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Blood Sorcery


The Tremere maintain that Blood Sorcery, or “Thaumaturgy” as they call it, was their invention. To hear the Banu Haqim give their version, “Quietus” was their blood right long before the Tremere became vampires. Other clans make the same statements. While its origins are murky, the dreaded nature of Blood Sorcery is not. Few Kindred trust the wielders of a power that can manipulate the vitae in their veins and turn Blood into poison.





â—‰ Taste for Blood

By tasting a drop of blood, the user can discern certain basic traits of the one to whom it belongs.


Normal Action

ROLL  Perception + Blood Sorcery, Difficulty 6

  • With a single success the vampire may tell someones race (if they know that race exists, if you don't know fae for example, you simply can tell that this is not human blood).

  • With two successes vampire can tell someones blood potency and clan.

  • With 3 successes you can tell someones generation.

  • With 5+ successes you can tell if vampire at question ever committed a diablerie. 



â—‰ Corrosive Vitae

Altering the properties of some of their own Blood, the user can make it highly corrosive to dead substances, able to corrode most items down to steaming sludge, given enough time and Blood shed.


Free Action

Costs 1 Blood Point

This gives blood a strong acid properties that may eat even though metal. This does aggravated damage (which is applied as usually). 

Flinging or spitting blood takes Strength + Athletics vs Dexterity + Athletics roll. 






◉◉ Extinguish Vitae

The user can intentionally remove the unlife-giving properties of some of the Blood in another vampire, stoking their Hunger as the victim’s inner reserves curdle into impotence.


Normal Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL  Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Athletics

The target must be in a line of sight and they lose equal amount of blood to successes scored over them. 



◉◉ Scorpion’s Touch

The vampire can transmute their Blood into an extremely aggressive poison, lethal to mortal and Kindred alike.


Normal Action

Costs 1 blood points

Turns weapon damage into aggravated type. 






◉◉◉ Blood of Potency

The vampire can concentrate their Blood, increasing its potency temporarily.



This increases blood potency by 1 (Even allowing it to go past level 5). Additionally while using blood buff you raise all 3 physical Attributes (Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina) simultaneously by 1 for just 1 Blood Point, instead of 3. The rest of the Blood Buff restrictions still apply, (see Blood and Huger page).



◉◉◉ Dagon’s Call

By concentrating vampire can burst someones blood vessel after physical contact.


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL  Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Athletics

After any physical contact vampire might call upon this power once before having to recast it again. The damage is equal to amount of successes dealt and this can be triggered from distance. 






◉◉◉◉ Theft of Vitae

Through mystical means the vampire opens a wound in a major artery of a mortal victim, blood shooting out through the air in a stream toward the open mouth of the user. This has the additional effect of keeping the mortal subdued as if in the throes of the Kiss, and the wound closes by itself once the effect ends, whether the victim expired or not. This power is extremely spectacular and a potential Masquerade breach while in progress, but once ended leaves no traces.


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL  Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Athletics

Vampire makes a hand gesture towards the victim and rolls, if the succeed in a roll then the victim have a wound open up and the blood sips out of them and travels to a vampire, replenishing them. The amount of blood sipped depends on successes scored. 






◉◉◉◉◉ Cauldron of Blood

This gruesome power lets the user boil the blood of a victim in their own veins, causing massive damage and excruciating pain. While there are more efficient ways to kill, few methods approach this level of cruelty.


Resisted Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

ROLL  Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Athletics

The number of successes scored equals to damage dealt, +1 extra damage for being aggravated type. This also burns equal amount of blood from vampires. 



◉◉◉◉◉ Baal’s Caress

The penultimate use of blood as a weapon (short of diablerie itself), Baal’s Caress allows the Kindred to transmute her blood into a virulent ichor that destroys any living or undead flesh it touches.

System 1.

Normal Action

SPEND 1 Blood Point

Duration: A Scene

The poison transmitted through the blood and can be applied to a weapon. Upon first contact it reduces victims Stamina, Strength, and Dexterity by 2 for duration of that day. This effect does not stack with itself, even if another vampire were to strike the same victim with it.  

System 2. (Taste Of Death) 

Normal Action

SPEND 1 or more Blood Points

Duration: A turn

The corrosive ichor may be spat an enemy directly instead of coated to a weapon.

ROLL: Composure + Athletics vs Opponents Dodge

RANGE: 3 x Strength + Potence meters.

SUCCESS: An opponent hit by the acidic spit suffers 2 points of aggravated damage per -blood point- spent with the shot. The amount of successes rolled do not denote the damage. The amount of blood points invested cannot be greater than the amount of blood points the vampire can spend per turn.











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