Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

Dominate is one of the most dreaded of Disciplines. It is a vampire's ability to influence another person's thoughts and actions through her own force of will.
Most Dominate powers require eye contact with the victim. Once they establish contact, Dominate holds the gaze of the victim until the user conveys their command or commands, barring interference. Catching the eyes of someone actively attempting to avoid the vampire’s gaze requires a contest of the user’s Charisma + Composure vs the target’s Wits + Composure. It is of course impossible to catch the eyes of someone squeezing their eyes shut or wearing a blindfold, but that person should be easy prey to other tactics.
Using Dominate in combat or in other frantic situations is limited to people attacking or otherwise interacting with the user directly, as everyone else’s attention is firmly focused on their own peril.
Unless the user has supernatural means such as Telepathy (Auspex 4) at their disposal, they must command the victim verbally. The victim must be able to hear the user and understand their language.
Without Terminal Decree (Dominate 5), commands resulting in obvious death or serious injury fail automatically.
Vampires cannot use Dominate to extract information, as the victim becomes a mindless puppet while under its influence. For example, the Compel command “Speak” results in blabbering word salad, while someone Mesmerized to “tell what you know about the assassin” responds “what you know about the assassin.” Dominate cannot make subjects do something they could not do on command, such as “Sleep.”
It is impossible to Dominate another Kindred who is of a lower Generation. Scholars of the Kindred condition suspect that this is one of the protections Caine put in place to protect himself from the whims of his willful childer.
NOTE: When using dominate (with exception of mind wipes) it is quite obvious what you are doing unless it's very insignificant which may slip past someones attention, like saying 'look over there!' while pointing in some direction. Also Rationalize makes all dominate powers hard to recognize.
â—‰ Compel
With eye contact, the vampire can issue the victim a short command, no longer than a short sentence, to be obeyed to the letter.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: 1 Turn per success
If failed to resist the victim carries out the command. While the victim can be told to attack someone, they may not be ordered to harm themselves.
◉◉ Mesmerize
The vampire can issue complex commands to a victim, as long as they have the subject’s gaze and relative quiet in which to issue instructions. This command can either be carried out on a spot or remain dormant till it is triggered by stimuli, such as hearing a specific word(s), or a sound, or seeing something or someone.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Not usable in combat
Duration: Till it is done or target fails during the attempt
This power have many utilities but it is not very useful for combat purposes because it breaks as soon as victim sustains 3+ damage.
◉◉ The Haunting (Dementation Path)
The vampire manipulates the sensory centers of his victim's brain, flooding the victim's senses with visions, sounds, scents, or feelings that aren't really there. The images, regardless of the sense to which they appeal, are only fleeting "glimpses," barely perceptible to the victim. The vampire using Dementation cannot control what the victim perceives, but may choose which sense is affected. They may take the form of the subject's repressed fears, guilty memories, or anything else that is dramatically appropriate. The effects are never pleasant or unobtrusive, The victim may well feel as if she is going mad, or as if the world is.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Point
Drawback: Take on 1 permanent Derangement when buying this power
The number of successes determines the length of the sensory "visitations" 1 day per success, maximum to a week. ((This affect sounds, or visions or taste or smell or even touch))
◉◉◉ The Forgetful Mind
The vampire must catch someones gaze and then they may remove or rewrite memories of said person. The vampire verbally describes the victim’s new memories, which the victim then accepts as their own. This power does not allow the user to investigate the victim’s true memories.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Point
Can't be used in combat
The effect depends on successes
Successes Result
1 May overwrite/remove memory of certain event
2 May overwrite/remove an entire day
3 May overwrite/remove chunks of memories, such as people, places, etc.
5+ May fabricate/remove parts of life
NOTE: If you using it to wipe memories for self defense thats fine, however if you looking to drastically change someones character then consent must be had.
NOTE II: You have to be careful with what you are trying to do. The more complex the fabrication gets the more likely it will break apart eventually. This is why while something like making someone believe that they been in comma for a month and thats why they do not remember anything is possible, but making someone believe that they are entirely new person is not. Also removing important people out of someones life, such as family members also likely wont work for long.
◉◉◉◉ Irresistible Voice
The Presence of the user becomes a conduit for Dominate. The vampire now only needs their voice to be heard in order to employ Dominate powers.
Prerequisite: Presence 1
Costs 1 Extra Blood Point to use Dominate Powers when using this
The user's voice alone is now enough to Dominate a target. This does not apply to voices transmitted through electronic media such as phones, television, or apartment door-buzzer speakers.
◉◉◉◉ Rationalize
The vampire’s victims now believe that anything they do under the influence of Dominate was a result of their own free will, and defend their actions, however absurd.
Costs 1 Extra Blood Point to use Dominate Powers when using this
If pressed on their belief, the victim can make a Resolve + Wits roll (Difficulty 20). A win makes them question their own statement, and possibly their sanity.​​
◉◉◉◉ Voice Of Madness (Dementation Path)
By merely addressing his victims aloud, the Kindred can drive targets into fits of blind rage or fear, forcing them to abandon reason and higher thought. Victims are plagued by hallucinations of their subconscious demons, and try to flee or destroy their hidden shames. Tragedy almost always follows in the wake of this power's use, though offending Malkavians often claim that they were merely encouraging people to act "according to their natures." Unfortunately for the vampire concerned, he runs a very real risk of falling prey to his own voice's power.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Point
Duration: 1 turn per success
Drawback: Take on 1 extra permanent Derangement upon buying this power
Vampire may chose if they want target to ​go mad and try to run or go berserk. If they make target run away, they will attack anyone anyone that gets in their way. A botch would send vampire into frenzy that they tried to invoke on the victim.
