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A hollow age makes hollow people. In many regards, the 20th century was that age – filled with sound and fury but very little depth below its rather spectacular surface. The term “lost generation” was coined to reflect the wild rush of indulgence and abandon that epitomized the early part of that century, and though the Hollow Ones are anything but lost, that phrase echoes their questing Path. Dismissed as a bunch of shallow club-kids, the Darklings are as old as humanity. Where other mages sought enlightenment, the hollow people explored shadows. The heirs of Lilith and Lucifer, they found power in rebellion, not submission. It’s not surprising, then, that they were, until recently, a rare and haunted breed. The group’s modern incarnation traces its roots to the Romantic Rebellion of the early 1800s, when artists like Byron, Beethoven, Goya, and the Shelleys spit in the face of that Age of Reason, exposing the tempestuous intersection of nature and humanity. Their inheritors, the Decadents, reveled in debauchery, seeking wisdom in excess. In those days of open-eyed madness, the Hollow Ones found inspiration. Although the group’s familiar name and purpose came together several decades later, that pursuit of clarity through glorious paradox remains a foundation of the sect. “We are,” quoted Darkling icon Neville Sinclair, “the Hollow Men. We have always been here.”

Regardless of the name they’ve chosen, the Hollow Ones specialize in revealing truths that other folks would rather ignore. Their ironic embrace of morbidity is a pose meant to highlight the importance of life. A living memento mori, this group kicks over monuments in order to show the rot underneath… and thus, to also demonstrate the importance of living life well. Art, poetry, dance, imagination… such things are sacraments to the Hollow Ones, not simply because it’s fun but because of the truth embodied in artistry. Art, at its best, distills passions into symbols other people can understand. Real art – not the hollow confections of pop culture but the deeper levels, where truth comes out – is a form of magick. And although other groups employ that focus too, no sect understands this form better than the Hollow Ones. Though they’ve shared space with other sects for over a century now, the Hollowers rarely get the respect they’ve earned. Most other mages see them as dilettantes, capering around the club-scene like spoiled children while their elders do the heavy lifting. That’s an unfair assessment, though understandable at times. In reality, the Darklings focus on Earthly matters that their oh-so-cosmic peers ignore. Especially since the explosion of subcultures in the post-WWII era, Hollow mages have concentrated on the young people caught out on the fringes of their world: the misfits, the freaks, the left-behinders whose oddness strands them, as Patti Smith put it, “outside of society.” Other sects might show up at homeless shelters with some gifts and a sermon, but Hollowers speak the language of the streets. Like the cast-off items from which they shape their Arts, these mages reclaim life’s throwaways and make something beautiful from them.




Traditionally, the Darklings favor small, family like cliques; within these groups, social acclaim and stigma keep the members of that group in line. Given the dangerous nature of their world, these cliques prize loyalty and punish betrayal with all the harshness of the streets. The rules within such groups are simple: don’t fuck each other over, respect one another’s autonomy, and remain beautiful in the face of ugliness. Until recently, the Hollowers were considered the lost Tradition; they had even considered, and been considered for, a 10th seat on the Council of Nine. Those plans fell apart when various catastrophes shook the Council. Hollow elders, disgusted with the constant games of make-nice, decided that the Traditions were a lost cause. Although some Hollow Ones joined the Verbena, Ecstatics, or even the Etherites, the majority decided to ditch their Council aspirations. The talks that seeded the Disparate Alliance proved instrumental in that decision… and now the Darklings – rebel tribes by nature – are adjusting to the idea of being leaders instead of malcontents.




Though they’re typically associated with the Goth-rock subculture, Hollow Ones gravitate toward any fashion steeped in beautiful revolt. Punk, metal, hip-hop, techno-industrial, and even classical music cultures have adherents among the Hollow Ones. Most recently, the neo-jazz, steampunk, fae-punk, Gothic Lolita, and androgynous visual kei subcultures have rattled the old Bauhaus-style cage. Even so, many Hollowers still enjoy the old-school Goth look, if only because it’s so unfashionable these days. An element of grace must always be present in Darkling company. When an appropriately graceful member gets noticed, a clique begins to test his fitness to join the club. From a discreet distance, they prod him and watch how he responds. Assuming that he passes their tests, they approach the potential member with offers of friendship. If he seems cool, he’s allowed further and further into the clique until the members judge him fit to join… by which point he’s usually a member by default.


