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A.K.A Akashic Brotherhood




Harmony is found in the flow of What Is. To attune one’s self to that flow is so simple that it can take lifetimes to master. It is, perhaps, the lot of man to strive against that flow; certainly, the modern world is filled with distractions from such purposes. And so, the Akashayana, commonly known as the Akashic Brotherhood, seek harmony in a world filled with chaos. Deeply misunderstood among the Council as “peaceful warriors,” devotees of the Akashayana Sangha (“Order of the Vehicle of Akasha”) strengthen their bodies to cultivate their minds – and, by extension, the Sphere of Mind – in their pursuit of harmony. And yet, harmony often demands conflict. Just as the strings of an instrument must be struck before they can vibrate harmoniously, so too has the Brotherhood endured millennia of war. In the process, the Akashayana refined Do (“the Way,” pronounced doe), the primal martial art from which all others descend.  Do, however, is more than mere war techniques. Encompassing a range of spiritual practices from tea ceremonies to Tantric union, Do focuses a person’s essence, form, and intentions. Through relentless training, the student (or Akashi) develops the concentration he needs in order to discern the essential dissatisfaction of Samsara, the perpetual cycle or flow of existence. A Harmonious Brother (an honorific used regardless of the mage’s gender) strives to help all beings realize samadhi (enlightenment, Ascension) and liberate each Bodhicitta (Avatar) from the cycle of rebirth. Despite some misperceptions, the Akashayana did not originate in China. In a Time Before Time, humanity’s world was a single Mount Meru; there, the Meru’ai people lived in harmony. It’s been said that the Celestines Dragon, Tiger, and Phoenix taught the Meru’ai the disciplines that would become Do. Eventually, however, the imperfections of this world sundered Mount Meru from its celestial foundations, scattering the Meru’ai throughout the mountainous region later called Tibet. From there, they supposedly brought their language and ways to India, Nepal, China, and points east. Those origins have followed them wherever they go. Over the millennia, countless teachers – notably Gautama Buddha, “the Awakened One” – have incorporated elements of Do into Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, hatha yoga, and folk medicine. Akashi helped build Shaolin Temple and Angkor Wat; they overthrew tyrants, and their monasteries reached across Asia from Nepal to the Ryukyu Islands. In modern times, echoes of their teachings have spread worldwide. Today, any mindful Brother can relive this entire history to better understand the cycle of continual remanifestation. The shunyata (primal emptiness) that underlies all things holds karmic traces of all past thoughts and actions. This imprint has several names –Merumandala, Akashakarma, the Universal Consciousness, shared memory, and more; modern Brothers, though, call it the Akashic Record. A quiet mind, freed of ego, can sense the Record, in which all consciousness joins in a single stream. Once immersed in Akashic mindspace, a seeker’s awareness helps him parse the collective memories of Akashayana throughout history.


That history includes awful times: the Himalayan Wars against the early Chakravanti; conquests and revolutions; the sect’s murderous rivalries with the Wu Lung, Dalou-laoshi, and rival Akashic groups; the Boxer Rebellion and its opiumtrade beginnings; Mongol invasions and Kamikaze Wars; the Screaming Ghost Purge and Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward.


Akashics have trained samurai and disemboweled themselves for honor; they’ve raised katars with the Rajput, stormed the Forbidden City, starved in Pol Pot’s Killing Fields, and turned to ash at Hiroshima. The outer calm of an Akashic masks deep pains and passions from every age and every conflict, and the dreadful karma from those times lingers even now. Several constants link all Akashi, regardless of culture: discipline, which the study of Do demands; empathy, nurtured by connection with the Akashic Record; fitness, honed by the pursuit of Do; respect, sharpened by intense apprenticeships; and focus, without which one cannot attain even the most limited understanding of Do.


Across the globe, they share the same terminology even when divided into different groups. The popularity of martial arts culture has brought many initiates to the Akashic Path; sadly, the modern world’s various distractions make this a difficult Path for all but the most dedicated aspirants. Today, the Akashayana face a bizarre challenge: their ancient enemies, the Wu Lung, seem to have chosen the Akashic way. Although the Brotherhood remains wary about this alliance, the Tradition’s compassionate ethic encourages the Akashayana to give their old rivals a chance. To cope with that decision, though, some folks say today’s Akashics will need what their Tradition has seldom prized and rarely cultivated: imagination.




