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Here are the In-character laws in regards to supernatural species. While it is true things like Delirium and the Mists act as some form of protection against humans finding out about werewolves, this does not protect the Changeling or Werewolf from the LAWS of their society. It does not matter if a supernatural mechanism is acting as a -cleaner-, the problem is that the law was violated! Supernatural cleaner or not, if the higher ups of your society find your character flouting the supernatural laws, expect to be punished.




All supernatural and mortals alike are subject to Louisiana State Law.

  • Murder, Rape, Kidnapping, Abduction, Robbery, Theft, Home Invasion, Trespass, Fraud, Narcotics, are obviously illegal.

  • Marijuana: first time possession is punishable by a $300 fine and 15 days in jail, a second offense by up to a $1,000 fine and six months in jail, a third offense by up a $2,500 fine and up to two years in jail, and fourth or subsequent offenses by up to a $5,000 fine and eight years in prison. Medicinal Marijuana is legal.

  • When a gun is being carried, brandished, or displayed under circumstances that create a reasonable apprehension on the part of members of the public or a law enforcement official that a crime is being committed or is about to be committed. Officers may question or apprehend the subject if the answers prove to be unsatisfactory..(up to the police to determine)

  • Firearm violations. A subject carrying anything more than a hand gun is cause for questioning. Carrying a concealed fire arm is illegal without a permit. Louisiana does not prohibit the open carrying of firearms in public. Louisiana prohibits the “negligent carrying of a concealed handgun,” which applies regardless of whether a person is licensed under state law, and includes carrying a concealed handgun, intentionally or with criminal negligence. When it is foreseeable that the handgun may discharge, or when others are placed in reasonable apprehension that the handgun may discharge. This is not a violation of the second amendment, this is simply due diligence. If the weapon is slung and the character is not loitering with apparent intent, then no harm no foul, otherwise, reasonable grounds to suspect a crime is about to be committed trumps the second amendment. Subjects can also face up to six months in jail and/or a $500 fine if they intentionally have a gun in a bar or other establishment where alcohol is sold for on-site consumption—unless it’s in a restaurant and they  have a concealed handgun permit. Subjects could face a sentence of five to 15 years in prison if they are  found guilty of firing a gun recklessly within 1,000 feet of a permitted parade, demonstration, or other gathering. And if they used a gun to commit a violent crime, they may face additional charges simply for carrying that weapon near a parade. Subjects generally are not allowed to be "Intoxicated" while open carrying. Subjects should be careful when questioned and have a good reason for carrying. Cops can "Invent" evidence of "Intoxication" fairly easily to give them all the weight of the law they need. If they say you failed a sobriety test, their word is law. Even if you have a permit, it’s against the law to carry a concealed handgun in certain places, including: permitted demonstrations or parades, like Mardi Gras places of worship (unless the religious organization has allowed it) someone else's home (without consent) any place all guns are banned

  • Any knife (blade 5 inches or less) is legal for open or concealed carry as long as it is not an automatic knife. (Automatic = Switchblade) Assume other weapons like axes and swords are subject to the blade size rule.

  • The ownership, possession, custody or use of any tools, or dynamite, or nitro glycerine, or explosives, or other instrumentality customarily used by thieves or burglars is illegal.

  • Prostitution is illegal.

  • 21 is the minimum age to be a stripper.

  • 21 is the minimum age to consume alcohol

  • 21 is the minimum age to enter a gambling venue.

  • Exposure of the genitals, pubic hair, anus, vulva, or female breast nipples in any public place or place open to the public view, or in any prison or jail, with the intent of arousing sexual desire or which appeals to prurient interest or is patently offensive.On a first conviction, whoever commits the crime of obscenity shall be fined not less than $1,000 dollars nor more than $2,500 dollars, or imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not less than 6 months nor more than 3 years, or both. On a second conviction, the offender shall be imprisoned, with or without hard labor for not less than 6 months nor more than 3 years, and in addition may be fined not less than $2,500 dollars nor more than $5,000 dollars. On a third or subsequent conviction, the offender shall be imprisoned with or without hard labor for not less than 2 years nor more than 5 years, and in addition may be fined not less than $5,000 dollars nor more than $10,000 dollars.

  • There are many clauses for strip clubs that the obscenity laws do not apply for, for Nocturne purposes, assume strip clubs are exempt from obscenity law.