Affinity Spheres: Any.


Darklings use whatever they’ve got to work with – typically things discarded by society. Broken toys, occult goodies, and symbols and behaviors that so-called respectable people shun make potent tools in the hands of a Hollow mage. Belief-wise, that hollow image is appropriately symbolic: these folks tend to see themselves as vessels of life and death, pouring their Arts out or carrying those cosmic forces from place to place. Magick, then, comes from the proper comprehension and intentional use of the energies that, in most people, are simply wasted. Everything is Chaos, an Illusion, or a Mistake, probably on a One-Way Trip to Oblivion. Some Hollowers insist that It’s All Good, but they’re the minority. Chaos and gutter magick are near-universal among the Hollow Ones. Although such Arts don’t actually nurture chaos, they thrive in the chaos of our age. 




The Traditions: We gave them a chance – lots of chances, actually. They blew us off, so fuck ‘em. We got a new ball and we’re playing a new game.

The Technocracy: The rotten core of a rotting age.

The Disparate Alliance: Is it perfect? Hell no. Is it an improvement? Damn straight.



Do Remember allocation of successes and success limitations still applies to rotes




Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰ 


The downtown urban sprawls of the World of Darkness are dark, twisted mazes of graffiti and the dim glow of neon. A Hollower on her own turf who knows this little trick can fake out, misdirect and shake anyone that may be pursuing her. A combination of twisting space and confusing the pursuer's sense of direction, this rote makes back alleyways seem to swallow the Hollow One, throwing off any pursuit.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ â—‰ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This rote is coincidental if it is accomplished out of the direct sight of a pursuer and if the pursuer can perceive some manner in which the mage may have escaped ("Damn, he must have jumped onto that dumpster, grabbed the fire escape and vaulted over that fence. I'll never catch him now.") If a character vanishes in a dead-end alley with no conceivable means of physical escape, the Effect is vulgar.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉ Arete  â—‰â—‰ 

LIFE  ◉◉  MIND ◉◉ 

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Hollow Ones are so adept at gossip that they developed this rote, which allows them to communicate with small, smart animals such as rats, ferrets, cats and corvids. They can communicate clearly and concisely, though this does not mean the animal is -friendly- or inclined to help or provide useful information.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰  


One may ponder, after exposure to Hollow Ones, how these usually unemployed vagabonds always manage to have the coolest goth stuff. The insides of their downtown crash pads / studio apartments seem covered with trinkets and decorations that came straight out of a Hollywood monster-movie set. Just how these street kids afford all the antique candelabras and hearses with black-tinted windows while sleeping all day and not playing the Syndicate's paycheck game is a Hollow One secret. Antiquing allows Hollow Ones to find things in thrift shops, yard sales and junk yards that may be completely nonfunctional, broken down and/or forgotten. The junk, acquired through trade or minimal cash, is then transformed via magic, thus turning someone else's trash into a Hollow One's magical treasures.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉◉(however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The magic itself is a complex combination of restoring Matter patterns, turning back the clock on decay and channeling Quintessence to create something from nothing. The result is Gothic-style extravagance on a budget. Not all items require all Spheres, but the more used, the more extravagant the items created or restored.
The Effect is coincidental if performed over time and out of sight of others. If objects are restored instantly, or within someone's view, it is vulgar.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰  

FORCES  ◉◉◉  MIND ◉◉◉

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The ability to remain unseen is crucial for any Hollow One on a stakeout or who finds herself in situations she would rather not be caught in. This rote manipulates the light of the surroundings to cloak the mage's presence. Additionally, the Hollow One enacting the rote projects a mental impulse for anyone nearby to look in other directions. Part trick of the light, part misdirections, Being Invisible is subtle. However, if the mage moves - takes a full step or more - the Effect is nullified, and others may glance in her direction and see her.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰  


