Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim
Metamorphosis is the fae Art of transformation. It is the source of legends of wicked boys turned into frogs, and enraged faeries becoming terrible dragons. While such overt miracles have become taxing and difficult to perform as the world slides from Autumn to Winter, the Kithain have nevertheless retained nearly their full command of this glorious and storied Art. Or at least, the commoner Kiths have. Metamorphosis isa rare Art among the ranks of nobles; many sidhe regard it as a form of base magic, and would never dream of transforming themselves into lesser beings, or marring their beauty with beastly features, no matter how useful they might be. The pooka, of course, claim that Metamorphosis was their original invention and gift to the Kithain as a whole, and are some of its most enthusiastic practitioners.
Because the Kithain have retained such extensive mastery of Metamorphosis, Unleashings using the Art are fairly uncommon— there’s not a lot within its purview that a true master of the Art can’t already accomplish. Most Unleashings, then, are either used to gain access to advanced powers the changeling can’t normally use, or to call upon the Dreaming to deliver its own judgments and justice. “Let him wear the nature of his heart for all the world to see” is a classic Metamorphosis Unleashing.
Metamorphosis bunks incorporate animal symbolism, colors, transformations, alterations, and utterances. Examples include: Make the sound an animal makes, burn a feather, curse someone, paint your nails, rub ash on your subject, reverse your shirt and put it back on, speak your target’s name thrice, then thrice again backwards, catch a cat, frighten a flock of pigeons, pretend to be an animal for a full scene, carve a figurine from soap, paint your target, then paint over it again, deface a portrait, put on a silly disguise, or strip off all your clothes.
CASTING PAGE (Opens in a new window)
A sidhe wilder wears hair of a different hue each day. A clurichaun, freshly arrived in Honolulu, gives himself the cast of an islander, naively thinking this will help him approach the native fae. A grinning pooka takes on the seeming of a troll, the better to rook a gullible young knight. This cantrip allows the changeling to set her target apart from himself, changing one fundamental feature into some plausible alternative. She could change a man into a woman, a redhead into a brunette, make a short woman tall, or a black man white. She could make a boggan into a nocker, a cheap pressboard table into gleaming mahogany, an oak tree into an elm tree, a black cat into a calico, a stick shift car into an automatic, or a five-dollar bill into a 100-dollar bill.
RESTRICTION: The only restrictions on this metamorphosis are that the changeling may change only one fairly discrete physical feature about her target, and she must change it into an alternative feature that the target might reasonably possess. A person might be dark-skinned rather than light-skinned, but couldn’t generally be green-skinned, for example (some Kiths notwithstanding), a table might be made of teak rather than oak, but certainly wouldn’t be made of depleted uranium, and a car might be the 2014 model rather than the 2009 model, but would never be able to fly or to contain ejector seats.
The Realm selected determines who or what is transformed.
The number of successes rolled dictates how long the transformation lasts:
1 success One scene
2 successes One day
3 successes Changeling’s Glamour in days
4 successes One month
5 successes A year and a day
If she wishes, the changeling may always attach a condition to the duration of the transformation that, if met, will end the cantrip early, such as “when you return with the Duke’s ring,” “when you speak my name thrice into a mirror,” or even “when you come to truly repent of your crime.”
This legendary cantrip may be used to shrink or enlarge its subject, producing riding mice for pooka hedge knights, shrinking boggans down to do truly fine detail work on shoes, making table knives into impromptu swords, or punishing uncouth mortals with a true worm’s-eye view of the Autumn World.
The Realm delineates who or what shrinks or grows.
The successes rolled determine the extent of the subject’s size alteration:
NOTE: 7 meters is tall as giraffe, house mice are between 12 and 20 cm long.
1 success Shrink to 3/4th of normal size or grow to 1 1/2 times normal size. 2 meters shrinks to 150 cm/grows to 3 meters
2 successes Shrink to 1/2 normal size or grow to 2 times normal size. 2 meters shrinks to 100 cm/grows to 4 meters
3 successes Shrink to 1/4th of normal size or grow to 2 1/2 times normal size. 2 meters shrinks to 50 cm /grows to 5 meters
4 successes Shrink to 1/8th of normal size or grow to 3 times normal size. 2 meters shrinks to 25 cm /grows to 6 meters
5 successes Shrink to 1/16th of normal size or grow to 3 1/2 times normal size. 2 meters shrinks to 12 cm /grows to 7 meters
Size greatly changes several combat dynamics. How much mass you have, how much mass you have to throw around and how hard you are to hit.
1 success No notable difference.
2 successes Shrunk = +1 dodge + 1 stealth -1 stamina -1 attack |Grow = -1 dodge - 1 stealth +1 stamina +1 attack
3 successes Shrunk = +2 dodge + 2 stealth -2 stamina -2 attack |Grow = -2 dodge - 2 stealth +2 stamina +2 attack
4 successes Shrunk = +3 dodge + 3 stealth -3 stamina -3 attack |Grow = -3 dodge - 3 stealth +3 stamina +3 attack
5 successes Shrunk = +4 dodge + 4 stealth -4 stamina -4 attack |Grow = -4 dodge - 4 stealth +4 stamina +4 attack
Unlike most cantrips, repeated castings do stack.
However you can work out the new heights for yourselves!
The maximum negative and positive possible is 25+ or - 25.
Attributes cannot be reduced to zero.