The Brotherhood is essentially led by the Kannagara, monastic ascetics of the Phoenix Robe sect. Today, however, lots of power resides with the Shi-Ren (“Benevolent Aristocracy”), a faction of politically active traditionalists who want to expand Akashic influence in world affairs. Tradition mages in the West most often encounter warriors of the Vajrapani (derisively called “Warring Fists”) and the eclectic iconoclasts of the Li-Hai, who seek enlightenment through heroic experience.



At temples, ashrams, and dojos across the world, Sifus (Masters) and Sihings (Adepts) accept disciples who display open minds and serious purpose. Each teacher typically teaches only one pupil at a time. Akashic doctrine maintains that every person must find his or her way to enlightenment; as a result, Akashayana receive very little guidance or encouragement. Many frustrated pupils give up on this Path; those who persist, however, cultivate impeccable fitness of mind, heart, and body.


Affinity Spheres: Mind or Life



“Magick” is actually self-perfection and cosmic harmony. To master such Arts in the proper Way (Do), a person must expand awareness in all things, clarify thoughts, focus the
body, and subdue emotional confusion. Asian alchemy, craftwork, faith, yoga, social dominion, and martial arts training allow a Brother to channel life energy (chi) toward astounding feats of physical, mental, and energetic achievement. As a result, common paradigms include Bring Back the Golden Age, Everything’s an Illusion, It’s All Good, and occasionally Might is Right. 




Fellow Traditions: The engaging illusions they construct distract them from the transcendence they strive to achieve.

The Technocracy: Metal dragons in a stifling box.

The Disparates: Lost children and broken relations… yet there’s more to them than there might seem.




Note: Akashic Mages have the benefits of several more source books than other tradition mages, Including the Year Of The Lotus "Dragons Of The East" Source book,  this, and their unique DO focused Rotes  explains why they have the largest collection of rotes.

Do Remember allocation of successes and success limitations still applies to rotes



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰

TIME â—‰â—‰, CORRESPONDENCE  â—‰â—‰, MIND â—‰


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Mage can look at any given place or time and follow a given target forward or backwards. (Provided the mage has physically visited those places as per correspondence ranges)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉/â—‰  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰/â—‰

MIND â—‰â—‰â—‰/â—‰, SPIRIT  â—‰, TIME â—‰â—‰


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉/◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This rote allows an Akashic to experience the past of other Mages, including their past lives. Mind 3 suffices for willing targets and other Akashics, Mind 4 is necessary otherwise.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰

FORCES â—‰â—‰â—‰

An Artificer rote, the user prepares a piece of paper to ignite rapidly creating a bright flash of light from a fire.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This burst of light can blind anyone caught unaware (Stamina + Composure diff 16+ to avoid)  Causes vampires to take a Rötschreck test at the lowest threshold.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰

FORCES â—‰â—‰ PRIME ◉◉


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Fills the area (Allocated successes) with a thick black smoke that blocks line of sight and irritates eyes. The smoke remains effective for
one round per allocated success. NOTE: This smoke cannot be overcome with "See in the dark abilities"



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉/◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰/◉◉

PRIME ◉◉◉/◉◉


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉/◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This allows the Akashic to temporarily change the Mage’s Resonance, or at Prime 5, pass it along to another being. 

(Note: A mage's Resonance is their unique fingerprint on the magical spectrum, Changing it , or passing it on can fool those that might be hunting the mage through his Resonance, Paradox Spirits for instance, Or the mage may wish to perform magic using another resonance to fool magical investigators. )



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰


This rote allows an Akashic to move quickly, spinning to gather speed and power and then unleashing their attack on enemies within range.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Each success can either add + 1 target to a hand to hand/melee attack

or add +1 to the mages STRENGTH + BRAWL + DO /DEXTERITY + MELEE + DO attack

or add +1 turn to the duration of the effect.

For example if a mage rolled 5 success he could add two additional targets and add two to his attack for 1 turn.