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

On general principle, Hollow Ones hate to play the Technocracy's money game. Yet, they cannot deny that such a trade medium is often their only means for survival. Hence, the creation of this rote. Hollow Ones using it can find money - rarely large amounts of moola, just enough to get by on. It is an effective and mostly coincidental survival technique. People drop money all the time; the Hollow One mage just happens to be the guy who finds these lost bills and coins. Whether the found greenback is just a fiver to eat on or a twenty to catch a ride with, street survival is something Hollowers can summon at will.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰  

MIND ◉◉◉◉

At concerts, parties or any circumstance where there is a large group of people in one place interacting with one another, the vibes are perfect for crowd surfing. Erecting a cool facade of finely chiseled coolness, cigarette hanging out of the lip, the surfer closes his eyes and sees the plane of thoughts. With the cresting waves of emotion and inner voices, intention and inhibition rise and fall in the ocean of minds.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The Hollow Mind adept merely walks around the scene, mentally divining and analyzing the local who's who, discovering who is with whom and who really feels what for whom. His mind steers an astral surfboard, cutting through the tides of thought, allowing the crowd surfer to conquer any social scene.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰  


This rote can create a cover of darkness around the streets a mage currently occupies, helping her to avoid others or to keep her features ambiguous. This rote tends to be coincidental if the mage merely causes a flicker or a dimming of street lamps when he walks past - lights flicker on and off in the urban landscape all the time.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Each success rolled equals a +1 bonus the Hollow One can add to his stealth + Larceny rolls for the scene in which the lights are dimmed.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉/â—‰   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰/â—‰    

CORRESPONDENCE  ◉◉◉  OR â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰

This ability was developed by Hollow One teleporters to "hop" from Tradition chantries and safehouses the world over. Unfortunately this type of transportation is always vulgar, but the less witnesses, the less Paradox incurred. The Paradox usually takes the form of physical exhaustion, severe jet lag and the need to sleep for long stints after multiple transports.
Railroad Riders can carry luggage with them. Knapsacks, backpacks and fanny packs filled with mail are not uncommon. Often, the Railroader spends a few days at a location, bringing his clique hosts up to speed via normal means and magic. Hollow Railroad Riders are on a perpetual surf, and many learn Mind and Spirit secondary Spheres to further enable them to carry, receive and deliver the bulk of Hollow Railroad "mail."

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉/◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

With three levels of Correspondence, the mage can transport himself. With four, he can take more people or large things, although this also requires the Life or Matter Spheres  (Life 2 or matter 2 which requires 2 additional successes)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰   

FORCES  ◉◉◉  LIFE  â—‰â—‰â—‰

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

A common pastime of young, street-punk Hollowers is to leap from rooftop to rooftop. Punk-combat Hollowers consider this rote a test of bravery and a rite of passage. Over time, through such workouts, the cliques of punks who regularly patrol the streets build up extra muscle in their legs to give them spring. This muscle mass, along with the very subtle manipulation of momentum, can give these street troops leaping routines that rival those of any martial arts movie. (This is basically enlightened Parkour)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰   

LIFE  ◉◉◉  MIND  ◉◉

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Some Hollow Ones (particularly club-goers) can produce certain behaviorally stimulating scents from their sweat glands. All kinds of subtle messages from "desire me" to "leave me alone" to "protect me," are released through scent-induced hormones to convey and create conscious obedience in others. It takes working up a rather large sweat to be totally effective, but intense dancing, long running and even sex can be pheromone-inducing activities. Circumstances help determine whether the Effect is coincidental or vulgar - although the target is usually unaware that scent is affecting his emotions, strange and unbidden emotions will not go unnoticed. Projecting "protect me" to a cop who is chasing you down is somewhat vulgar. On the other hand, projecting "desire me" during sexual intercourse is quite coincidental. (Resisted with composure + resolve , difficulty 13 +Mages Arete, cannot change -nature-)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰   

