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The Kinain tend to act as a bridge between human and changeling society. A decent-sized freehold has two or three Kinain “on call” for situations too Banal for changelings to handle. They are, as a rule, expected to put their changeling “betters” above all else, and come to the aid of the freehold at the drop of a hat. Unless she’s lucky enough to have a noble for a parent, the Kinain doesn’t get a say in things.


In emergencies, concessions can be made, and commoners are likely to understand if they can’t get assistance right away, but woe be unto the fae-blooded that can’t come when her Queen calls because she has a double shift at work that night. (Of course, in the modern era, even nobles understand enough about mundane life that they sympathize with a Kinain’s situation. Some sidhe feel that even acknowledging non-fae concerns like employment and school is acquiescence to Banality, and refuse to do it lest they undermine their own authority.


Kinain — and even Kithain — stuck in such a freehold have some difficult choices to make.) Traditionalist Kithain often see Kinain as inherently lesser. Such thoughts lead to terrible things happening. A noble with strong views on the use of cantrips might forbid the education of Kinain in even the small amount of magic she can use, for reasons ranging from the political (a strong sense of who is and isn’t fae) to arbitrary (personal distaste for the Kinain). Once again, the children of nobility are often exempt from these laws. Even the most hardline traditionalist in the nobility is forced to admit that having a Kinain in her freehold is a wise choice. Dealing with the Autumn world means dealing with Banality, and it’s much safer to have someone for whom that isn’t an issue rather than risk the lives of one’s dearest allies. Perks aside, most fae-blooded adventure with changelings for the same reason anyone involved in the Dreaming does so: for fun, excitement, and to keep imagination alive in a world that wants to crush it. When one’s options are sitting at home and watching TV, or slaying a dragon with a troll for the elf queen, it’s not a difficult choice. Beyond any singularly selfish reasons, a motley offers friendship, companions, and family.






Rather than kith, Kinain have a heritage. This is the kith of her faerie parent, from which she draws her fae power. In the case of both parents being changelings, which heritage she displays varies, but one always comes to the fore. Any signs of the other parent’s magic are limited to cosmetic attributes. Sometimes the dominant heritage is quickly made obvious through the Kinain’s physical traits, subdued as they may be: A half-sidhe's ears may be slightly pointed, a half-pooka may have a slight animalistic cast to their features, and so on. Although not a true fae mein, these cosmetic traits appear more clearly to those able to perceive chimeral reality. (or in the dreaming as the true soul is revealed for what it is a hybrid of human and fae)  It might instead be that the child doesn’t show any obvious traits from her heritage, and it manifests in personality, instead. A completely average-looking boy or girl winds up fascinated with taking things apart or breaking them, or ordering her peers (and elders) around, and then her heritage is clear.


Birthrights When creating a Kinain, her player is gifted one Birthright from the two that are granted by her heritage’s kith counterpart .Kinain are not able to make use of the more overt Magic Birthrights. Do note, in a lot of cases these are NOT as powerful as the full birth rights, a Kinain IS a watered down changeling after all.



Kinain have 1 Realm Affinity based on their Heritage , the first dot is free.



Noble Bearing — Sidhe carry a quiet dignity at all times. Cantrips designed to humiliate them or make them look foolish automatically fail (that does not prevent cantrips from harming them, of course, they just don’t lose their poise when it happens). Sidhe cannot botch rolls involving Politics and may take one dot in Knowledge (Academics/ Politics) for free.


Craftwork — Boggans can never botch Crafts rolls.


Fighting Words —After only a few moments, a clurichaun can get a read on a person or group, knowing exactly what to say to provoke a fight. Clurichaun view fighting as an ice breaker and a form of rough and- tumble bonding. The clurichaun can prod anyone into throwing the first punch. 

PROVOKED PERSONS ROLL: Composure + Resolve.


SUCCESS: The target is unprovoked and may not be tested again during the scene.

This Birthright can be used to incite a fight between the clurichaun and the target, or between the target and another person. 


​Tale craft -- Eshu can never botch rolls involving persuasion 


Born of the Sea — A morganed is at home in the ocean. While immersed in water, any rolls involving Dexterity are made at a –1 difficulty


Fix-it - Nockers are masters of machines and everyone knows it. add + 1  to any roll for using or repairing  devices


Nimble — The slender, agile bodies of piskies were meant to twist and turn their way out of trouble. Unsurprising that this kith often finds itself in a traveling cirque or as part of some avant-garde group of street performers. Piskies add 1  Dexterity rolls. â€‹â€‹


A pooka can never botch a wits or persuasion roll. Treat all botches using these stats as failures rather than botches.


​​Bully Browbeat — Redcaps are so frightening they can Intimidate anything, from mortals and unenchanted supernatural beings to imaginary or chimerical creatures. The difficulty of all Intimidation rolls is reduced by two, and they can never botch Intimidation rolls. (see social feats)


​​Physical Prowess — Satyrs  can never botch an Athletics roll.


​Ocean’s Grace: Selkies can never botch a Swimming roll.


Sharpened Senses —Sluagh reduce the difficulty for all Perception rolls by one.


Swan’s Blessing:  thanks to their innate grace, they cannot botch Performance rolls. 


Trolls also cannot botch Athletics or Wits rolls.


