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Grim Resolve
Rank 1 Ahroun / Silent Strider / Silver Fang Gift

Other werewolves look to the Ahroun for leadership in combat. The Gift of Inspiration is one reason. The Garou with this Gift lends new resolve and righteous anger to his brethren. Either a lion- or wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.



+1 to Resolve rolls



Speed of Thought
Rank 1 Silent Strider / Red Talon Gift

The Garou increases her running speed. A roadrunner- or cheetah-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Duration: A Scene

Adds +10 meters movement speed. 

Death Sight
Rank 1 Silent Strider Gift 

The werewolf’s eyes become cloudy and pale as she attunes her vision to the ashen landscape of the Underworld. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 14

For the rest of the scene, the character can see (and hear) ghosts and detect haunted areas. This Gift bestows no power to touch or communicate with the dead, however — that usually requires the use of the Descent into the Underworld rite. A botch causes the Garou’s eyes to shine as beacons in the underworld, drawing the notice of broken, vengeful shades.

Rank 1 Silent Strider Gift

The Garou can muffle any sound she makes, the better to creep up on an enemy or escape unnoticed. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.



Adds +1 to Stealth rolls. 



Speech of the World
Rank 2 Homid / Silent Strider Gift

This Gift allows Gaia’s warriors to read and wield the spirit of speech, bypassing the need to learn different languages and dialects. The Garou may speak and understand any human language she encounters, though she speaks with an obvious accent, marking her as an outsider. Speech of the World doesn’t convey literacy, nor is it an encyclopedia of cultural information. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Roll Intelligence + Academics  (difficulty 16).

Duration: A Scene

The language must be active and encountered by actually speaking to someone. This means that by speaking to someone in Chinese Garou does not automatically learn Chinese. Only that they may speak it at that moment. 


Curse of Hatred
Rank 2 Metis / Silent Strider

The metis may verbalize the hatred in her heart, disheartening opponents with the intensity of her emotion. A spirit of hate teaches this Gift.

Resisted Action

Spend 1 Gnosis.

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 day

Gives penalty of -1 per success (max -3) to all Resolve rolls.



Call to Duty / Spectral Authority
Rank 2 Philodox / Silent Strider / Theurge Gift

Any spirit the Philodox knows by name is a potential servitor. With this Gift, the werewolf can summon and command any spirit she knows by name. Only one command is possible at a time, and the spirit departs after fulfilling the duty. An Incarna avatar teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis 

Roll Charisma + Manipulation, Difficulty 14

Duration: A Scene

Garou may summon a spirit to help them in combat or other immediate task. 

  • 1-2 Successes summons lesser spirit

  • 3-4 Successes summons normal spirit

  • 5+ successes summons greater spirit


NOTE: reusing a gift resummons the spirit, sending the original one free. 



Sense of the Prey / Pulse of the Prey
Rank 2 Ragabash / Black Furies / Red Talon / Silent Striders / Get of Fenris Gift

If he knows anything about his prey, the character can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and it is useful for tracking spirits through the Umbra as well as finding beings on Earth. A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Roll Perception + Wits, Difficulty 16

Add +2 to that roll

Blissful Ignorance
Rank 2 Ragabash / Bone Gnawers / Silent Strider Gift

The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

+2 to Stealth Rolls. 

Graceful Strike
Rank 2 Silent Strider Gift

This Gift was used in bygone days to assassinate corrupt officials or merchants who were the tools of vampires. Beautiful young Garou would dance for them, then strike when the target least suspected. The secrets of the dancer’s knife had been kept alive by members of the Dispossessed camp, who found it useful to play on their gypsy heritage. In these desperate times, it’s a common tool of the camp’s Galliards when a fight gets messy. This Gift is taught by a cobra-spirit.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Add your Dance rating to a single attack. 

Summon Talisman
Rank 2 Silent Strider Gift

The Strider can summon to herself any dedicated handheld object (see the Rite of Talisman Dedication). The item disappears from wherever it currently rests, even from somebody else’s grasp, and appears in the Garou’s grip. Striders use this Gift to bring special items to them once they have finished a journey or to recover items lost along the way. A packrat-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

The Garou need only spend one Gnosis point and concentrate on the item. The Garou can call only half of his dedicated items — he must choose which ones upon learning this Gift.


Salmon Swim
Rank 2 Silver Fang /  Silent Strider / Wendigo Gift

A Garou with this Gift is able to swim as easily as a fish, or even walk on the surface of the water as if it were land. Salmon Swim works only on freshwater bodies, not on oceans, but it works as well on a lake or pond as it does a river. The Gift does not work within a swimming pool or other purely artificial container of fresh water. This Gift is taught by a salmon-spirit.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Duration: A Scene

Allows the character to travel across water as if it were open ground and swim as fast as they can move. 





