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The Blood is where vampires derive their power from, it what keeps them going. 


Vampire's Maximum Blood Points is defined by their Generation


13th Generation = 10 maximum blood points

12th Generation = 11 maximum blood points

11th Generation = 12 maximum blood points

10th Generation = 13 maximum blood points

9th Generation = 14 maximum blood points

8th Generation = 15 maximum blood points

7th Generation = 20 maximum blood points (PRESTIGE CLASS) 


Note: If you were sired in the game then you will be one generation above your sire. 

Note II: Vampires may not use Dominate Discipline of those of a lower Generation than them. 





Blood Potency represents how much blood vampire may spend per turn. 

The amount of points you have in disciplines raises your Blood Potency

Blood Potency 1: 3 points in disciplines

Blood Potency 2: 6 points in disciplines

Blood Potency 3: 9 points in disciplines, with at least 1 disciplines being level 5.

Blood Potency 4: 12 points in disciplines, with at least 2 discipline being level 5.

Blood Potency 5: 15 points in disciplines, with at least 3 disciplines being level 5.





Blood may be spent on any of the options listed below.


  • HEALING: Vampire may use Free Action to heal 1 HP per 1 Blood Point spent​.

    • Additionally Vampire may reattach their own severed limbs by holding them to the wound and spending 1 Blood Point (Normal Action). 

    • If vampire wishes to regrow a missing limb they need to spend appropriate amount of Blood as Free Action.

      • To Regenerate a Wrist or a Foot, spend 2 Blood Points. ​

      • To Regenerate a Arm to a elbow or a Leg to a knee, spend 3 Blood Points.

      • To Regenerate a Arm to a shoulder or a Leg to a hip, spend 5 Blood Points.

    • Vampire may also give their blood to Mortals to heal 1 HP maximum and bring them back from dying states. â€‹


  • BLOOD BUFF: Strength, Stamina, and Dexterity may be raised by 1 for duration of a scene. Vampire may raise these stats all at once (1 Blood Point per Stat) or select which one they like to raise. At Generation 7 Vampire may raise Strength, Stamina, and Dexterity by 2.


  • BLUSH OF LIFE: A Single Blood Point may activate Blush of Life. This ability allows a vampires flesh to warm to the touch and makes the vampire appear to breathe. The vampire with blush of life on may ingest any fluids for a Scene but do need to throw them up later. This also adds +3 to your roll of trying to pose as a human when someone is trying to figure you out via simple observation. 


  • DISCIPLINES: Some of the Disciplines, aka vampire powers use blood, and it will always be stated in power description how much if any. 





Vampire regains 3 Blood Points a day, as well as Additional +1 for every level they have in Resources background. Players may also regain additional blood through: 


  • Feeding on another player. 

  • Feeding on NPCs in scenes that involve Storyteller.

  • Feeding in combat. Perform a grapple bite move (Strength + Brawl) but instead of the damage take blood instead. 


  • When feeding on someone vampire does no damage to them but instead drains victims blood. Any living being (yes, this means that it excludes vampires) will gain -1 penalty to all Physical rolls for every 3 Blood Points missing.

  • At 0 Blood NPCs will die and players will pass out. 

  • Feeding on vampires reduces their blood pool and increases their hunger. A vampire reduced to zero blood enters torpor, if the vampire feeds on the torpored vampire see Dialibere rules.


Every player or NPC have equal amount of Blood to their maximum HP. The only exception are vampires, whose blood is defined by their generation. Each race have different flavours of blood and some even have conditions that come with it. 

  • Vampire Blood gives 1 blood point per blood point taken. If you drink more than 3 points, consider yourself blood bound if they are lower gen.

  • Mage blood can cause hallucinations.

  • Kinfolk Blood is Extra Sweet.

  • Animal Blood only gives 1 Blood Point per 2 blood points consumed.

  • Ghoul Blood is Extra Sour.

  • The blood of those with true faith is delicious, innocence always is, but feelings of remorse and sorrow soon follow.

  • Garou Blood is extra sweet and will trigger Frenzy check as well as add +1 Strength for the rest of the night. 

  • Drinking Fae is like ingesting warm honey. It makes you Enchanted which allows you to see their True Form. However Fae magic is unpredictable and wild, so vampire must also roll flat d20 dice to see what other effect they get. 

    • 1 - 2 = The Vampire immediately enters torpor

    • 3 - 5 = The character becomes bound to the fae for a night (level 3 blood bond). 

    • 6 - 8 = The character begins to violently eject blood from the ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. 5 Blood Points is lost.

    • 9 - 10 = The character begins to glow with sunlight that does 1 aggravated damage to vampires in 10 meter radius. The vampire radiating the light is immune to it, and this lasts for 1 hour per blood point consumed. 

    • 10 - 11 = The character suffers hallucinations for 1 hour per blood point consumed. 