◉◉◉◉◉ Mass Manipulation
The vampire can now command entire gatherings of mortals, and in some cases even groups of vampires. The vampire can use this power both to issue instructions and to manipulate memories.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 2 Blood Points
The vampire can amplify any of their other powers to affect groups at once. All of the victims need to see the eyes of the user unless irresistible voice is used.
◉◉◉◉◉ Terminal Decree
No longer hampered by the self-preservation instincts of their victims, the vampire can now issue commands that directly lead to the harm of the victim. Mortals can be made to blow their brains out, jump from rooftops, or swallow poison. Vampires can, with a bit of effort, be made to walk into fire or sunlight.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 2 Blood Points
Remember that while you may command low level NPCs to kill themselves, don't do so with players. If you wish to use this power on a player you may order them to hurt themselves but not to kill themselves. In which case will roll single attack on themselves, Difficulty 14.
◉◉◉◉◉ Total Insanity (Dementation Path)
The vampire coaxes the madness from the deepest recesses of her target's mind, focusing it into an overwhelming wave of insanity. This power has driven countless victims, vampire and mortal alike, to unfortunate ends.
Prerequisite: Obfuscate 1
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Point
Duration: 1 day per success
Drawback: Take on 1 extra permanent Derangement upon buying this power
It affects the victim with a derangement chosen by the vampire.
=========================[GENERATION 7 ONLY]=========================
Generation 7 characters who have achieved ranks 1-thru 5 in this discipline may purchase ONE of the following disciplines below. The character may buy all level 6 ranks providing it is an IN CLAN discipline.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Chain The Psyche
Not content with merely commanding their subjects, some elders apply this power to ensure obedience from recalcitrant victims. Chain the Psyche is a Dominate technique that inflicts incapacitating pain on a target who attempts to break the vampire's commands.
Apply Dominate as usual.
COSTS 1 Blood Point.
Any attempt that the subject makes to act against the vampire's implanted commands or to recover stolen memories causes intense pain. When such an attempt is made,
Each success equals one turn that the victim is unable to act, as she is wracked with agony.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Loyalty
With this power in effect, the elder's Dominate is so strong that other vampires find it almost impossible to break with their own commands. Despite the name, Loyalty instills no special feelings in the victim — the vampire's commands are simply implanted far more deeply than normal.
Any other vampire attempting to employ Dominate on a subject who has been Dominated by a vampire with Loyalty has a -3 penalty to his rolls and must spend an additional blood point.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Obedience
While most Kindred must employ Dominate through eye contact, some powerful elders may command loyalty with the lightest brush of a hand.
The character can employ all Dominate powers through touch instead of eye contact (although eye contact still works). Skin contact is necessary — simply touching the target's clothing or something she is holding will not suffice.
The touch does not have to be maintained for the full time it takes to issue a Dominate command, though repeated attempts to Dominate a single target require the character to touch the subject again.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Memory Block
Leave a target unable to talk about a memory even while able to remember it.
Apply Forgetful Mind as usual.
COSTS 1 Blood Point.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ Lingering Malaise (Dementation Path)
An upgrade to Total Insanity
This doubles the duration of that power, and with consent makes derangement permanent. However it may not be used again on a same target to add more derangements as long as the first one is still active.
=========================[GENERATION 6 NPC ONLY]=========================
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Tyrant's Gaze
Subdue someone through gaze alone
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Points
Duration: A Scene
With a single gaze vampire may give someone a -1 penalty per success to all rolls.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Still The Mortal Flesh
Despite its name, this power may be employed on vampires as well as mortals, and it has left more than one unfortunate victim writhing in agony — or unable to do even that. A vampire who has developed this power is able to override her victim's body as easily as his mind in order to cut off his senses or even stop his heart. It is rumored that this power once came more easily to the Kindred, but modern medicine has made the bodies and spirits of mortals more resistant to such manipulations.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Points
The effect lasts for one turn per success.
The player must choose what function of the target's body is being cut off before rolling. She may affect any of the body's involuntary functions; breathing, circulation, perspiration, sight, and hearing are all viable targets. While Still the Mortal Flesh is in effect, a vampire can either stop any one of those functions entirely or cause them to fluctuate erratically.
Most mortals panic if suddenly struck blind, but only the shutdown of the heart will kill a target on the spot. Vampires are unaffected by loss of heartbeat or breathing, but may be rendered deaf and blind as easily as mortals.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Restructure (Dementation Path)
The elder with this fearsome power has the ability to twist his victims' psyches at their most basic levels, warping their very beings. The subject of Restructure retains her memories, but her outlook on life changes completely, as if she has undergone a sudden epiphany or religious conversion. This effect goes much deeper than the implantation of a derangement; it actually performs a complete rewrite of the victim's personality.
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Points
This effect is permanent and can be undone only by another application of Restructure (though subtle differences from the character's original Nature may still remain, as it is impossible for such a fundamental change to occur flawlessly). A botch on this roll changes the character's own Nature to that of his intended victim.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Childmind (Dementation Path)
Give someone a "psychic lobotomy", reducing their Mental attributes
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Points
Reduce victims Awareness, Composure, Resolve, Perception, and Intuition by 2 for number of days equal to successes scored over their resist roll.
◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉ Mind Of a Killer (Dementation Path)
Temporarily make someone a cold-blooded killer until they take it out on someone
Resisted Action
Roll: Resolve + Dominate vs Resolve + Composure
Costs 1 Blood Points
As description says.