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There are two sets of background. Ones that can be bought with XP later, as well as those that CAN'T be. 


                              Can be bought with XP                               



IRON WILL (1 - 5): +1 to Resolve rolls for each level ( 1  Background Point Per Level )



ACUTE SENSES: +1 to Perception rolls ( 1  Background Point )​



QUICK THINKING: +1 to Wits rolls ( 1  Background Point )​



BLIND FIGHTING: Ignores blindness penalties ( 1  Background Point )​


WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: +1 to specific weapon type rolls. (Must specify the weapon, such as hand gun, knife, sword, etc) 

( 1  Background Point )​


LUCK BE A LADY: Get one botch reroll per day. ( 1  Background Point )​


AMBIDEXTROUS: Allows to dual wield weapons. This has really no effect when mixing 1 ranged and one melee weapon beside removing a need to spend a turn swapping weapons. However when using two one handed melee or long range weapons, this adds +2 to attack rolls. (No, you don't combine both weapons, just use one weapon bonus +2 from Ambidextrous)

( 1  Background Point )​



QUICK REFLEXES: Allows to draw weapon(s) and act in same round, as well as perform some quick actions called by Storyteller.

( 1  Background Point )​




MARTIAL ARTS ( 1  Background Point per move )​

Martial arts allow you to use different combat moves and bonus. These moves are unnamed so that you may pick your own fighting style and apply that move in that style (Ex: A counter attack for boxing could be cross counter while same counter attack for karate could be a karate chop.) 


  • Passive Moves are always on

  • Active abilities must be declared when used.


Combat Stance: Passive +1 to attack and defense rolls.


Full On Defense: Active Skip your own action in order to reroll your failed defense roll. 


Offensive Move: Active +2 to next attack roll but -2 to next defense roll.


Defensive Move: Active +2 to next defense roll but -2 to next attack roll.


Knock Out: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock a mortal out (does not work on shifters or undead). 


Counter Attack: Passive If your opponent botches an attack on you, then you may immediately hit them back. Your copunter attack is treated as regular attack in terms of defense against it. 


Counter Throw: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on defense roll, throw your opponent down to the ground, dealing 1 minor damage to then. 


Knock Down: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock an opponent down to the ground. 


Staggering Attack: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, the opponent suffers a penalty of -3 to attack/defense rolls for next turn. 


Grappler: Passive +3 to all grapple rolls, defensibly or offensively. 


Prone Mastery: Passive When you are down, you do not suffer penalties. 


Kick Off: Passive Allows to get back up without sacrificing an action, however you do suffer penalty of -1 to all physical moves for that round. 


Disable Limb: Active During your grapple roll or while having someone in a hold you may roll a grappler attack to twist and disable someone's limb. This attack works with 3+ successes scored, giving your opponent a penalty of -2 to all physical actions for the scene. 


Disarm: Active Upon scoring 3+ successes on attack you forfeit doing damage but you disarm your opponent of the weapon they hold. 




                              CANT be bought with XP                              




CHIMERICAL COMPANION 3 background points per dot.
Companions are living chimera either born of unconscious dreams. The character has befriended  the chimera, powerful ones have motivations of their own that may occasionally conflict with those of their companions. The higher a Caillte rating in this Background, the more points the player has to build the companion, using the Chimera Points System.
â—‰            You have a simple chimerical pet (10 Chimera points).

◉◉          Your chimera is semi-intelligent and able to communicate (15 chimera  points).
◉◉◉       The chimera is able to speak clearly and often has a  mind of its own (20  chimera points).
◉◉◉◉    You have a highly intelligent chimera that is often a great help (25 chimera points).
◉◉◉◉◉ Your friend is an ancient and/or powerful chimera that is a legend in its own right (30 chimera points).

NOTE: You will need to make a sheet for your companion listing its attributes and skills as well as any redes it possesses. Chimerical companions do not have a mundane body to shield themselves from banality and so must pay attention to the rules on the chimera creation page. Chimerical companions make up the limit for "NPC pets". (I.E you can only have 1 active)


CHARMED LIFE 1 background point
 While in the deep dreaming, your character gained some minor measure of the enchantments that many of the gentry use to protect themselves from harm.