  • Masks or disguises in public :It shall be unlawful for any person to use or wear in any public place, a hood or mask or anything of the nature of either or any facial disguise of any kind or description, calculated to conceal or hide the identity of the person or to prevent ready recognition of such person. EXCEPTIONS persons participating in any public parade or exhibition of any educational, religious, or historical or amusement character given by any school, church, civic, fraternal or carnival organization or public governing authority or to persons in any private residence club or lodge room; or To persons participating in masquerade balls or entertainments, to persons participating in carnival parades or exhibitions during the periods of Mardi Gras or Spring Fiesta festivities, to persons participating in the parades or exhibitions of minstrel troupes, circuses or other dramatic or amusement shows, or to masking on Mardi Gras up to the hours of 6:00 p.m. It shall be unlawful for any masker to refuse to furnish his true name and street address and to temporarily remove his mask on Mardi Gras whenever requested by any police officer in uniform.


  • Fortune Telling requires a Licence! It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise for or engage in, for a monied consideration, the business of (chronology, phrenology, astrology, palmistry), telling or pretending to tell fortunes, either with cards, hands, water, letters or other devices or methods, or to hold out inducements, either through the press or otherwise, or to set forth his power to settle lovers' quarrels, to bring together the separated, to locate buried or hidden treasures, jewels, wills, bonds or other valuables, to remove evil influences, to give luck, to effect marriages, to heal sickness, to reveal secrets, to foretell the results of lawsuits, business transactions, investments of whatsoever nature, wills, deeds and/or mortgages, to locate lost or absent friends or relatives, to reveal, remove and avoid domestic troubles or to bring together the bitterest enemies converting them into staunchest friends. But nothing herein contained shall apply to any branch of medical science, or to any religious worship.

  • You Cannot Tie an Alligator to a Fire Hydrant

  • Electric Wires Cannot be Tied to Trees

  • Urinating in the City Water Supply is Illegal

  • Rituals That Involve Ingesting Blood, Urine or Fecal Matter are not Legal

  • Mardi Gras Beans Cannot be Thrown From a Third Story Window

  • Saying Obscene Things on the Telephone is Illegal

  • Horses Cannot be Tied to a Tree on a Public Highway

  • Making a False Promise is Illegal, and Could Land You in Jail for Up to a Year

  • City bars don’t have a municipally mandated closing time, and as such many are open 24 hours.

  • Every rider of a bicycle, tricycle or other vehicle propelled by hand or foot must keep at least one hand on the handlebars of his machine when riding it.

  •  No stealing alligators or crawfish from farms. The fine? $500 for crawfish theft.

  • While in a theater or other arena  it is illegal “to have… hats on while the curtain is raised.” Evidence suggests this law is not scrupulously enforced.

  • Bungee jumping. New Orleans city laws prohibit bungee jumping from a crane over city property. “No person shall use air-space above property owned or leased by the city, such that, should an accident occur, a person would fall on property owned or leased by the city.”

  • City laws forbids “language to any person that makes reference to the person addressed as having sexual intercourse with himself.” This law appears to be gender specific, perhaps because the anatomical possibilities of addressing a woman in such terms is confounding.

WARRANTS:  No officer may conduct a search of a premise with out a warrant or the permission of the premises owner. An obvious FELONY crime in process trumps the need for warrant if the officer is presented with undeniable evidence that a FELONY crime is happening on site. Such excuses would be gun shots from within the building, somebody being physically assaulted, dragged over the threshold. In such cases "Pursuit" into the premises is fully authorised. Suspicion of a crime such as drug dealing does not warrant an intrusion by the police. Warrants can only be issued by Sim admin pending a chain of evidence and reasonable grounds to issue a warrant. Officers of nocturne PD will NOT self issue warrants. The Admin serve as the Judges in such cases.





The Traditions form the legal backbone of Camarilla society, although in modern nights, the Prince fulfils the Elder role outlined in the traditions. Most vampiric culture springs from the Traditions – presentation is outlined in the Tradition of Hospitality, the Blood Hunt in the Tradition of Destruction and the parcelling of land in the Tradition of Domain.


Masquerade: Hide the existence of vampires.

Domain: A kindred's hunting ground is his own territory, and he rules it absolutely.

Progeny: Sire only with permission of one's elders.

Accounting: Until childer are released, their actions are the responsibility of their sire.

Hospitality: Honor the domains of others, and present oneself to the ruler of any domain you visit.