    • 12 - 14 = The character +3 bonus to Charisma for 1 hour per blood point consumed. 

    • 15 - 17 = The character +3 to Perception for 1 hour per blood point consumed. 

    • 18 - 20 = Each point of changeling blood consumed gives 2 blood points back and instantly heals 1 HP. 





Hunger is something every vampire must deal with, as hungrier they get the more their beast speaks and wishes to act out in it's primal nature. 

The hunger is tied to vampires Frenzy and have over all a few simple rules. 


  • For every Blood Point missing you gain 1 hunger. 

  • For every point of Hunger accumulated your Frenzy Difficulty goes up by 1. 




The Beast is an innate demonic predator that awakens within each and every vampire upon their Embrace. In times of extreme distress the Beast can overwhelm a vampire forcing them into a state of pure animalistic urges. 


During a frenzy, a character literally — and usually unwillingly — gives into the darkest instincts of the vampiric nature. The character is consumed with rage or hunger, unable — or unwilling — to consider the effects of any action. Friends, foes, lovers, none of these things matter to a vampire in frenzy.


ANGER FRENZY: This state is induced when vampire is either greatly insulted, humiliated, or had loved ones threatened. This of course varies from person to person. While cursing someone out might trigger them, it might have no affect on someone else. When in Anger Frenzy the vampire will attack whoever slighted them. 

NOTE: Personal Threats or Threats of violence against a hungry vampire will ALWAYS proc a frenzy roll. Regardless of how laid back you think your character is. Hunger makes vampire cranky, period.

SATISFYING ANGER FRENZY : Source of anger sincerely apologizes or is reduced to zero health.


HUNGER FRENZY: Vampire must roll Frenzy check for hunger when they have 50% or less of their maximum blood and are in proximity of someone bleeding. (maximum 20 meters) When in Hunger Frenzy vampire will try to bite the person and feed till they have 0 Hunger. 

SATISFYING HUNGER FRENZY : When your hunger is reduced to zero (You must take the appropriate amount of blood)


Once you have taken the appropriate amount of blood, roll Composure + Resolve. DIFFICULTY 12+ hunger when frenzy began, In order stop feeding! You cannot stop feeding on an individual till  both the blood is restored & The test is passed. 


FEAR FRENZY: Vampire will experience fear Frenzy (also known as Rötschreck, or red fear) when they are faced with significant amount of fire that threatens them. When in Fear Frenzy vampire will run away and leave the Scene. 

SATISFYING FEAR  FRENZY : Leave the scene of the source of fear. A significant amount of fire is defined as fire that is not in your direct control, of a size that can engulf at least one limb. (A match won't do it. A lighter won't do it. A lighter + Lighter fluid or a lighter + aerosol would)

Do note: Vampires are forbidden from possessing flame weapons. (Flamethrowers, Molotov's, etc, Their beast gets nervous : Tremere magic only counts for fear frenzy if the vampire is on the receiving end)



When any of those triggers happen, Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 12 + your Hunger

If you succeed then you avoid Frenzy, if you fail then you enter Frenzy. 

  • When in Frenzied vampires are immune to mind powers or emotion swaying powers like Dominate or Presence. 

  • The Frenzy only ends when Vampire is torpored or satisfied their Frenzy 





Diablerie is the greatest sin a Canite can commit, it occurs when a vampire has drank the blood of another vampire to the point of final death. Such an act is so heinous it scars the aura of the Diablerist and carries great risk but offers great power.

To commit Diablerie a player must have placed a vampire in either an unconscious or torpor state; Drinking all of the incapacitated vampire’s blood.


LOWER GENERATION THAN YOU ((Example you are 10 they are 9))


  • Diablerist must drain the victim to 0 blood and continue drinking.


  • Then Diablerist and Victim roll Willpower against each other 5 times. The result is based on how many rolls does the Victim wins. 

Victim Wins 0 Rolls = ​Nothing remains of victim at all. 

Victim Wins 1 Roll = ​Diablerist gets feint memories that victim once possessed.

Victim Wins 2 Rolls = ​Some of the victims demeanor might surface once a day or Diablerist may chose to roll for random derangement. 

Victim Wins 3 - 4 Rolls = ​Victims personality stays within the Diablerist who must Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 18 at least once a day. If the roll fails then Victims personality shines through, merging together with the Diablerist personality. This is a state of struggle, where if you fail too often then your victim could eventually overtake your body. 

Victim Wins 5 Rolls = ​Victim entirely overtakes the Diablerist. As well as gaining one Derangement. 


  • Benefits of Diablerie: You get a free level 1 Discipline of your choice from your victims clan as long as they had some levels in it. This also lowers your generation by 1 for every 2 levels of Generation difference between the Diablerist and the Victim (If the difference in generation is just 1 then it still lowers the generation by 1). The affects may be even greater if the victim of extremely powerful blood, like Methuselah or ancient elder. 















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