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The Restless Dead


  • RELICS: Relics are items that a wraith has managed to cross over with, it the spiritual equivalent of an item that had some connection to the wraith while it was living. Sometimes these relics can be items of Jewellery, Phones, Switchblades or even firearms. Relics unfortunately do not bring their power source or ammunition with them. An relic item requires pathos to use. A ring or necklace of course does not, but a phone or computer will require the wraith to spend a point of pathos to activate it.  In a bind a wraith may gain a point of angst instead of spending a point of pathos, but this presents its very own danger. Some relics pass from wraith to wraith as the relic builds its own legend independently of the wraith who first brought it through. So not having the relic background does not prevent you acquiring a relic at a later date.


  • ARTIFACTS: Are items that have been forged within the underworld. These are items usually made of soul steel, (Melted down wraith or other plasmids of the afterlife ) though there are some Stygian steel  artifacts that are  made from the ultra rare solidified plasma occasionally found within the tempest. Stygian steel causes aggravated damage to wraith and other spirit forms. 


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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