Destruction: The right to kill Kindred is reserved for the Elder of a community. Only an elder may call a Blood Hunt.


The Traditions

  • First Tradition: The Masquerade

Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood.

Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

  • Second Tradition: The Domain

Thy domain is thine own concern.

All others owe thee respect while in it.

None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.

  • Third Tradition: The Progeny

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder.

If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.

  • Fourth Tradition: The Accounting

Those thou create are thine own children.

Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things.

Their sins are thine to endure.

  • Fifth Tradition: The Hospitality

Honor one another's domain.

When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.

Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

  • Sixth Tradition: The Destruction

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind.

The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder.

Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.




The Litany, the 13 guiding precepts by which Garou society lives, is interpreted differently by different tribe but all cubs learn the same Litany. The first three on the list are the most important, this is not the order they generally appear, as ALL the litany is equally enforced. However we place them at the top of the list so they can be SEEN and not lost under a load of pack etiquette.


  • The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted 

Werewolves must be discreet when acting among humans. This practice is far more than simple respect for the Concord, the decision to respect humanity’s right to its own civilization. The world is a dangerous place. Human hunters, religious fanatics, ancient vampires and far more sinister supernatural creatures stalk the night. And, of course, the servants of the Wyrm are lurking everywhere, exploiting the weak. If werewolves choose to act like monsters, other creatures will hunt them like the beasts they are.

Garou also have an obligation to protect humanity. When human see werewolves lumbering about in Crinos form, insanity grips them, and they concoct all sorts of outrageous rationales for what they’ve seen. Fear mounts, panic results, and the populace resorts to drastic measures of defense. In short, rampaging werewolves can cause almost as much damage as the Wyrm creatures they hunt.

  • Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated

This law is obeyed as strictly as the need to preserve the Veil. Caerns surge with mystical energy, the lifeblood of the Earth. If one is destroyed or corrupted, part of the Earth dies, and so does the power of the Garou. A werewolf who leads a proven or potential enemy to a hidden caern is punished severely, even if the act was unintentional. To mages, Changelings, Kuei-Jin (wan- Kuei) Cearns are powerful sources of "Essence", one simply does not risk having a caern drained by taking such characters to the holiest of holy sites.

  • Garou Shall Not Mate With Garou

Werewolves should mate only with humans or wolves. Because metis offspring are deformed, twisted or even insane, Garou are forbidden to mate with their own kind. Of course, this law is enforced largely because of age-old prejudices against metis. This stricture forms the basis for some of the greatest tragedies of Garou culture. Galliards have been known to move listeners to tears by telling ballads of two werewolves who fall in love and can never express their passion… or who do so at the cost of their lives.

  • Combat the Wyrm Wherever It Dwells and Wherever It Breeds

The Wyrm is a source of evil in the world. Gaia created the werewolves to protect humanity, and destroying the Wyrm is the most direct way to do so. The fastest way for a Garou to become respected is to prove himself in battle against the servants of the Wyrm. The Apocalypse may be close at hand, but the surest way to delay it is to fight without restraint against the Great Serpent and its minions.

  • Respect the Territory of Another

 Whenever a Garou approaches another werewolf’s territory, he must announce himself first and ask permission to enter. The traditional method involves the Howl of Introduction, reciting one’s name, sept, totem, tribe and home sept. Many Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords also insist on a visitor’s lineage, establishing whether he is pure bred. In addition to these precautions, a werewolf should mark his territory, whether with scent or clawed sigils, to keep peace with other Garou.

  • Accept an Honourable Surrender

Duels between werewolves are common. While many homids prefer to talk their way out of disputes, most tribes emphasize martial prowess, stressing trial by ordeal and single combat. As a result, many werewolves die. As the race dies out, peaceful Garou have reemphasized this dictum. They can’t stop their septmates from killing each other, but because of this portion of the Litany, a werewolf being attacked by another Garou can end a duel peacefully by exposing his throat. The loser shouldn’t suffer a loss of reputation or renown for doing so, but a victorious Garou should be praised for his mercy. Theoretically, any dueling Garou is honor-bound to accept a surrender.

  • Submission to Those of Higher Station

 Like the wolves with whom they breed, werewolves maintain a strictly hierarchical society. Someone’s always alpha and some poor fool always ends up skulking behind the rest of the pack. Therefore, the concepts of Renown and Rank are integral to Garou society. A werewolf must always honor reasonable requests from higher-ranking Garou.

