Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim
Color Key:
Desperate Strength
Rank 1 Bone Gnawer Gift
In times of great trauma, desperate people have displayed amazing feats of strength and endurance. With a burst of adrenaline, a mother can lift a truck off a pinned child, or a father may smash through a wall to save his family. Through strength of will, a Bone Gnawer may channel that same desperate energy.
Upon taking any aggravated damage gain +1 Strength for duration of the scene.
The Mark
Rank 1 Bone Gnawer Gift
The Garou can mark a person or place with a scent only other werewolves can sense. The mark is subtle; placing it isn’t. This Gift is taught by lost-dog-spirits.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration 1 Day
Using a stream of the Garou’s urine. The Garou must use his own fluids to mark his victim. Any Garou with at least one dot in Primal-Urge can sense the mark within line of sight. With three dots in Primal-Urge, the Garou can sense it up to a mile away. If the user of this Gift has five dots in Primal-Urge, he always knows where the mark is.
Resist Toxin
Rank 1 Bone Gnawers / Fianna Gift
Many Bone Gnawers learn a preternatural resistance to poisons and toxins of all kinds, doubtless due to their diet of refuse and American beer. A trash-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Stamina + Athletics, Difficulty 14
Duration a Scene.
Success nullifies the effects of most conventional poisons, and adds +3 to resisting Wyrm-enhanced poisons.
Scent of Sweet Honey
Rank 1 Bone Gnawers Gift
A target the Garou touched at some point during the last hour begins to exude a wonderfully sweet aroma, and becomes slightly sticky to the touch. All manner of vermin quickly appear and coat the victim. The resulting coat of gnats, flies, bees and beetles crawls, stings, and generally impairs vision and hearing. Insect-spirits teach this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Wits + Manipulation vs Wits + Perception
Duration: 1 Day
The target suffers a –1 penalty to all physical actions.
Urban Ward
Rank 1 Bone Gnawers Gift
If your home has no walls, sleeping can be a nightmare. There’s no guarantee that someone won’t sneak up on you to steal your stuff… or even take your life. Some werewolves solve this problem by sleeping in packs, but it never hurts to take extra precautions. Rural Garou set twigs and branches that easily snap underfoot; Bone Gnawers rig the same warnings with tin cans, tripwires, or even broken glass. With a little mystical aid, a werewolf can enlist spirits in similar defenses. The werewolf can never be sure exactly where the boundary of the urban ward is set but he may be paranoid enough to spend more time setting multiple layers of trash around his encampment. This Gift is taught by a Rat-spirit, who usually warns its student to always collect trash and shy things for just this purpose.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
The “area” can be anywhere between the size of a room and the size of a building. Trash is set around the periphery, usually junk that makes noise when its disturbed. If anyone crosses this imaginary boundary they must roll Wits + Stealth, Difficulty 18. If Stealth roll fails then the Bone Gnawer hears the spirits scream a silent warning to him.
Trash is Treasure
Rank 1 Bone Gnawers Gift
The refuse of humanity provides all the canny Bone Gnawer needs. Through the use of this Gift, any broken object can be temporarily restored to full functionality and usefulness. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Wits + Craft, Difficulty 12
The player takes hold of a broken object and makes a roll. The object functions perfectly for one turn per success, and also supplies its own power, fuel, or ammunition — a dull knife cuts, a busted microwave runs (without being plugged into anything), an old rusty Saturday night special fires even without bullets, a junked car starts up and runs. The lifespan of the object’s renewed usefulness can be extended to one full day by spending a point of Gnosis, but the object requires proper power, fuel, and ammunition in such circumstances.
Kitchen Chemistry
Rank 1 Bone Gnawers Gift
With ten minutes, a bit of rage, and everyday household chemicals, you can unleash a firestorm of vengeance against an uncaring world. You have a deep and instinctive understanding of the principles of modern chemistry, one that allows you to scratch-build and detonate explosives. (This Gift exists to cancel out the need for any sort of “realistic” explosive rules in the game.) Rat-spirits teach this Gift, occasionally with the help of a few furtive cranks on the internet.