FORCES  ◉◉  MIND  ◉◉◉

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Certain sounds evoke certain thoughts and emotions. The Hollow Ones perfect this concept and apply it in several ways. A package of information - be it a story, and encoded message or a secret piece of gossip - can be invested and concealed within a certain pattern of sound waves, usually music or a spoken voice. The sound waves are recorded in any number of ways. Later, when the sounds are played back, the sound evokes mental images of the invested information. Sound/Thought Transfer is the Hollow One method of choice for communicating to each other what they do not want others to hear. Raves, night clubs, pirate radio and even the exchanging of mix tapes and CDs serve as the complex system by which Hollow One knowledge is passed around. Things hidden in music serve as the Hollow One grapevine. This Effect is considered coincidental ("We understand what this music is saying.")



Prerequisites:  Occult â—‰  Arete  â—‰   


This rote is used by Hollow Ones on the street to recognize the enemy. It is usually used on anyone who looks out of place. Those wearing full black suits are often checked, as are most black sedans.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

With a successful roll, this rote will reveal the existence of any Technomagic implants in a target, as well as identify the presence of the substance known as primium. This rote is considered coincidental.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰   

MATTER  â—‰â—‰â—‰

This rote conjures ever-creepy and mysterious fog to embellish the Hollow One's rituals or conceal his presence. The Fog can provide safety, cover and privacy from others.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The full effects of the fog +1 bonus per success (max 6)  on Stealth rolls
The Effect can be vulgar or coincidental depending on circumstance or location. In early morning San Francisco, the Smokey Mountains or predawn London, fog is most certainly a normal occurrence. In the deserts of the American Southwest or an afternoon in the city, however, fog is an improbable occurrence. The slower the fog takes to set, the more coincidental it can seem.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰   

ENTROPY  ◉◉ FORCES  â—‰â—‰

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

For those who choose to listen to the music of the city, there is an underlying pattern, a rhythm, if you will, to all the rumbling and revving of the engines. With mastery of the Traffic Pulse, a mage can effect the time it takes traffic lights to turn, cause traffic to be heavy or sparse, even direct and prevent minor accidents. For a mage who literally lives on the streets, Traffic Pulse can be a useful magical tool.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰    


Perhaps the most useful of all Hollow One curses is the mighty Vext. The Vext is only evoked on enemies of the Hollow Ones, never on a rival Hollower. The target suffers a series of minor setbacks and annoyances - nothing goes right or according to plan for someone who has been Vext. When Hollow Ones are compelled to warfare (magical or otherwise,) it is common to evoke a Vext on the enemy a few days before a calculated strike.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

 This rote makes its recipient the target of Murphy's Law for a number of days equal to the successes gained on the Arete roll. Since streaks of bad luck are not out of the norm, this rote is coincidental. (Targets Botch modifier increased from 1-2 to 1-4)



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉  Arete  â—‰â—‰   


This trick is a way to keep from getting lost in the surreal urban landscape that is a Hollow One's habitat. Combining a keen sense of direction with a good set of odds, the mage can usually stumble to where she wants to be or needs to be.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

As long as the mage has a good idea of where she's going ("I need to get to Tadd's apartment...") a single success is enough to point her in the right direction and keep her on track. More successes clue the mage into short cuts that get her there faster. This rote is coincidental magic; the name of the rote itself is a good enough way to subtly pass off this effect.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰    

MATTER  â—‰ MIND  ◉◉◉

Graffiti is one of the Hollow Ones' hidden languages. All that multicolored scrawl and those odd, letter-like symbols decorating the dark corners are often really cryptic Writings on the Wall. This technique is similar to the old hobo language. Hollow Ones use this language to give others in the Tradition quick clues as to the lay of the land - whose territory is whose, what people to watch out for, where to meet. The writing may mark the lairs of supernatural creatures. All sorts of information about an area is plain to those who know the symbolic language of the spray-paint signs.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉  (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

A single success conveys the simple gist of a message to any Hollow one who views it ("Beware: werewolf lair.") More successes add more nuance or complexity ("Beware: the sewer under the bridge is a Bone Gnawer hangout.") This rote is coincidental, although often illegal.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰    

