative rating of the character.
◉◉◉◉ Cycle of the Midgard Serpent
Allows your ghoul to progress 1 additional level in chosen from you discipline.
Normal Action
Spend 1 Blood Point
While ghouls are generally limited to having only first level disciplines, this allows your ghoul to pick up level 2 in a single discipline.
◉◉◉◉ Inanimate Form
The vampire can take the shape of any inanimate object of a mass roughly equal to her own. A desk, a statue or a bicycle would be feasible, but a house or a pen would be beyond this power's capacity.
Normal Action
Spend 1 Blood Point
The transformation takes one turn, during which the user may take no other actions unless they have extra actions from celerity.
This power lasts for the remainder of the night, although the character may return to her normal form at will.
◉◉◉◉◉ Cheat the Scale of Hades
Setitye performs an operation by opening their own chast cavity or by doing it to others, removing the heart.
Extended Action (takes 5 turns to perform)
Makes vampire immune to staking and giving +3 bonus to all frenzy resist rolls.
◉◉◉◉◉ Duality
The thaumaturge can now fully interact with the spirit world. While using this power, he exists on both planes of existence at once. He is able to pick up objects in the physical world and place them in the spirit world and vice versa. Beings and landscape features in both realms are solid to him, and he can engage in any manner of interaction. He can even use Thaumaturgy and other Disciplines in either world. This is not without its dangers, however; One misstep and the vampire can find himself trapped in the spirit realm with no way to return home. Several incautious thaumaturges have starved into torpor while trapped on the other side of the barrier that separates the physical and spirit realms.
Prerequisite: Hermetic Sight
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 12
On a success vampire may exist in both planes at once.
◉◉◉◉◉ Perfect Clarity
Perfect Clarity brings about a Zen like moment of unimpeded insight for the thaumaturge. Pure focus is achieved, thought and action become one, and the complete serenity of mind descends upon the Kindred Magus. This lucidity protects the thaumaturge from influences both internal and external; even the Beast within is unable to rage forth.
Some practitioners have likened use of this power with the state of Golconda (theoretically, of course) but the upper Tremere hierarchy denies this as much as they deride the existence Golconda itself.
Normal Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 14
Duration: A Scene
All difficulties go down by -2. Kindred also gets +2 bonus to any mental or emotional resist rolls. The Kindred is also immune to frenzy and Rotschreck from all sources, even by supernatural means.
◉◉◉◉◉ Apep's Transformation
Transform a ghoul of yours into a great serpent capable of understanding human speech.
Prerequisite: Cycle of the Midgard Serpent
Normal Action
SPEND 2 Blood Point
ROLL Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 14
Duration: A Scene
Ghoul gains +2 to Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Athletics, and Perception rolls. The damage they deal is aggravated due to a poison, and upon first bite the victim will be also poisoned, suffering penalty of -2 to all physical rolls.
◉◉◉◉◉ Weather Control
Command over the weather has long been a staple power of wizards both mortal and immortal, and this path is said by many to predate the Tremere by millennia. The proliferation of usage of this path outside the clan tends to confirm this theory; Weather Control is quite common outside the Tremere, and even outside the Camarilla. The area affected by this power is usually rather small, no more than three or four miles in diameter, and the changes the power wreaks are not always immediate.
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 16
The effect of the weather depends on the number of successes scored.
Successes Result
Failure Nothing happens
1 Summon Fog or Rain or Snow: -3 to all perception rolls.
2 High Winds stars: -3 to all physical rolls.
3 Storm stars: -3 to all physical and perception rolls.
4 Lightning Storm: -3 to all physical and perception rolls. The user may also call lightning upon a single foe at the time. Rolling bonus of +20 vs targets usual Dexterity + Athletics roll. This can only be used once per turn.
NOTE: The effects do not stack with each other.