Rank 3 Homid / Silent Strider / Glass Walker Gift

This Gift allows the user to read or write any human language encountered, no matter how ancient or obscure.

Galliards often use this Gift when translating ancient texts to revive old legends or compose new songs for moots. This Gift is taught by a Raven-spirit.

Normal Action

Roll  Intelligence + Linguistic

The obscurity and relative age of the language determines the difficulty. A common modern language such as Spanish is difficulty 8. An ancient and obscure tongue, such as Etruscan, would be difficulty 20. The number of successes determines the character’s fluency with the language.

Ghost Touched
Rank 3 Silent Strider Gift

Once a Garou steps into the Dark Umbra, he carries an aura of death and decay with him always. The aura is difficult to see, but it is there nonetheless — the perceptive might smell a faint must in his fur, or catch strange reflections in the pupils of his eyes. This Gift harnesses that deathly aura, weaving it into a protective shield against the attacks or special abilities of ghosts. This Gift is taught by the denizens of the Dark Umbra, and is not easily come by.



All ghosts (wraiths or specters, if you’re also using Wraith: The Oblivion) get -2 to their rolls against you. This includes effects that would be beneficial. 

Death Track
Rank 3 Silent Strider Gift

Sometimes someone’s journey ends too soon, such as a man dying before he can tell the Silent Strider important information. Silent Striders with this Gift do not let the end of someone else’s journey be the end of theirs. As long as the Silent Strider can find the body, they can then follow the trails of the spirit until they find the ghost. A servant of Owl teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 14

The Silent Strider stands over the body of the dead. One success is needed to smell the direction of the ghost from the body. Every day the search continues, another Perception + Occult roll must be made, with one additional success required for each day spent searching. The Storyteller determines how far away the ghost is.

Rank 3 Silent Strider Gift

The Garou takes no damage from poison or disease (Does not include supernatural poison), and he may exist in any environment, regardless of pressure, temperature or atmospheric condition. This Gift does not protect the Garou from hazardous situations (like falling), only hazardous environments. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis per adaptation

Duration: A Scene

Negate effect of poison, cold, heat. However remember that each certain adaptation takes 1 Gnosis. Means if you used this power to ignore heat, you still got to use it again to ignore cold penalties. 

Scale of Ma’at
Rank 3 Silent Strider Gift

The Halls of Ma’at are where the dead go to be judged; the liars, cheaters and murders are denied eternal life. The Silent Striders can invoke the judgement of Ma’at on the living, seeing through lies to find the ugly truth beneath. This Gift is taught by an ibis-spirit, the symbol of Thoth.


Resisted Action

Roll Wits + Perception vs Manipulation + Persuasion

Success indicates that the character knows which of the subject’s statements are true, and which are false. If the character chooses to delve more deeply into any statement, true or false, the player must first succeed another Wits + Perception roll and win it. Success unveils the complete truth to the Garou; a botch ends this use of the Gift, and closes this topic to the Strider forever — at least when questioning this individual.

Mark of the Death-Wolf
Rank 3 Silent Strider Gift

The Silent Strider uses his claws to gouge an eerie sigil into a nearby surface, which fascinates and attracts the unquiet dead. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 12

Duration: 1 day per success

The mark retains its mystic potency for one day per success, leaving the area around it badly haunted if there are any ghosts in the area at all. Destroying the mark can end this Gift’s effects prematurely. This basically binds a Wraith to a place to defend it. See Beastiary. 

Great Leap
Rank 3 Silent Strider Gift

The Strider with this Gift can jump truly astounding distances. A jackrabbit-spirit teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Rolls Strength + Athletics, may be used as an attack.

If successful, move up to 40 meters and perform an action.



Dam the Heartflood
Rank 4 Silent Strider Gift

No other tribe among the Garou has as much hatred for vampires, for as just a cause, as the Silent Striders. It is no surprise then that the Striders sought out this Gift, searching long through the spirit world and the physical world for the secret to incapacitating a vampire. They found an answer from the spirit children of Cobra, who taught them a spirit-poison usable against the vampires who defiled Cobra’s name.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 turn per success  

This Gift can only be used on supernatural creatures that use a blood pool to power their abilities (vampires, ghouls and the spider shapechanger Anasi). Each success renders the target unable to tap the power of her blood for one turn — she may not spend blood points. A Garou may only use this Gift once per scene per target, but multiple werewolves can envenom the same target.