Normal Action
Gain 1 Rage
Roll Craft + Intellect, Difficulty 12
Garou may create an explosive from kitchen ingredients. This explosive has +3 bonus to a throw (Strength + Athletics roll).
Smell of Success
Rank 1 Bone Gnawers Gift
You’re good at sizing people up. With a few sniffs, you can smell how successful someone really is. Even on a bad day, you can sense whether he’s got money in his pocket, a steady job, or a place to stay. When passing by street folk begging for change, some people claim they don’t have anything to give. By repeatedly sizing up people on the street, Bone Gnawers learn to distinguish a real bad-luck case from a cheap bastard who doesn’t give a damn. After mastering this elemental talent, the Garou can then sniff out deeper secrets from passers-by.
This insight can also be used on people who beg for food, money, or assistance from the Garou; for instance, Hoods use this ability to distinguish someone who really needs help from a scam artist. Either way, this Gift is taught by a rat-spirit, usually while the student sits on a street corner asking for help over and over again; the rat gets a cut of any handouts during the time of training.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Perception + Wits vs Composure + Performance
This power allows to tell how wealthy someone might be, how much money they have on them, and how luxurious their living place is as well as how well paying their job is.
Stench and the City
Rank 1 Homid / Bone Gnawer Gift
Many city Garou use this Gift when facing off against just about anything with a particularly sensitive nose: this can include other Garou, Black Spiral Dancers, and a host of normal animals or Wyrm-creatures. The Gift incapacitates its target by overwhelming its sense of smell with the stink of the city: sweat, blood, human waste, rot, smoke and car exhaust.
Garou have been known to use this Gift to pull one of their own out of the thrall of frenzy, or to incapacitate a crazed wolf without permanent injury. The Black Spiral Dancers are said to be quite familiar with Stench and the City as well, and are perfectly willing to use it on Gaian Garou.
Resisted Action
select a target with a sense of smell better than a human
Gain 1 RAGE
Roll Stamina + Primal-Urge vs Stamina + Athletics
For every success rolled, the target gets a penalty of -1 to all physical rolls for the next turn
if five successes are rolled, the target is incapacitated for the scene.
The target may resist by holding its breath (1 turn per Athletics rating), if he does so he must follow the rules for suffocation
This Gift is taught by a skunk-spirit. Does not work on none breathing targets.
Note: Vampires don't actually need to breathe so this gift does not work on them unless they have Blush of Life Activated. However regardless of it, it's impossible to make them incapacitated.
Stone-Throwing Devil
Rank 2 Bone Gnawers Gift
Anything you can throw as a weapon becomes deadlier. If your Garou is the sort of bastard that throws rocks during city riots, dumps garbage on policemen from a fire escape or tosses around furniture in bar brawls, then this Gift is for you.
Normal Action
Gain 1 Rage
Roll Dexterity + Athletics to throw something
Adds +1 damage on the throwing weapon attack if it lands.
Fair Fortune
Rank 2 Fianna / Bone Gnawers Gift
A Garou with this Gift has a streak of luck a mile wide. She’s dealt a great hand, her prey is extra-clumsy today, or the wind shifts just in time to scent an ambush. A faerie or fortunespirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
May reroll any failed roll.
Rank 2 Bone Gnawers Gift
Bone Gnawer Hillfolk invented this Gift, and they’ve been teaching it to Galliards everywhere. A good old-fashioned hootenanny involves music played really fast and incredibly well – “Dueling Banjos” is currently the most common song used with it.
While a Garou enacts this performance, every werewolf in his pack finds it easier to run, fight, jump, or perform any other rapid, strenuous physical activity. Unfortunately, everyone who hears the performance feels like dancing-they might stomp their feet, clap to the music, and even dance around if the music’s good enough. This gives the pack a decided edge in combat. With this Gift, a pack of Hillfolk and a Galliard with a banjo can tear up a whole room full of fomori and Black Spirals with one hell of a square dance. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit, usually one that looks and acts like a Galliard. Some Galliards claim this Gift is taught by the ghost of Elvis, but no one believes them.