  • Attacker rolls their attack at a difficulty of 10+

  • All targets roll their defence at a difficulty of 10+ and compare their successes individually to the attacker.

  • Attackers successes minus Individual Defenders successes = damage taken to individual



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰


Skilled martial artist can catch many weapons as they are used against them. However, bullets can only be caught that way through the enlightened martial art of Do.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Note: This rote can not have an extended casting , as it is intended to be a quick rote used to catch a bullet the moment it threatens the mage. While initiates of the Akashic brotherhood have a hard time successfully implementing this rote, those with high arete seem to simply get better and better at it.

Each success denotes one bullet caught, due to television and movies and martial art displays the bullet catch is entirely coincidental.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉/â—‰  Arete  â—‰â—‰/â—‰


Akashics can use Do to defend against multiple opponents at a time, and make it look like an accident. Often called the “drunken master” technique, the Akashic takes a staggering stance that appears drunk, and though every move is effective, all of them appear to be accidental


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉/◉ ◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

  • The Mind 3 version makes the movements seem accidental

  • the Entropy and Life version actually randomizes movements, while still directing them at opponents.

Each success can be allocated to add  + 1 to Akashic defence rolls OR  + 1 to their attack rolls  OR +1 turn duration for the effect.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

MIND ◉◉◉◉◉ LIFE ◉◉◉ ENTROPY  ◉◉◉◉ PRIME â—‰â—‰â—‰

One of the most famous applications of Do, this rote allows the Akashic using it to keep standing beyond the point where they should have died in order to complete a battle.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Each success allocated to health adds  +1  health  which allows the Akashic to continue fighting, even after death.
Additional successes are spent on duration.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰


The Akashic steps forward (or claps hands together)to cause the ground to shake.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Forces version of this rote directly transmits energy through the ground to the target, which can cause direct injury or push them one meter
per success in any direction.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉    Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰ 

LIFE ◉◉◉  MIND ◉◉◉◉  TIME   ◉◉◉◉ 

Akashics of the Hsien Chuan and Lohan Chuan schools can set the injury from a blow to trigger when they do a proscribed act or think a banned thought.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Akashic strikes the Metal Element pressure point while chanting a portion of the Drahma Sutra, and they can seal away a thought or action, binding the target to take damage should they violate this ban.

The next hand to hand blow the Akashic makes in combat stores the damage caused for a conditional release at a later time. 

NOTE: How long this lasts depends on the successes allocated to Duration

NOTE II: If the next hand to hand blow is unsuccessful then the rote is wasted.




Prerequisites:  Occult â—‰   Arete  â—‰


When a martial artist makes contact with an opponent, this rote allows them to react more quickly by sensing the opponent’s movement extremely finely.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED â—‰ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

For as long as this effect is active the mage gains a + 1 bonus  to all Block & Parry rolls per success allocated. 



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰ (also a Melee + Dexterity total of  ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰ is required)

CORRESPONDENCE  â—‰â—‰ FORCES  â—‰â—‰ MIND  â—‰â—‰â—‰

Only extremely skilled melee fighters among the Akashics (See prerequisites)  can attempt this rote.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

With any flexible weapon, such as a chain, rope, or cloth, the Mage can entrance their enemy and strike in unexpected ways. This causes the opponent’s melee stat to decrease by one per success unless they can successfully willpower resist the entrancement. The duration as always is decided by the amount of successes allocated. 

NOTE: Opponents melee score can not be reduced to negative.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰

LIFE  â—‰â—‰â—‰ MATTER   ◉◉◉

The Akashic ingests a tiny amount of a poison, which then alchemically transforms some body fluid within the Akashic into that poison.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Akashic is immune to the poison they create, and generally the toxin will  add 1 damage per success in addition to the damage from a strike



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉/â—‰   Arete  â—‰â—‰/â—‰


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉/◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Instantaneously causes a  OWNED weapon to appear in the Mage’s hands.

