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The Clans are major groups of vampires that have common characteristics that are passed on by the Blood. 

Majority of the clans do have sect preference, however it does not mean that someone who usually would be in Camarilla could not be in Anarchs. 


Banu Haqim


One of the oldest clans to practice Blood Sorcery. Later on becoming feared Assassins.

Warrior Disciplines: Blood Sorcery, Celerity, Obfuscate

Vizer Disciplines: Blood Sorcery, Celerity, Auspex

Weakness: Permanent Diablerie Aura and hunger for vampire blood.

Any Hunger Frenzy rolls go up by 3 when it is triggered by blood of the kindred.

Bonuses: Access to Assamite Sorcery (Coming soon) 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)






Once philosopher-kings of an ancient civilization, but are now rebels and rogues with

a fearsome inclination toward frenzy.

against injustices.

Disciplines: Potence, Celerity, Presence

Weakness: Brujah are very passionate and because of that prone to Frenzy.

+2 to all Frenzy Difficulty rolls. 

Bonuses: At Blood Potency 3 Brujah unlocks Spark of Rage 

Brujah then may spend 1 blood point and roll Resolve + Potence vs targets 

Composure + Resolve. If target fails to resist they become enraged and a chosen target

for 1 turn per success that you scored over them. 

At Blood Potency 5 Spark of Rage can be used as an Area of Effect on everyone within 

20 meter radius. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)







Bestial and untamed, often coming to resemble the animals over which they

demonstrate mastery.

Gangrel Disciplines: Protean, Fortitude, Animalism

Greek Gangrel Bloodline Disciplines: Protean, Obfuscate, Animalism

City Gangrel Bloodline Disciplines: Protean, Celerity, Obfuscate

Weakness: Upon Frenzying gangrel vampire will take on a feature of an

animal that they feel closest to. This feature will stay with them for a week.

Bonuses: At Blood Potency 2 gangrel may shoot a Feral Claw out at range of 20

meters. It's rolled as a normal attack. 

At Blood Potency 3 and Protean 2 Gangrel may grow even larger claws, that add +3

instead of usual +2 for Feral Weapons. 

At Blood Potency 4 and Protean 4 Gangrel may change to any animal form that they like, 

no longer restricted to just one form for small and large animal.

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)





The Clan of Death that have significant presence in financial world as well as mafia.

        They mostly opperate as an independent clan, however they do work with other sects.

Cappadocian Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy

Giovanni Bloodline Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Necromancy

Nagaraja Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Necromancy

Semedi Bloodline Disciplines: Obfuscate, Fortitude, Necromancy

Weakness: The clan may chose one of the two weaknesses.

Either Painful Kiss or need to Eat Human Flesh instead of drinking blood.

Both have same result, members of Hecata not able to take any points in Herd 

background, limiting their blood points restoration.

Semedi Bloodline Weakness: They look like rotting corpse, making Obfuscate power a must for them.

Samedi  -2 to social rolls +1 to intimidation rolls.

Bonuses: Access to Necromancy Ceremonies

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)





             Proud kindred that exerted their influence through Christianity. They Command the very essence of

darkness and shadows, to the point of worshiping it.

Disciplines: Potence, Dominate, Obtenebration

Weakness: Lasombra look like a blurred shadow in mirrors, 

cameras, or on screen. Their  Obtenebration power is also very weak against fire. They 

also are unable to use touch screen technology

Bonuses: At Blood Potency 2 Lasombra may perform a Mind Strike on a target

(once a scene per target as normal with most mental powers). Lasombra spend 1 Blood

    Point and rolls Resolve + Dominate vs Stamina + Athletics. Any successes scored over the

victim counts as lethal damage to the victim. 

At Blood Potency 4 Lasombra may whisper their Dominate commands to targets shadow,

as well as control when the shadow will speak the command with their voice.

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)





A clan fractured by madness, each member irrevocably suffering under the yoke of insanity

as well as ability to see what others can't.

Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate

What happened to Dementation? It is now part of Dominate, so you may have both 

for same cost, saving you xp on long run. 

Weakness: suffer from madness. Feel free to pick your own derangement or

pick one from our list. 

Bonuses: At Blood Potency 1 Malkavians have an access to Madness Network. It is a 

mental connection between all the Malkavians in the world where they may leave

messages for one another just like one would on internet. This is a 

go to Storyteller power and less of a cell phone power. 

Malkavians also immuse to the effects of the Mists.

Meaning that they do not forget what they have experience with fae.

                  At Blood Potency 2 Malkavians may use Passion to amplify or dull targets current emotion via Resolve + Composure vs 

Resolve + Composure roll. This power last for amount of turns equal to successes scored. 

At Blood Potency 3 Malkavians may use Eyes of Chaos when they use Auspex power See the Unseen

This allows them to see deeper into someones or somethings nature but wont give very clear answers. This is also more 

of a go to Stroyteller power. 

At Blood Potency 5 Malkavians may use Madness Network to send short messages to someone directly. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)





Formerly Followers of Set - a religious movement that evangelizes the example of a

chathonic god, while seeking out the world’s secret places and protecting

ancient artifacts.

Setite Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Protean

Viper Bloodline Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Protean

What happened to Serpentis? It is now part of Protean

Weakness: Take 1 extra damage from sun or fire,

as well as suffer -1 Perception in any well lit areas. 