Touch of Death
Rank 4 Silent Strider Gift

The Garou can inflict visions of death upon an unsuspecting opponent. Worse, these visions are highly personal premonitions of the opponent’s untimely demise, as if someone “had walked over his grave.” The fear this creates is paralyzing; in the worst cases, the victim falls catatonic and cannot be revived for days. On recovery, the stricken individual cannot remember details of what so terrified him, simply that involved his death. Victims who survive the encounter with the Eater of the Dead are forever marked with a white lock or patch of hair. This Gift is taught by a death-spirit.


Resisted Action

Costs 2 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 day per success

Gives -3 to all physical rolls



Descent into the Dark Umbra

Rank 4 Silent Strider Gift

Most Umbra-traveling Garou journey through the spirit world: the area mages refer to as the Middle Umbra. This sinister gift enables Silent Striders to cross into the world of the Dead: the Dark Umbra.


The Strider must sacrifice a living creature (usually an animal, though there are rumours...) 

Roll: Intelligence + Occult

Difficulty 14+


Roll: Gnosis Rank versus Difficulty of the Barrier.

Duration: Instant.

If both rolls succeed, the Garou enters the Underworld 

If she botches the rite, she becomes stuck sideways between the physical world and the Dark Umbra.

If the Strider wishes to bring others with them, the strider must pay 1 gnosis per extra person. This must be done for the return journey too.


Speed Beyond Thought
Rank 4 Silent Strider Gift

The Garou can run at 10 times his normal land speed. The effects last for up to eight hours, during which the Garou can do nothing but concentrate on running. When the Gift’s effects end, the Garou must eat immediately or face frenzy from hunger. A cheetah- or air-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Duration: A Scene

The Gift lasts until the end of the scene. Adds +10 meters movement speed, stacks with Speed of Thought. 

Black Mark
Rank 4 Silent Strider Gift

The Strider’s claws darken with the leaden sheen of the Dark Umbra, marking her foes fit for the attentions of the restless dead. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

The target becomes haunted for one day per level of damage inflicted, as with Mark of the Death-Wolf.

Rank 4 Silver Fang / Silent Strider / Stargazer Gift

Upon learning this Gift, the Garou’s mental defenses are strengthened to the utmost. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.


The difficulty of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou’s mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading or possession) are raised to 20. This means that even if you roll higher than garous willpower resist roll, it wont take affect unless you rolled over 20, however if you do roll over 20 then successes apply as usual, counting from garou's resist roll. The effects of this Gift are permanent, but they do not apply to powers that sway emotion.




Reach the Umbra
Rank 5 Silent Strider Gift

The Garou may step into and out of the Umbra at will, without need of a reflective surface or even any effort at all. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.



The Garou may step sideways instantly, at any time, with no fear of being “caught.” No roll is necessary. In addition, all rolls made to enter or leave Umbral Realms receive a -2 difficulty bonus. 

Invocation of the Pharaoh
Rank 5 Silent Strider Gift

This awe-inspiring Gift is only available to the greatest Strider heroes. The Strider must be in Homid form, must spend a Gnosis, and must enact a 10-minute chant to the greatest of ancient Egyptian spirits. Once this is done, the Garou expands and grows, becoming a giant similar to the depictions of pharaohs on mastabas and sarcophagi. This Gift is taught by Sphinx.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Duration: A Scene
The Garou grows to a height of nearly eight feet, but otherwise remains in Homid form. The Garou gains the Physical Attributes of a Crinos, A Garou in Pharaoh form does not inflict aggravated damage but regenerates as a Crinos, but is invulnerable to silver and cannot frenzy. Essentially, the Pharaoh form combines the best of both Homid and Crinos forms. 

Gate of the Moon
Rank 5 Silent Strider Gift

This Gift creates a specialized moon bridge that takes the Strider to her destination instantly. At least a sliver of moon must be visible at her area of departure. A Lune teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Wits + Gnosis, Difficulty 16

The player spends one Gnosis point for every 100 miles the Garou needs to travel. Success transports the character to her destination, but she will be disoriented for one turn unless the player scored three successes. A Botch takes the character miles in the wrong direction — possibly straight up.

Fetish Doll
Rank 5 Uktena / Silent Strider Gift

Sympathetic magic is the oldest form of sorcery, and it is still effective. Although many cultures find this sort of magic repellent, the Uktena believe that the ends well justify the means. The Garou can harm his victim from afar using a specially created doll. He must have a piece of his victim or an object belonging to him, and he must then construct the doll. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

The doll takes one week to construct and enchant. The player rolls Perception + Crafts (difficulty 16) to construct the doll. When the doll is complete, the player may roll Wits + Medicine vs victim’s Stamina. Each success inflicts 1 aggravated damage on the victim, which he may soak if he is capable of doing so. The doll is only capable of transferring 10 damage. After 10 successes, the

doll is too mutilated to be of further use. A botched roll destroys the doll without inflicting any damage.











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