If a weapon cannot be summoned from elsewhere, the Mage can use the second form of this rote to create a duplicate of an OWNED weapon.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰

MIND  ◉◉◉ TIME   â—‰â—‰â—‰



SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This is one of the most effective teaching rotes ever devised. With it, an Akashic can instantaneously transmit their ideas in a burst of thought to another, essentially accelerated Telepathy. This is useful for explaining situations in a hurry, or giving detailed reports, instructions to characters who are in conversation with others and cannot afford the interruption.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰

MIND  ◉◉◉ TIME   â—‰â—‰â—‰

 SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰

MIND  ◉◉◉ PRIME ◉◉


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Without changing the appearance of Matter, this rote  alters it so that the Mage can walk over it normally.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰


Allows the Akashic to sense the emotions and mental state of those targeted.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰


The Akashic can force a feeling of peace into their target’s mind. If successful the target will lose their will to do harm (to anyone) for the duration.

Duration is one turn per success minus 2.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰

MIND ◉◉ LIFE â—‰  OR  MIND◉◉  MATTER â—‰

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

While meditating, this rote protects the Akashic. It gives them the ability to detect a hostile being in the vicinity.

With Matter instead of Life, it can detect traps near the meditating Akashic.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰



SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The variants on this rote are different ways for an Akashic to become unseen. With Correspondence, the Akashic folds space so that light passes around them, with Forces they can create a more traditional illusion of invisibility, with Mind they can alter the perceptions of others directly to not see them.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰



SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

As with the previous rote  except with Entropy with which they can destroy the very idea of the Mage’s presence.


Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

MIND ◉◉◉◉ SPIRIT  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

This rote makes a spirit accept the Akashic paradigm. The spirit will then protect Akashics wherever it finds them.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Mage needs more successes than the spirit’s Gnosis + Willpower to make the spirit loyal to the Akashayana for the duration of the effect.

NOTE: This rote does not include wraith or ghosts, but "Nature or Umbral "Spirits"




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

LIFE ◉◉◉◉ PRIME ◉◉ MIND ◉◉

The Akashic attempts to mirror Vibansumitra’s manifestation of his Avatar in the physical realm.


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Features of the Avatar are as follows

  • Immunity to extreme temperatures

  • +2 health.

  • four additional arms + 4 to all physical feats including combat.

  • Mind is used to project an overwhelming feeling of awe into all who see the Avatar Form. (Composure + Resolve difficulty 12+ Successes rolled to overcome) Awed subjects are fixated on the subject and cannot avert their gaze unless danger breaks the spell.

  • Maximum duration 1 scene.



The quintessential martial art from which all other disciplines supposedly descend, Do is far more than a mere collection of fighting techniques.

Do is a way of life… or, more literally, the Way of life. When directed toward peaceful ends, Do allows a person to refine enormous potential. And when directed, by sad necessity, toward the ends of violence, Do is legendary in its martial applications.


All Akashic Characters start with 1 dot in DO. Further dots are purchased with XP.


DO is a ranked ability, with each dot of DO the practitioner may choose one freebie Martial Art move. A Akashic who reaches rank 5 will have to purchase the other moves independently .


DO is also used in all combat situation (Barring shooting  guns)

  • Add your DO rank to your STRENGTH + BRAWL attacks

  • Add your DO rank to your DEXTERITY + MELEE  attacks.

  • ADD your DO rank to your ATHLETICS + DEXTERITY thrown object attacks.

  • ADD your DO rank to all your DODGE, PARRY, BLOCK rolls.


IMPORTANT: A user of DO may not wear armor or use guns and gain any benefit from DO.  Armor is too restrictive and guns too far removed from the Akashic teachings to be compatible with DO


Each Ranking in DO also unlocks various DO Manoeuvres and DO rotes.


â—‰   May take one martial art move.

◉◉ May take a second martial art move.
◉◉◉ May take a third martial art move.
◉◉◉◉ May take a fourth martial art move.
◉◉◉◉◉ May take a fifth martial art move.

All additional martial arts moves beyond DO dots must be purchased separately.






  • Passive Moves are always on

  • Active abilities must be declared when used.


Combat Stance: Passive +1 to attack and defense rolls.


Full On Defense: Active Skip your own action in order to reroll your failed defense roll. 


Offensive Move: Active +2 to next attack roll but -2 to next defense roll.


Defensive Move: Active +2 to next defense roll but -2 to next attack roll.


Knock Out: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock a mortal out (does not work on shifters or undead). 


