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Members of the Long Night believe that Armageddon has already come to the world. Before the Rapture can claim the holiest and truest of Christians, the world must be purged of evil. This battle is known as the Tribulation, and by fighting it and beating back the unholy forces, the members of the Long Night will prove that the world is worthy of Christ's redemption and He will return in a Second Coming to come for the holy.

A scarce few members believe that the Rapture, on the other hand, has already happened. They fight the Tribulation for personal redemption and to vanquish the wicked.



The Long Night essentially has no organization, acting almost exclusively on a local level. Most members have no clue how many members exist, and many would be surprised to hear it was a worldwide entity. Any devout Christian from fundamental to liberal believers may join so long as they agree with the organization's philosophies.


If possible, supernaturals are captured instead of killed. They are offered a chance to repent; those who take that offer are watched closely, and at the first sign they have returned to their old ways are recaptured and given another chance to repent, those who cannot be redeemed are executed without a second chance.


There are no Librarians, No Research departments of the long night.  Intelligence and Arms department are combined, The Long Night look for supernatural creatures to capture and redeem and do the capturing and redeeming themselves.    


Long Night members can roughly be divided into three types.

  • The Hopeless believe that they are beyond redemption, and can only save others from the darkness.

  • The Faithful work in the name of God, serving as His holy army.

  • Finally, the Merciful want to save as many as they can, even the supernatural, and try to purify the wicked instead of destroying them. 





Long Night members should be of the Faithful to gain benefit from any of the long night perks. Long Night begin each night with prayer points. Prayer points form an -essence- track and it is defined by OCCULT RANK + TRUE FAITH RANK.

  • When a prayer point is spent 1 point is subtracted from the characters essence.

  • The Table below describes how prayer points may be spent.

  • Prayer points are regenerated the following night.




  • Wrath is considered a virtue for members of the Long Night, so long as it is directed against the enemies of humanity. It therefore only procs as a sin if wrath is used unjustly or to settle petty earthly conflicts.












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