Industrious --- Witchel cannot botch any rolls involving manual labor. (Manual Labor here is considered tiresome back breaking work like mining or heavy construction work. Performance and fine crafts are not considered manual labor for this Birthright)


Smooth--- Operator, cannot botch Empathy or Manipulation rolls.


Wisdom  -- Dragonkin Kinain cannot botch Occult rolls. 


Ghost In The Machine -- Renegade cogs cannot botch technology rolls.







faerie sight allows a character to sense Glamour in all of its forms, and most importantly perceive chimerical reality. 

Kinain are immune to Delerium and The Fog of Wraiths



Kinain have no Remembrance of previous incarnations including history their previous incarnations witnesses, characters they may have met or places they may have gone in previous incarnations.



(15 points per level cannot be purchased after char gen)

This determines how strongly the character is connected to the fae, and how much fae magic she is capable of using. In other words, this determines how many Arts a Kinain can learn as well as their maximum glamour ranking


— Able to use only one Art and 1 point of glamour
â—‰ Able to learn two Arts and 2 points of glamour
◉◉ Able to learn three Arts and 3 points of glamour
◉◉◉  Able to learn four Arts and 4 points of glamour 
◉◉◉◉  Able to learn five Arts and 5 points of glamour
◉◉◉◉◉ Able to learn six Arts and 6 points of glamour

Glamour Regenerates fully daily and kinain cannot harvest it using the five paths of ephiany




Kinain only get their heritage realm at affinity cost.

All other realms are non affinity and all arts are non affinity.


Rank 1= free , rank 2 = 5xp , rank 3=10xp , rank 4 =15xp , rank 5 = 20xp 

REALM COST               

Rank 1 = 10xp  rank 2 = 15xp, rank 3 =20 xp, rank 4 = 25 xp, rank 5 =30xp

ART COST                   

Rank 1 = 15 xp, rank 2 = 25xp, rank 3 =40 xp, rank 4= 55 xp, rank 5 =70 xp







BANALITY ◉◉◉○○ ○○○○○ (maximum 10)

Banality A Kinain cannot be affected by Banality. She still has a Banality trait, but it only represents how she interact with changelings, and has no effect on the Kinain herself. A Kinain with high or low Banality is treated exactly the same as a mortal with high or low Banality. Kinain begin with a Banality of 3, which is raised or lowered like any other character’s throughout play. Unlike changelings, Kinain don't roll to resist banality, they just pick up the appropriate amount of temporary banality during the scene automatically. If this temporary banality ever reaches 10 in a single incident their permanent banality is raised by 1, permanently.


NOTE: If a Kinain is also following banal paradigms (Such as technocratic convention paradigm for example), it's banality will reflect that of the paradigm, Kinain are NOT inherently anti banal. Banal thought, Banal belief, Banal actions, Banal paradigms = Banality increase!

Technocratic conventions use agents that are "Brainwashed/Indoctrinated/Converted" to support the technocratic paradigm. It has nothing to do with magic, and everything to do with belief!






  • KINAIN can NEVER  use UNLEASHING to enable an art.

  • All Arts wyrd or Chimerical cost 1 glamour for Kinain. They always have to spend glamour.

  • Kinain do not have access to other changeling abilities such as invoking the wyrd or delirious blow.

  • A hung spell or delayed trigger costs double the glamour cost to cast. This represents the limited capacity of a kinain glamour. Economically speaking delayed or hung effects would drastically deplete a kinain limited glamour capacity, as technically the glamour is spent in the past rather than the present.





  • KINAIN can not enchant other characters.

  • KINAIN are themselves permanently enchanted. 




Will cause arts to cease to exist. Deny glamour regeneration, and cut off fae sight

Add 1 permanent point of Banality  to the Kinain.


Once a kinain is free from ghouldom she gradually gets all of her previous abilities back.



Ghouling  will also supress or rather refine  the effects of Changeling Blood to the point where it only acts as a delicious psychedelic opiate.


Vampires who know this trick, often ghoul and enslave Kinain for the purpose of offering a unique and controlled addictive substance.


Better to act as a dealer in rare exotic experience, than to be seen as forcing compliance of kindred by blood bonds, both Anarchs and Sabbat are heavily involved in Ghouled Kinain Trafficking, And rumours persist that Camarilla elders pay handsomely for their very own exotic pets.


This trick does not work on Changelings, only on Kinain, even if it did work on Changelings the Ghouling process would eventually kill the Fae Soul with banality. Banality is not a problem for Kinain.


Camarilla buyers tend to treat their pets better than Sabbat. Gilded Penthouse Cages rather than Literal cages in dark cellars suffering all manner of depraved  tortures, alterations and  humiliations. Anarchs tend to treat the whole trade as another drug/prostitution racket, Paying the Ghouled Kinain with vampire vitae.





















kenning Kenning is faerie sight. It allows a character to sense Glamour in all of its forms. He can recognize the power of cantrips and freeholds, identify “slumbering” changelings, and even discover the elusive prodigals and their magic. This insight is usually an impression. Gremayre is required to know specifics about what the changeling senses. ¶ Novice: Glamour tickles your senses. ¶¶ Practiced: You get impressions from locations that house freeholds. ¶¶¶ Competent: You can recognize an Undone changeling. ¶¶¶¶ Expert: Even the faintest traces of Glamour are clear to you. ¶¶¶¶¶ Master: The world of the supernatural is laid bare before you.



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