Counter Attack: Passive If your opponent botches an attack on you, then you may immediately hit them back. Your counter attack is treated as regular attack in terms of defense against it. 


Counter Throw: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on defense roll, throw your opponent down to the ground, dealing 1 minor damage to then. 


Knock Down: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, knock an opponent down to the ground. 


Staggering Attack: Passive Upon scoring 5+ successes on attack roll, the opponent suffers a penalty of -3 to attack/defense rolls for next turn. 


Grappler: Passive +3 to all grapple rolls, defensibly or offensively. 


Prone Mastery: Passive When you are down, you do not suffer penalties. 


Kick Off: Passive Allows to get back up without sacrificing an action, however you do suffer penalty of -1 to all physical moves for that round. 


Disable Limb: Active During your grapple roll or while having someone in a hold you may roll a grappler attack to twist and disable someones limb. This attack works with 3+ successes scored, giving your opponent a penalty of -2 to all physical actions for the scene. 


Disarm: Active Upon scoring 3+ successes on attack you forfeit doing damage but you disarm your opponent of the weapon they hold. 







Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰

Applying the mastery of Do into the use of hand-to-hand weaponry, a devotee can use certain weapons with brilliant efficiency.



In game terms, the character gets one weapon specialization  for every dot he has in the Melee Trait; (must list them on sheet)  with those weapons only, he reduces the normal difficulty by -1. If the weapon normally does bashing damage, the Akashic may inflict lethal damage with it instead.

This technique does not apply to guns, though it may be used with bows or thrown weapons.



Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰

In the hands of an especially skilful Warring Fist, anything becomes a weapon.



With this technique, the Tao-shih can use any object – a coin, a wallet, a newspaper, whatever – to inflict damage. If the object isn’t normally a weapon, it deals  bashing  damage. if it’s a weapon that normally inflicts bashing damage, it does lethal damage; and if it normally does lethal damage, it adds + 1 success on successful attack

(Successful attack = An attack that scores at least 1 success naturally)

NOTE: Attacks using this passive roll MELEE + DEXTERITY +DO RANK




Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰

Through intense conditioning and focused chi, a practitioner can withstand terrible blows. 



Add + 1 health per DO Rank versus Bashing Damage. Lethal and Aggravated Damage ignore this extra health



Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰â—‰

With blinding speed, the Tao-shih catches arrows and other projectile weapons (no bullets),knocks them out of the air, and sometimes even throws them back at her attackers.



1 Success is enough to deflect the projectile.

3 successes is enough to catch the projectile, the projectile may be thrown back during the next action

(Roll Dexterity + Athletics +Do as a ranged attack)




Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰â—‰

The remarkable power of Do allows a practitioner to catch or grab his opponent and then throw her with incredible force.



Each success throws the opponent 5 meters. All damage is Bashing.



Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

Also known as the Iron Shout, kiaijutsu channels the practitioner’s chi through his voice, granting him phenomenal powers of intimidation and force. 

Once per combat, the Akashic may focus his inner energy into a terrifying kiai, which may have one of the following effects:​






The Tao-shih may toughen himself against blows, giving himself a three-turn Stamina bonus of one dot for every



ROLL MANIPULATION + DO  Vs Opponents Composure + Resolve

SUCCESS:  Each success incurs a -1 roll penalty  for the target’s next action, to a maximum of -3
If the devotee’s successes exceed the target’s Willpower, that enemy is either stunned into immobility for a turn or so, or else driven to flee. Against several weak-willed opponents (Willpower 4 or less), the Iron Shout causes one enemy to flee for every success rolled.





Channelling his power toward a softer voice, he may hold the Shout in and fill his words with ferocious energy.
SUCCESS: each success adds one success to his next Expression, Leadership,
Intimidation, or performance-based Art roll.



Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

Through intense balance training on stumps, pillars, and poles, an Akashic learns to perform incredible feats of acrobatic prowess.




A practitioner may either double her jumping distance or bounce from object to object for one turn, plus another turn for every two successes scored.

The Practitioner MAY add 1 success per two successes rolled on this maneuver to their next attack (Provided that attack  A. scores 1 natural success , B is  Immediately following the leap)


Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

Also known as Jou Chuan or the Redirection technique, the Soft Fist guides a hand-to-hand attack back against those who wish to harm the devotee. 