  • The First Share of the Kill for the Greatest in Station

Elders are well known for invoking this custom repeatedly. While this “kill clause” originally applied to hunting, it has since been expanded to include spoils of war. In theory, the most renown Garou has a right to the most powerful fetishes found by their packmates. Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords demand what they see as their due; other tribes accept grudgingly.

  • Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans

This portion of the Litany was first sung shortly after the Concord. Stargazer mystics noticed that many werewolves of the Western Concordiat took a bit too much pleasure in devouring human flesh. Such cannibals found themselves vulnerable to the corruption of the Wyrm. Elders grown fat off human stock also became weak at stalking and killing more challenging prey, like the Wyrm-spirits they should have been hunting. In the 21st century, this law is more than a simple spiritual matter. Human beings now consume a frightening amount of preservatives. Their chemical-laden diet makes their flesh unwholesome.

  • Respect Those Beneath Ye — All Are of Gaia

 The werewolves of human legend are skulking solitary monsters, but Garou are communal creatures. Their legendary ancestors pledged to become the world’s protectors, so they must respect every creature’s place in the natural world. Every Garou is likewise worthy of respect. Chivalry is a classic Garou concept, and chivalrous behavior is a respectable way to gain renown.

  • Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness

 Sadly, people at war do not always have the resources to care for their infirm. Long ago, an infirm, aged or mortally wounded Garou would be torn to pieces by his septmates. Such a pitiable hero should not suffer further. In the modern world, it is considered more dignified to let such an elder choose how to end his own life. In Garou legends, many of the greatest heroes simply set out on one last journey, never to return.

  • The Leader May Be Challenged at Any Time During Peace

A werewolf’s pack mentality may be strong, but he should not tolerate a weak alpha. If no immediate threat is nearby, a Garou of sufficient rank may challenge the pack leader for his position. A contest results, usually a duel, a test of wits or a simple, snarling display of intimidation. In a pack, this contest is resolved quickly and decisively. In a sept, the assembled werewolves enact the contest with great drama.

  • The Leader May Not Be Challenged During Wartime

The most dangerous spirits are capable of manifesting in the physical world; in their true aspects, they are monstrous in size and power. For werewolves, pack tactics are the best defense against such invasions. Therefore, obedience in a pack is essential. Once a fight begins, the pack alpha’s word is law. A packmate who disobeys may be punished or assaulted by his companions, or possibly even by his sept, after the danger has passed.




The Escheat is the compendium of faerie traditions that make up the laws of Kithain society. The Escheat is believed to have been recorded during the Sundering as a way to ensure the survival of the fae in the face of great change and to have originated among the wisest of faeries who lived closest to the Dreaming. Passed down and enforced by the nobility, its tenets are followed by both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, though they may have disagreements on how to interpret them. Seelie tend to follow the letter of the law while the Unseelie try to find loopholes to work through.Unlike Oaths, the authority to enforce these tenets is not backed by Glamour or the Dreaming. It is carried by the force of law, tradition, and custom. Occasionally, though, the Dreaming will still subtly work around the Escheat to make certain rulers follow its dictates and causing those who break them to suffer the consequences.

The Rights

There are six basic rights protected by the Escheat.


  • The Right of Demesne 

A Lord or Lady is the ruler of their domain. They are judge and jury over all crimes, large or small and their word is law. A noble expects obedience from vassals and respect from all others. In return a noble respects those nobles superior to them.

  • The Right to Dream 

The Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve have the right to dream unhindered by Fae needs. The Dreaming will die if we steal directly from the font. No one is allowed to manipulate the creative process with Glamour. While the fae may inspire creativity, it is forbidden to instruct or infuse humans with Glamour. 

  • The Right of Ignorance

Do not betray the Dreaming to Banality. A Fae must never reveal themselves to humanity because Humanity will hunt them for their wisdom and power, overwhelming the fae with Banality and destroying their sacred places. The more humanity knows the more forcefully it will seek the Fae, draining the world of Glamour and petrifying them with their Basilisk's gaze.

  • The Right of Rescue

All Kithain have the right to expect rescue from the clutches of Banality. The fae are in danger together and must work together to survive. Never leave anyone behind. Kithain are required to rescue other faeries or other creatures of the Dreaming trapped by those who serve Banality.

  • The Right of Safe Haven 

All places of the Dreaming are sacred. Kithain must not allow their faerie places to be endangered or threatened. All those who seek refuge in such a place must be admitted and these places must be kept free of Banality and worldly violence.