LIFE ◉◉◉ MIND  ◉◉◉◉ SPIRIT  ◉◉◉◉

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉ ◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Gaunts soon realize that their deceased allies are oftentimes at odds with themselves. Every now and then, a poor soul freaks out and becomes extremely self-destructive in one way or another. This means lashing out at everything he's usually passionate about - including the mage. Blood from a Stone helps ease the buildup of pain-laden angst that befalls a ghost. When the signs of a great catharsis fit are imminent - an observation that only comes from intimately knowing what makes the ghost tick - this rote is typically enacted.
The mage takes a needle to the wax Fetter Ball (see below.) The wraith will usually make a big stink and not be happy about it. It's like trying to give a little kid a shot; there's going to be a lot of moaning and screaming. Once the first few layers of wax are pierced, the rote transforms the ghost's pure negative emotion into a stigmata of blood streaming from the wax ball. The mage catches the blood in a cup. As the pure psychic pain, in the form of ectoplasmic blood, collects, the ghost begins to regain its composure. After the last of the blood has dripped out and the wraith seems as psychologically stable as anyone dead can be, the bloody angst is burned in the metal cup it was collected in, along with a good amount of sulfur. The burning smells awful in a clinging kind of way, but despite the stench, it helps keep ghostly companions grounded and stable. The wraiths themselves call this trick a "castigation" and are usually pretty thankful for the treatment after the ritual.
This rote is always vulgar, and it is therefor usually performed in private.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰â—‰    


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

This process creates a permanent link between a ghost and a Hollow One Gaunt (a free 1-point fetter for the wraith.) The ghost must be a willing participant and voluntarily "sign" a pact. This binding process cannot be taken lightly. Once this pact is sealed and the written agreement is crumpled into a ball, the mage encases it in candle wax. The wraith's ghostly powers cannot affect the Fetter Ball, and the sphere of wax becomes a focus for further necromantic Effects. If this rote is performed without onlookers, it is coincidental. If mundanes watch the wax and paper ritual, the rote is vulgar.



Prerequisites:  Occult â—‰   Arete  â—‰  


SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

The ability to see the Underworld is one of the first rotes learned by those Initiates who desire to commune with the dead. Not only does this rote allow a Gaunt to see dead people, he can also perceive the Shadowlands as ghosts see it. The surreal and morbid black-and-white environment that the dead see allows them - and mages using this rote - to perceive weak points in buildings and objects, as well as to perceive the "aura" of life essence in all living things. By concentrating on a particular ghost, a Hollow Gaunt can also see the inky-black, evil shadow that is ever present behind each restless soul.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰    


Using a Fetter Ball as a focus, the mage may communicate with the ball's partnered ghost no matter where it is in the spirit world. The communication is sent through the Fetter connection as a psychic impulse. This way, the Hollow necromancer does not have to formally summon and interrupt a ghost ally to consult him.

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ ◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

One success provides two-way communication between the mage and the Fetter Ball's wraith, no matter the distance between them. However, the wraith does not have to answer any of the mage's queries and may remain silent, although he cannot shut out the voice from afar. The Effect is coincidental when the conversation happens in private.



Prerequisites:  Occult ◉◉◉   Arete  â—‰â—‰â—‰    

MIND â—‰â—‰â—‰ PRIME  â—‰â—‰ TIME  â—‰â—‰

SUCCESSES REQUIRED ◉◉◉◉◉ (however you may need other successes to allocate where appropriate)

Some see these strange forms of magical performance art as a bold new frontier of creativity. The dream artist takes time meditating and visualizing a scenario. Like the loose script of a "choose your own adventure" book or the outline of a video game, details are invested into the feel and mood of the piece. After long hours of meditating and mentally holding an intricate, mental construct in memory, the dream artist approaches a clique to be the audience of the piece. A sleepover is an easy way to conduct this rote, once all the attendees fall asleep. The creator is in the position of director and the audience members are the actors or players. Like a participatory, subjectively experienced movie, the dream drama plays out. When the gossamer curtain closes, the players and director wake up, with full memories of the experience, no worse for the wear, the drama having only been a dream.

















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