Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

Path of Revelations
The Path of Revelations is a study of the astral worlds, it taps into spirits and ghosts alike, teaching the practitioner the difference between the two and how they can harness their powers. Priests that focus on this path often trap wraith inside clay figures or even create mummies, while others summon elementals and create powerful items.
â—‰ Sight of the Jackal
Vampire becomes aware of wraiths around them.
Normal Action
Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 10
This skill is essential for several other rituals and powers within Akhu. It allows vampire to see wraith without any difficulties whenever they so desire.
â—‰ Hermetic Sight
The vampire can perceive the spirit world, either by gazing deeply into it or by seeing the presence of nearby spirits as a hazy overlay on the material world, as well as speak to spirits. This power does not allow the thaumaturge to see into the realms of the dead or into the realms of the fae.
Normal Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 10
Allows to see into spirit realm and to communicate with spirits.
◉◉ Wooden Tongues
A vampire may speak, albeit in limited fashion, with the spirit of any inanimate object. The conversation may not be incredibly interesting, as most rocks and chairs have limited concern for what occurs around them, but the vampire can get at least a general impression of what the subject has "experienced." Note that events, which are significant to a vampire, may not be the same events that interest a lawn jockey.
Normal Action
ROLL Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 10
The number of successes dictates the amount and relevance of the information that the character receives. One success may yield a boulder's memory of a forest fire, while three may indicate that it remembers a shadowy figure running past, and five will cause the rock to relate a precise description of a local Gangrel. While a plant might tell you whats been happening around it. (Combined with Herbal Wisdom)
◉◉ Pharaoh's Sentry
Kindred may bind a wraith into a clay statue to act as a servitor.
Prerequisite: Sight of the Jackal
Extended Action (takes 3 turns to perform)
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Art Work + Occult, Difficulty 12
This may be used as an alarm system, alerting the one that created this Sentry of any intruders. The intruders may roll their Wits + Stealth to try to by pass the sentry, Difficulty 25.
◉◉◉ Animate the Unmoving
Objects affected by this power move as the vampire using it dictates. An object cannot take an action that would be completely inconceivable for something with its form - for instance; a door could not leap from its hinges and carry someone across a street. However, seemingly solid objects can become flexible within reason: Barstools can run with their legs, guns can twist out of their owners' hands or fire while holstered, and statues can move like normal humans.
Prerequisite: Wooden Tongues
Normal Action
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 12
Duration: While in sight
This animates one object at the time. This could be as simple as impeding someones movement (roll Dexterity + Athletics to contest for a pass or spend an action), to lock the passage ways, to have weapons try to escape a grip of an owner (Strength + Athletics to contest). Alternatively vampire may animate something to attack something or someone (Ex: animate a chair, table, knife, vines, tree, etc).
Anything human sized or small tree sized have stats or Regular level summon (See Bestiary)
Anything huge sized, such as large oak tree have stats or High level summon (See Bestiary) Houses and vehicles are immune to this.
◉◉◉ Divine Hand
After tasting someones blood and then crafting a doll to represent that person the vampire may deal actual damage to that individual from distance.
Extended Action (takes 5 turns to perform)
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Resolve + Occult vs Stamina + Athletics
Deal 1 Damage per success. This may not be repeated without drinking victims blood again.
◉◉◉◉ Entrap Ephemera
This power allows a thaumaturge to bind a spirit into a physical object. This can be done to imprison the target, but is more often performed to create a fetish, an artifact that allows a user to channel a portion of the spirit's power through it to affect the physical world. Fetishes created by this power are often recalcitrant and fail at inopportune moments, as the spirits within are most displeased with their situation and will take any Opportunity to escape or thwart their captors.
Prerequisite: Hermetic Sight
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 12
The number of successes dictates the level of the fetish that is created. Refer to Garou page for fetishes.
◉◉◉◉ Ushabti
The name of the path comes from the figurines that prosperous Egyptians had buried with them. In the Afterlife, these figurines supposedly became servants who would work for the interred person's soul. Images of objects also became real in the death-realm. Egyptian magicians also brought images to life in this world.
Prerequisite: Sight of the Jackal
Extended Action (takes 5 turns to perform)
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Art Work + Occult, Difficulty 14
Vampire creates a figurine from clay and puts wraith into it, giving it's life.
STATS: Regular Level Summon (Look to Bestiary)
Intellect/Wits: +5
There can only be two Ushabti servants made at any time. They are fully immune to mind control.
◉◉◉◉◉ Summon Elemental
A vampire may summon one of the traditional spirits of the elements: a salamander (fire), a sylph (air), a gnome (earth) or an undine (water). Some Tremere claim to have contacted elemental spirits of glass, electricity, blood and even atomic energy, but such reports remain unconfirmed (even as their authors are summoned to Vienna for questioning). The thaumaturge may choose what type of elemental he wishes to summon and command.
Prerequisite: Hermetic Sight
Normal Action
SPEND 2 Blood Points
ROLL Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 16
The character must be near some quantity of the classical element corresponding to the spirit he wishes to invoke. The spirit invoked may or may not actually follow the caster's instructions once summoned, but generally will at least pay rough attention to what it's being told to do. The number of successes gained determines the power level of the elemental.
Successes Result
Failure Nothing happens
1 Lesser Elemental
2 Normal Elemental
3 Greater Elemental
Once the elemental has been summoned, the thaumaturge must exert control over it. The more powerful the elemental, the more difficult a task this is. The player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 14)
Successes Result
Botch The elemental immediately attacks the thaumaturge.
Failure The elemental goes free and may attack anyone or leave the scene at the Storyteller's discretion.
1 The elemental performs one service, within reason.
2 The elemental performs any one task for the caster that does not jeopardize its own existence.
3 The elemental performs any task that the caster sets for it; even one that may take several nights to complete or that places its existence at risk.
◉◉◉◉◉ The Sorcery of Life
he sorcerer creates a sort of proto-Bane Mummy by corrupting a wraith and putting it into a dead body. That body must be prepared in a ritual.
Prerequisite: Sight of the Jackal
Extended Action (takes 5 turns to perform)
SPEND 1 Blood Point
ROLL Medicine + Occult, Difficulty 16
The mummy is made out of a dead body, wraps, and nails.
STATS: High Level Summon (Look to Bestiary)​