ROLL ATHLETICS + DEXTERITY + DO Vs Opponents Brawl/Melee attack


1 Success is required to redirect the attackers attack against another character (either another foe within range or the attacker themselves)

The new target must roll their defence at a difficulty equal to the Akashic's roll on this maneuver. If they fail, the suffer damage as if the original attacker attacked them (For example an attack that would cause lethal or aggravated damage would transfer to the new target, If a weapon was used and it has special abilities, those abilities also transfer to the attack)

NOTE: This move may be used once per combat, but as it is a defence move the Akashic does not lose their attack following this move.




Prerequisites:  DO RANK  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

Perhaps the most devastating strike in the Akashic technique arsenal, the Typhoon Kick directs chi, momentum, and supreme focus into a blow that can shatter stone and kill most human beings.


ROLL STRENGTH + BRAWL + DO + 5  Vs Opponents defence.

  • this attack requires absolute concentration and may be done no more than once every five turns.

  • The practitioner can choose to use either bashing or lethal damage with this kick.

  • If used against a solid object (A car ,Wall ,Stone Elemental etc) The Akashic takes half of the damage themselves (rounded down)

  • If a character manages to BRACE the blow with armor or natural resistance , The Akashic takes 1 point of damage per Successes the defendant rolled.






Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉◉

MIND â—‰â—‰â—‰, ENTROPY  â—‰â—‰â—‰

Often, an Akashic prefers to avoid battle. 

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

With this technique, the Akashic can stun  one opponent per success , for one turn


Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉

MIND â—‰â—‰â—‰, ENTROPY  â—‰â—‰â—‰

Often, an Akashic prefers to avoid battle. 

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

By focusing their Chi, an Akashic can use Do to harm spirits just as they would humans.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉

FORCES â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰, CORRESPONDENCE  â—‰

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

With this maneuver, an Akashic can stay aloft even for several minutes of long-distance flight to deliver a flying kick to a target, so long as the target was in sight (including Correspondence) and the Mage travels a straight line.



Prerequisites:  Occult â—‰  Arete  â—‰ DO â—‰

FORCES â—‰, MIND  â—‰

SUCCESSES REQUIRED â—‰  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The character may add 1 success per success rolled  to the next attack they make provided they score at least 1 success on that attack.

Note: Target allocation and duration determine the amount of people this bonus applies to and how many turns the buff lasts.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉◉◉

 CORRESPONDENCE  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰, FORCES  â—‰â—‰â—‰ , PRIME ◉◉

This technique focuses the Akashic’s Chi to strike additional targets

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This attack does Forces damage rather than regular punching damage, and the targets may be out of normal reach (up to 3 meters per level of Do) and may punch through objects without damaging them.




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉◉

MATTER  â—‰â—‰â—‰, ENTROPY  â—‰â—‰â—‰ 

This Do technique allows the Akashic to shatter solid objects with a shout.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

One success allows them to break glass, while three or four is enough to crack a wall or heavy door. 



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉◉

FORCES  â—‰â—‰â—‰, CORRESPONDENCE  â—‰â—‰â—‰ , MIND â—‰  PRIME ◉◉

The Akashic spends several rounds attacking and pulling back a blow, storing the energy that they had put into it.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Each success acts as a multiplier to the damage (Example 3 successes multiplies the damage by 3)  when the final blow actually lands. Due to the near impossibility of hitting a moving target with this rote, it is most useful for destroying barriers, vehicles, and other stationary targets. 

See "Objects and damage" on the damage and healing page.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰ DO ◉◉◉

LIFE   â—‰â—‰â—‰, PRIME  â—‰â—‰ 

The Akashic focuses their Chi and their attacks do aggravated damage

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Each attack the akashic makes after successfully casting this rote  expends a point of Quintessence to do Aggravated damage. Until either there is no quintessence left of the duration (1 turn per success allocated to duration) runs out.



Prerequisites:  Occult â—‰   Arete  â—‰ DO â—‰


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Akashic is using Do to track the attack and deflect it. 

This rote is rolled defensively against missile attacks traveling slower than a bullet. 








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