  • The Right of Life 

No Kithain may spill the lifeblood of another Kithain. No Kithain shall bring salt tears upon the earth. No Kithain shall take from the Dreaming one of its own. Death is anathema.






Rule of Shade

Seek not in the Darkness, for fear of corruption;

Seek not in Daylight, for fear of discovery.

Ascension walks the Middle Path of Shade

That Awakened may lead

And Sleepers follow without fear.


  • Respect Those of Greater Knowledge.

This is a sensible rule which sensible mages follow if not for their own well-being.

  • A Tutor’s Debt Must Be Repaid.

Magick takes time to learn and perfect. It requires a substantial time investment on the part of the mentor. Therefore, it is custom and only good form that an apprentice respect that time investment and do what they can to repay it.

  • A Mage’s Word Is His Honor; Break Not a Sworn Vow.

Most Tradition Mages take their honor and their word seriously – at least when dealing with one another. The reality is that there are mages that will break their word, but it’s not looked upon well and the punishments are relative. Speaking falsely against another mage is more serious than the informal promise to meet another mage for coffee – obviously.

  • The Will of an Oracle Must Always Be Obeyed.

Oracles are stuff of legend and rarely is there any word of them intervening in the day-to-day affairs of Tradition mages. Still if one were to happen upon an Oracle, it is probably a good idea to listen to him. All in all, this Protocol seems to be a variation on the theme of the first.

  • Betray Not Your Cabal or Chantry.

Basically this is interpreted to mean not to betray your Tradition, Cabal, or Chantry by most. Obviously it’s not a good idea to backstab those closest to you. Betrayal does happen though, as some mages get greedy with power. Punishments are typically handled in-house as most cabals, chantries, and Traditions rather not air their dirty laundry for all of the Traditions to see – it tends to be embarrassing.

  • Conspire Not With the Enemies of Ascension.

This is probably one of the most serious Protocols and one that is most assuredly punished swiftly and harshly. However, this means different things to different mages.  When it comes to Marauders and Nephandi, there’s really a zero tolerance policy across all Traditions.

  • Protect the Sleepers; They Are Ignorant of What They Do.

This is pretty basic. Mages are still people after all – they are just Awakened ones. As such many of them still feel compassion and a sense of stewardship over the Masses. At any rate, Ascension is about leading the Masses to Ascension so it makes sense to look after them, doesn’t it?

  • Be Subtle in Your Arts, Lest Sleepers Know You for What You Are.

The rule of Shade is at the core of this Protocol. Mages have had a history of being hunted down as witches or lifted up as miracle workers. Humanity never seems to have a neutral reaction to them. So they walk the Path of Shade. Not black. Not white. Grey – in the Shade. This means that they don’t reveal their true nature to people or perform magick blatantly before the eyes of humans (which is dangerous anyhow because of Paradox). Doing otherwise is another one of the more serious Protocols.




Crimes and Misdemeanors

Mages who fail to adhere to the Protocols or otherwise do something that’s just not kosher with a group of mages is subject to informal or formal punishment. Cabals, chantries, and Traditions might have their own specific rules and they vary widely. 

Most groups prefer to handle their own business in-house rather than air their more unpleasant affairs for all to see.

Punishments vary with the group or groups involved as well as the severity of the crime. Sometimes it’s difficult to handle infractions quietly and informally. Some infractions occur within multiple groups like across chantry lines, cabal lines, Tradition lines, etc. Therefore, in times like these a Tribunal is called to hear the grievances and pronounce judgment.


Common punishments include:

Censure – a sort of probation or restriction given for a specific period with a specific set of rules. Censures vary depending on the severity of the infraction.

Ostracism – is self-explanatory and is given for a set period of time ranging from a month to a life-long banishment depending on the severity of the crime. Naturally those who do not ostracize the offending mage are also subject to ostracism or censure or worse.

Branding – a magickal sigil is placed on the Avatar of the mage forever branding him as an offender of a particular Protocol.

Death – well it’s…death.

Gigul – This is the most extreme punishment known to mages and reserved for those who are truly polluted and warped. It essentially destroys the Avatar of the mage so he is never to work magick again or reincarnate. This is usually reserved for the most heinous offenders like those who have Fallen and are under the sway of the Nephandi for their Avatars are forever damaged. In some cases, these offenders are left alive so that they may know what it is to never see the Tapestry or work magick again.










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