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Taking its name from the Latin phrase "Nullum Mysteriis Processit" ("Out of the unexplained comes nothing"), Null Mysteriis has its origins in work of Jean-Pierre Brattel, after he attended a Parisian Theosophist Society meeting in 1893. Disappointed that they were a religious movement rather than serious scientists, he left with new ideas. However, he also felt that scientists of the era would shrug off his theories as impossible in an age when many scientists felt they had unlocked the answers of creation. By the start of World War 1, the group had gained massive membership across Europe and America, before the two world wars decimated the group. Despite such setbacks, the group opened it's permanent headquarters in London in 1941, and in the 1970s went through a resurgence in membership that brought the group back to it's glory days of the early 20th century.


Null Mysteriis seeks to explain the existence and abilities of the monsters in the dark purely through science and logical reasoning. While some deny the existence of any "magic" or "divine powers" most simply believe that the supernatural exists and can be understood with the scientific method.





By day, members of Null Mysteriis are members of the scientific and medical communities; it is in their "free time" that they devote themselves to the hunt for the supernatural and the experimentation to explain what they find. A minimal administrative staff puts together formal membership packets and helps maintain the organization's meeting places. The elected head of the group is the General Secretary, currently astrophysicist Alexander Watt, as well as officers position such as treasurer, now headed by psychologist Vincent Fielding.


Null Mysteriis is in a bit of internal crisis, however, as Watt and Fielding are battling against each other for the proper road the group should take, creating various competing Theories within the group.




Null Mysteriis has only Research and  Librarian departments. They generally make up the Faculty of Nola University. They have no Arms Department or Intelligence department. Fortunately they do have access to the Maidens grade reports, so while they lack Arms in their own right, they do have the maidens at their disposal as it were.

























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