Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim
This is a complete revision to our previous version of changeling.
We have sought to bring the casting aspect of cantrips more in line to how it is in C20 and remove a great deal of mechanical fluff that was rarely used. The return of "Realms" which allow for a more dynamic use of Arts than previously, has been brought back after being missing from both V1.5 and V.2
REALMS: Realms are back. Allowing less clutter of Art pages.
ARTS: Arts have been rewritten to account for realms properly now, there are some extra bonuses with Wayfare, and Oneriomancy and Infusion is once
again an Art.
CASTING: Is all neatly tabled as a massive cheat sheet, and changelings can now hit 20 on a casting roll
DIFFICULTY: The Difficulty of cantrips has decreased significantly. Realms either target the area with a difficulty, or are made as a vs roll.
ART & REALM INFINITIES: Changelings now gain back their realm affinity, but also now there are ART affinities which work in a similar way to -in clan- and -out of clan- disciplines or affinity spheres or wraith guild Arcanoi. This helps to somewhat diversify the kith and give them benefits beyond their Birthrights, this just means affinity arts are cheaper than non affinity arts.
NIGHTMARE REWORK: We won't ever be bringing back nightmare points, previous experience has told us that is a bad idea, but now nightmare effects maybe taken in lieu of banality. Giving the changeling a chance to -not- incur banality, but at a cost (With nightmare points the -cost- was never paid! because it was impossible to track a weeks worth of nightmare points and was somewhat of an honour system)
BACKGROUNDS: Noble background has been removed as titles barely mean anything beyond rp and can be awarded in character, but we have added new backgrounds
DROSS RULES: We have gone back to the naming convention of "Temporary/ Spendable" glamour, and now have rules for -actual- dross.
BEDLAM + UNDOING: This has made its way back, though we do not intend for either of these systems to -dictate- play, but rather add story. We have provided plenty of ways to prevent them becoming an issue, and we fully support the rules not being utilized outside of deliberate ic drama.
NEW KITH: We have introduced three new kith that support types of characters that have been wanting to play. Dragonkin (for all your Jomo Dragon enthusiasts) Imps (For the sexy succubi fanatics) and Renegade cogs for all the automaton fans...anything from clockwork dolls to androids and clay or stone golems. These kith aren't homebrew, they are taken from Free Radio Acadia's publication "Kiths Of Arcadia" a source book written by staff who worked on Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Edition and based on "Wyld Hunt" Card game. These are canonical as kith get.
MISTS REWORK: The mists has been reworked once again , a far more intuitive system.
CHIMERA BESTIARY: So people didn't like having to custom build chimera by spending points, we have now prefabricated chimera that are given a number of redes to choose from, this has simplified the process of using them significantly.
GLAMOUR: Has been reworked slightly, now only missing realms, modifier realms, and wyrding require use of glamour in cantrips, this isn't too different to how it happened before, but its more intuitive with realms dictating things rather than just a never ending heap on of glamour spend to improve an effect.
REMOVAL: We have decided to streamline a number of factors which just weighed down the character sheets and could overwhelm potential players, we do not intend to -heap on- more than is necessary and with that in mind we present the following redundancies. While we appreciate the "Hardcore" element may miss the following redundant systems, they must concede it was overwhelming for new players. A balance must be sought. ARTS , REALMS and KITH are really the only choices beyond those of attributes a changeling player needs to focus on.
Experience of three previous iteration of changeling have taught us that a some systems were seldom used by a majority, and was alienating to newer players. Not only that, they presented numerous problems for character sheets.
NOBLE TITLES: Only Sidhe count as Nobles now. FAE REALM ◉◉ is required by commoners to target them.
LEGACIES:, You don't need a code of behaviour, you can be Seelie one day and Unseelie the next, we don't mind, consider yourself Court Fluid.
OATHS: including "House Oaths and Bans" can be replicated through the CONTRACT ART, if one -really- misses them and Sovereign Geas also can duplicate bans if you really feel it is missing from your game.
HOUSES:, We generally don't get the footfall to make it worth it, choose your favourite from the white wolf wiki and go for it. (No boons or Bans though, and of course House Balor is -banned- ) but otherwise -enjoy- Again boons & Bans can both be replicated through CONTRACT ART.
SEEMINGS:, Because of the greater Glamour Cost for missing realms we have decided to remove the advantages and disadvantages of changeling seeming's and make all Changeling characters equal in regards to Banality and Glamour, not only does this mean that the sheet can be less complex but it removes certain roleplaying criteria for playing Childling, Wilder and Grump and mechanical considerations which unnecessarily weighted the system down.
From now on, these systems are considered RP Fodder only and generate -no- mechanical advantage. Titles may be bestowed by the Changeling Lead, but otherwise its all "Fluff" you may learn as you explore the changeling game more fully, however, we are not going to overwhelm you with these choices, nor overload our site with information and systems that are were used by 0.01% of Changeling players, only the die hard fandom used these systems.
CUSTOM KITH: Custom kith were removed due to the fact that they simply did not gel well with Affinities and Birthrights. As stated elsewhere there are 19 kith with an identity and a history, Chimerical appearance can be diverse even within these rule sets. Animalistic Favor allows for many different types of "Mythical" creature, such as "Centaurs" and "Naga"...we are open to adding more animalistic favours in the future.
Pooka are hands down the best bet for -animalistic- kith hybrids. Pooka mostly fill the "Kemonomimi" role which brings with it many possibilities that Pooka encompass. Failing that, renegade cogs and the animalistic favour background can cover every conceivable chimerical appearance you wish.