DURATION: Regardless of the severity of growth or shrinking, this cantrip lasts for only a scene, although Unleashings have been known to produce transformations of greater duration and Time Realm can extend the duration.
A mousy pooka becomes a mighty lion. An angry sluagh pushes his redcap tormentor into an old cobweb, where the astonished redcap becomes a scuttling spider. A troll claps his hands, and the gun in the thug’s hand becomes a hissing snake. This mighty cantrip allows the changeling to transform a person or object into an animal. Individuals so transformed retain their own mind and instincts, but gain the physical traits, sensory abilities and limitations, and special capabilities of whatever animal they’ve been turned into. Objects transformed into animals gain the mind of a “typical” member of whatever species they have become for the duration of the transformation, so that a rabbit will be skittish, a lion will hunt, and so forth. Transformed humans and fae retain the power of speech, but only to those capable of perceiving chimerical reality.
The Realm used determines who or what is turned into an animal. The changeling must split successes between the severity of the transformation and its duration.
The more successes allocated to duration determines how long the transformation lasts.
0 successes The transformation lasts for the caster’s Glamour in turns.
1 success The transformation lasts for one scene.
2 successes The transformation lasts for one day.
3 successes The transformation lasts for the caster’s Glamour in days.
4 successes The transformation lasts for twice the caster’s Glamour in days.
5 successes The transformation lasts for thrice the caster’s Glamour in days.
Meanwhile, the more successes allocated to severity, the more extreme the possible transformation:
0 successes The target may only be transformed into a creature of roughly the same size.
1 success The target may be transformed into a creature of roughly the same size.
2 successes The target may be transformed into a creature up to half its size or double its size.
3 successes The target may be transformed into a creature up to one-fifth its size, or twice its size.
4 successes As with three successes, but the target may completely ignore size restrictions.
5 successes The target may be transformed into any animal the changeling desires, from a buzzing fly to a mighty elephant.
Characters can use the Animal Bestiary to Determine animal stats. Characters transformed must use the new stats.
Only the characters Essence and Balance pools remain unchanged. Every other stat is that of the creature. Supernatural powers may not be used by the transformed creature, (No cantrips, treasures etc) ANIMAL BESTIARY
A general rule of thumb is as follows. Think of the creature in question, then consider what it can do?
Cats for example can climb trees, dodge, See in the dark.
Fish can breathe underwater, but can't breathe on land.
If the animals "Special" ability ever needs to be rolled, roll the animals stat as on the animal bestiary page and add the number of successes allocated to severity to the special ability roll!
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________◉◉◉◉ BEAST SKIN
This handy blessing or curse refines Metamorphosis to permit partial transformations. A churlish mortal might be granted a pig’s face, while a noble steed could gain the wings of a swan, and a cornered commoner might grant herself fierce claws or poisoned fangs with which to fight.
The Realm used determines who or what gains animalistic features. (Prop is an exercise in creative thinking for this cantrip. While furry rocks tend to be of limited usefulness, envenomed swords and enemy clothing granted the stench of a skunk are among some of this cantrip’s more notorious applications.)
Each success may grant the subject either one animal feature of the changeling’s choice, or may be used to extend the cantrip’s duration according to the chart below:
Each success may grant the subject either one animal feature of the changeling’s choice, or may be used to extend the cantrip’s duration according to the chart below:
0 successes The caster’s Glamour in turns.
1 success One scene.
2 successes One day.
3 successes The caster’s Glamour in days.
4 successes Twice the caster’s Glamour in days.
5 successes Thrice the caster’s Glamour in days.
As with Sparrows and Nightingales, the changeling may set a condition to end this cantrip’s duration prematurely.
One can simply give pure cosmetic features if they wish, making someone have cat ears, a pigs snout or some other such condition.
They can use the rules given in thousands skins to grant a common feature. Using the successes as a bonus to rolls involving the special feature.
They can use the following for animal features on characters. ANIMALISTIC FAVOR: On the BACKGROUNDS PAGE
Alternatively a character could choose a "REDE" from the following page if appropriate for the mundane animal type REDES PAGE
To use venoms, consult the following page DIESEASES & TOXINS
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________◉◉◉◉◉ CHIMERIC EXULTATION
Cornered, the sidhe magician sets his cane alight and hurls it to the ground, where it becomes a roaring wyrm. He escapes out of a concealed door in the chaos that follows. This fantastic cantrip allows the changeling to transform her target into a creature of legend, or even a fantastic beast of her own imagining, by mixing together the traits and natures of different creatures. Dragons, manticores, gryphons, the kraken of legend — any can be called forth by Chimeric Exultation.
Much like Thousandskins, Realm determines who or what is transformed.
Each success relates to the success for Chimeric Exultations on the Chimera Bestiary Page.
The "Named" Entries may not be used , but they do provide examples of which redes are common to that particular beast. Chimeric Exaltation won't allow you to become a "Drake" but looking at the drake you can see what redes it has and select a number of them (Based on your successes) and put together a slightly less powerful Drake.
Do note you must choose which redes the chimera possesses.
If transforming yourself into a Chimera you must use the stats that matches the successes and the redes you selected
The only thing that transfers is your banality and glamour rank.
You may not use cantrips, treasures, Birthrights or anything else when transformed.
The same rule applies to other characters transformed into chimera. If they don't possesses glamour or banality , then their essence and balance serve as their Glamour and Banality.
Spend 1 point of Glamour to grant another 20 turns. (This can only be done on the 20th turn)