SPEND 1 point of Dross.

Once per scene, if your character suffers damage from an attack that would kill him or even just inflict one or more points of aggravated damage by spending the Dross you can force the attacker to reroll.

 The second roll is the one that affects the character.

This functions even if the character is unconscious, but does not function if the character has no more points of dross to spend.

Also, this ability can only function once for any single attack roll.



DISENCHANTING KISS1 background point
Your character is a saint among the Lost. Her perceptive senses are otherworldly, easily sheering the false from the true. Furthermore, she has been chosen by fate for her kindness and sanity in an insane world to act as a balm for the orphaned survivors of the deep dreaming.


SPEND: 4 points of dross

With but a kiss, she may immediately end any lingering effects from a power that controlled another  character’s emotions or mind. This is an instant action.

GLAMOUR THIEF 1 background point
 Sometimes the Dreaming  blesses (or curses) a Caillte  with a little additional power above and beyond what is possible for other Caillte Such creatures can siphon Dross from other Lost or changelings. Stealing it for their own use.

This power is limited to 1 use per day.


ROLL: Glamour Rank vs Targets Glamour Rank (Caillte, Chimera, Changelings only)

SUCCESS: Gain 1 point of dross per success, target loses an equal amount.

FAILURE: No Dross gained.

The sensation of having dross stolen is similar to the pain of being beaten with cold iron.
A character that drains dross from another Lost  or a changeling suffers from an active derangement 
for a number of scenes equal to the number of Glamour points stolen.

Furthermore, such an act of vampirism in not stealthy or invisible to changelings or lost,  is a crime as far as changeling escheat goes. Do expect consequences 



Perfect Stillness (•)
Book: Rites Of Spring, p. 94
Prerequisite: Stealth •
Effect: Your character has learned how to avoid the notice of her Keeper by remaining utterly motionless for hours at a time. Whenever she wishes, she can remain perfectly still for an entire scene. Except for breathing softly and silently, your character can stand without moving a muscle for an entire scene, even if the position she is in would be exceedingly uncomfortable for others. In addition to various other uses of this Merit, if your character remains stationary while hiding, all rolls to notice or locate her are made at a –2penalty. This Merit is common among Fairest Muses, some of whom spent much of their time in Arcadia as living statues.



Kiss Of Life (••••)
Book: Swords At Dawn, p. 24
Benefit: When you use your Sap the Vital Spark kith blessing, instead of using the stolen life energy to heal yourself, you may “store” the healing potential and deliver it to another character with a touch (despite the name of the Merit, this touch doesn’t have to be a kiss). Healing another character has the same effect as healing yourself (you heal one point of lethal damage or downgrade a point of aggravated damage to lethal damage). At any time, you can choose to use this stored healing to heal yourself. If your Wyrd is high enough that you can use Sap the Vital Spark more than once per scene, you can store up multiple points of healing and distribute them as you like with a touch. If you do not use the healing by the end of the scene, the vital energy dissipates.

Lethal Mien (••)
Book: Rites Of Spring, p. 94
Prerequisite: Wyrd 3Even while protected by the Mask, some aspect of the Fae’s mien has evolved to become offensively oriented and can be used as a weapon. This might be long nails, claws, teeth, hooves, spines or some other“natural weapon” or something wholly supernatural, such as icy or fiery skin, an “iron hand” or a secretion that acts as a low-level contact poison. The changeling inflicts lethal damage when brawling instead of bashing. If the changeling already has an innate lethal attack thanks to his kith (such as a Hunterheart’s clawsor a Gristlegrinder’s bite), the damage rating of that attack is increased by 1. Thus, a Hunterheart would inflict one lethal damage, and a Gristlegrinder would have a three lethal damage bite, though it would still require a grapple. The changeling is able to handle objects without harming them; claws are perhaps retractable, or perhaps precise enough that the changeling is able to still manipulate items.


















































+1 Glamour = 3 points

+ 2 Glamour = 7 Points





Want to level up stats, your powers, or get some sort of gear on start? Exchange the unspent backgrounds points for XP and buy them that way. 

1 Background point = 15 XP 
















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