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There are two sets of background. Ones that can be bought after the character creation and ones that can't be


                            Can be bought with XP LATER                             


IRON WILL (1 - 5): +1 to Resolve rolls for each level ( 30 XP Per Level )



QUICK THINKING (1 - 5): +1 to Wits rolls for each level ( 30 XP Per Level )



ACUTE SENSES: +1 to Perception rolls ( 30 XP )



BLIND FIGHTING: Ignores blindness penalties ( 30 XP )


WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: +1 to specific weapon type rolls. (Must specify the weapon, such as hand guns, knifes, swords, etc)

( 30 XP )


LUCK BE A LADY: Get one reroll per Scene. However you can't reroll a botch. ( 30 XP )


AMBIDEXTROUS: Allows to dual wield weapons. This has really no effect when mixing 1 ranged and one melee weapon beside removing a need to spend a turn swapping weapons. However when using two one handed melee or long range weapons, this adds +2 to attack rolls. (No, you don't combine both weapons, just use one weapon bonus +2 from Ambidextrous)

( 30 XP )



QUICK REFLEXES: Allows to draw weapon(s) and act in same round, as well as perform some quick actions called by Storyteller.

( 30 XP )



RESOURCES ( 1 - 5 ) ( 30 XP Per Level )

Resources can come in many forms, such as wealth, and connections. We do not wish to use resources as a way to prevent people from running businesses, anyone on the sim have an ability to run business even if they do not have a single point in resources. 


â—‰  You are not on a budget. You may lose some money in a gamble or pay off low bonds easily. 


◉◉   You may can afford to buy rather expensive art piece, hire a low skill professional for something (+5 in a roll).


◉◉◉  You may pay off debts, high end bonds, as well as have an NPC (regular summon stats) as your driver or guard or anything else. 


◉◉◉◉  You are wealthy and likely well know due to that as well as you can afford things of great expense. 


◉◉◉◉◉  Your wealth is vast. You may have now 2 NPCs (regular summon stats) with you at all times, as well as no price is too small for you. 

(see using resources for further uses of resources) 



MARTIAL ARTS ( 30 XP per move )

Martial arts allow you to use different combat moves and bonus. These moves are unnamed so that you may pick your own fighting style and apply that move in that style (Ex: A counter attack for boxing could be cross counter while same counter attack for karate could be a karate chop.)  NOTE: UNARMED COMBAT ONLY


  • Passive Moves are always on

  • Active abilities must be declared when used.


Combat Stance: Passive +1 to attack and defense rolls.


Full On Defense: Active Skip your own action in order to reroll your failed defense roll. 


Offensive Move: Active +2 to next attack roll but -2 to next defense roll.


Defensive Move: Active +2 to next defense roll but -2 to next attack roll.


Knock Out: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock a mortal out (does not work on shifters or undead). 


Counter Attack: Passive If your opponent botches an attack on you, then you may immediately hit them back. Your counter attack is treated as regular attack in terms of defense against it. 


Counter Throw: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on defense roll, throw your opponent down to the ground, dealing 1 minor damage to then. 


Knock Down: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock an opponent down to the ground. 


Staggering Attack: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, the opponent suffers a penalty of -3 to attack/defense rolls for next turn. 


Grappler: Passive +3 to all grapple rolls, defensibly or offensively. 


Prone Mastery: Passive When you are down, you do not suffer penalties. 


Kick Off: Passive Allows to get back up without sacrificing an action, however you do suffer penalty of -1 to all physical moves for that round. 


Disable Limb: Active During your grapple roll or while having someone in a hold you may roll a grappler attack to twist and disable someone's limb. This attack works with 3+ successes scored, giving your opponent a penalty of -2 to all physical actions for the scene. 


Disarm: Active Upon scoring 3+ successes on attack you forfeit doing damage but you disarm your opponent of the weapon they hold. 




                           ON CHARACTER CREATION ONLY                           


Note that these still may be achieved through story, but can't be simply bought. 




Can't be Blood bonded. 




You have easier time resisting any toxins, substances or sicknesses, cutting down the time those affect you in half. As well as getting +2 to resist rolls against any sickness, poison, toxin, etc. This does not work against vampire blood.




Once a day you may force an Adrenaline rush, adding +1 to Strength and Dexterity rolls for the scene.



FAMOUS ( 30 XP Per level )

While fame is a fun stat, don't expect everyone to know you. Such as some character might really not be interested in a sphere of fame that you picked, so they would have no reason to know you. 


â—‰  You are a small known name, maybe a streamer or performer, with a few followers to your name. 


◉◉   You might be recognized as you had a shot of fame at some point but since then been stable low.


◉◉◉  You have a loyal fan base in what you do, also people in the city more likely to know you. 


◉◉◉◉  You are easily recognized, a rising star perhaps that caught on to latest trends. 


◉◉◉◉◉  Your fame is county wide. 




You may only pick only one, ( 90 XP )























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