Bonuses: Access to Akhu Rites. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)







Hideously disfigured by the Embrace, so they keep to the sewers shadows and traffic

in the secrets they collect.

Disciplines: Potence, Animalism, Obfuscate

Weakness: Their looks -2 to all social rolls when not disguising their hideousness. 

+1 to intimidation rolls when not disguised.

Bonuses: Access to the ShreckNet. A hidden network that allows for secret

information trade and lets clan Nosferatu know things that most would not 

or try to keep hidden. This is a mostly go to Storyteller advantage. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)






Nomads and tricksters who can force the mind to see what isn’t there, though they are

doomed to suffer their founders fate.  Also since their clan suffered large losses, they are now

considered a bloodline, rather than a full fledged clan, they seemingly try to ally with Clan


Disciplines: Fortitude, Animalism, Obfuscate

What happened to Chimerstry? It is now part of Obfuscate

     Weakness: Doomed: Ravnos must slumber in a different place each night

or awaken  with 2 aggravated damage the following day.

Additionally Ravnos must always seek the most daring

or dangerous solution to a problem. 

Bonuses: Ravnos illusions are always real to Chimerical Beings

(Changelings, Chimera, Enchanted etc)

At Blood Potency 2 Ravnos may transfer up to 5 damage that they took to

their ghouled animal, however the animal will die instantly. 

   At Blood Potency 5 Ravnos may make a functional item from their illusions, such as key or a rope. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)





Cainites that enjoy every sensual pleasure the world has to offer, idolizing physical

beauty and the adoration of their thralls.

Toreador Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence

Weakness: Toreador can get infatuated with beautiful things, staring at them

till they accumulate 5 successes on Resolve + Composure roll that they

may do once a turn. 

Bonuses: At Blood Potency 2 Toreador may use Passion to amplify or dull targets

current emotion via Resolve + Presence vs Resolve + Composure roll.

This power last for amount of turns equal to successes scored. 

With Auspex 3 Share the Sense Toreador may project their voice anywhere in sight. 

At Blood Potency and Presence 5 Toreador may inflict a random derangement on anyone that succumbs to their Majesty power. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)

NOTE: Daughters of Cacophony can still be played. They are rolled into Toreador, with their powers being a Blood Potency bonuses. 

You basically gonna use Presence powers while singing. 




Vampiric sorcerers that wield the supernatural power of their past as a hermetic

house, though they became vampires through treachery and artifice.

Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Blood Sorcery

Weakness: Tremere may not Blood Bond other Kindred, 

however they themselves get blood bonded fully with only two drink,

skipping level 1 bond. 

Bonuses: Access to Thaumaturgy.

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)






Eldritch Old World lords who have little in common with the mortal world and can

manipulate flesh and bone at a whim.

Disciplines: Auspex, Animalism, Vicissitude

Weakness: Cannot activate blood related buffs/disciplines inside privately owned

residence/clubs they have not obtained the owners invite.

(or persons authorized to grant access invite )

(Public venues are fine as are

disciplines that do not require vitae to use.)

Bonuses: Immune to wound penalties. 

At Blood Potency 3 Tzimisce may use Dominate on Frenzied targets. 

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)






Noblesse of vampire society, their pride is only matched by their ability to lead and their

abundance of resources.

Disciplines: Dominate, Presence, Fortitude

Weakness: Ventrue are very picky when it comes to blood. Each Ventrue have

a specific preference, such as only feeding on famous people or perhaps or

politicians only, this can be as unique as you like it. This means that feeding 

       on anyone in game that does not meet your criteria will result in throwing up their

blood, gaining nothing from it. This also has mechanical part to it, 

Ventrue regains 1 Blood Point a day instead of default 3.

Additionally, a Ventrue cannot gain blood from a combat feed on a target who is -not-  

of the correct Criteria.

Bonuses: At Blood Potency 2 Ventrue may perform a Mind Strike on a target

(once a scene per target as normal with most mental powers). The Ventrue spends 1 Blood

Point and rolls Resolve + Dominate vs Stamina + Athletics. Any successes scored over the

victim counts as lethal damage to the victim. 

At Blood Potency 3 Ventrue unlocks Divine Aura, which means that

any time someones tries to examine their aura, it triggers an Entrancement

Presence power roll against the examiner. 

At Blood Potency and Presence 4 Ventrue unlocks Rescue Beacon, which will passively trigger Summon to nearest ally 

when Ventrue is torpored.

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)






Created by Tremere by wicked sorcery that twisted kindred of other clans into these

stone guardians.

Free from their shackless in modern nights, they are unlike any other vampires. 

Scout Disciplines: Auspex, Protean, Forittude

Sentinel Disciplines: Potence, Protean, Forittude

Weakness: Their minds been made weak to mind control, which results in -3 to all 

resist rolls to mind control attempts, like Dominate. 

The way they look also breaks Masquerade. +1 to intimidation rolls. -2 to social rolls.

Bonuses: Ability to Fly.

Ability to use Chameleon, blending into surroundings, adding +3 to Stealth rolls.

Ability to use Earth Meld on Stone and Buildings. 

At Blood Potency 3 Gargoyles may also sense anyone in the building with Perception+Wits vs Stealth+Wits roll.

(for detailed clan information click here for wiki page)





banu haquim.jpg
Banu Haquim








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