Extended Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Charisma + Performance, Difficulty 14
Upon reaching 3 successes all of the garou allies get +2 to Brawl rolls, which lasts for as long as garou keeps playing.
Trash Magnet
Rank 2 Bone Gnawers Gift
Ordinary street garbage becomes the Bone Gnawer’s ally as it swirls about his opponent or engulfs his rival. All the trash nearby assails the target of this Gift, making life difficult. Older Bone Gnawers can completely immobilize smart-mouth, upstart Garou in heaps of trash and piles of garbage. Trash-spirits teach this Gift, although Rat-spirits teach a version that animates sewer flotsam.
Normal Action
Roll Wits + Perception, Difficulty 14
With one success, a minor distraction of newspapers and plastic bags causes a -1 penalty to all physical rolls, until bag is removed. With five successes, the target is buried in garbage, giving penalty of -5 to all physical rolls, and must dig his way to freedom by rolling Stamina + Athletics, Difficulty 14. This Gift affects toxic waste as well. Note that this Gift does not create trash but instead draws upon the garbage in an area. An attempt to use this Gift in a sterile laboratory would fail.
Odious Aroma
Rank 2 Bone Gnawers Gift
The Bone Gnawer can amplify his (probably already formidable) body odor to the point that it debilitates any who can smell it. A stinkbug-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Stamina + Primal-Urge vs Stamina + Athletics
Duration: A Scene
Range: 20 meters
All beings that fail the roll can smell and are within 20 meters of the Garou subtract -2 from all rolls as they fight to breathe. This does not affect creatures that do not breath.
Guise of the Hound
Rank 2 Bone Gnawers Gift
The Bone Gnawer masks herself so that she blends into the urban landscape, disguising her Lupus form so that it appears as a large dog rather than a wolf. Despite its enormous utility, most other tribes spurn this Gift as degrading to the dignity of the Garou. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Cornered Rat
Rank 2 Bone Gnawers Gift
When backed into a corner with nowhere to run, there are only two options — beg for mercy or turn and fight. Rat-spirits teach Bone Gnawers to excel at the latter.
Free Action
Gain 1 Rage
This Gift sends the Bone Gnawer into an automatic and unavoidable berserk frenzy.
Blissful Ignorance
Rank 2 Ragabash / Bone Gnawers / Silent Strider Gift
The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
+2 to Stealth Rolls.
Cooter’s Revenge
Rank 3 Bone Gnawer Gift
Any Bone Gnawer who watches too much television knows about Cooter. He’s got a tow truck parked down the street from the Dukes of Hazzard, and he always has the right tool for the right job. Followers of the tribe’s automotive totem (described under “Totems”) train extensively with automotive tools, and wouldn’t be caught dead without them. This Gift not only makes proper repairs much easier, but can also save your life if you’re caught unaware while changing a tire by the side of the freeway.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
This Gift requires a heavy, automotive tool at least as big as a large crescent wrench (anything smaller than a half-inch crescent wrench won’t do). If you voluntarily lend out any of your tools, you can’t use this Gift until you get them back.
Ð educes the difficulty of any automotive repair roll to 4, (but only if your using the right tool).
For 1 Rage, the Gift can make the tool a deadlier weapon, adding +2 to it's attack rolls and making the damage Lethal.
Call the Rust
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
By whistling softly through his teeth, the werewolf can summon sudden and destructive rust onto any metal within his immediate vicinity. Guns corrode and jam, knives crumble, and cars become flaking hunks of junk. This Gift is taught by a water elemental.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
All metal within 20 meters corrodes and malfunctions. Weapons get -1 to their attack bonus rating.
Laugh of the Hyena
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
Hyena follows no one; instead, he laughs and mocks anyone who tries to command him. In the same fashion, a Garou who can actually convince a Hyena-spirit to teach him such defiance can steal the spirit’s mocking laughter. The Garou can learn to resist any attempt to command, cajole, force, or demand him to do something he doesn’t want to do. This is never subtle. The Garou (and the player) must cackle like a hyena-spirit when calling upon this Gift.
+2 to Resolve
Friend In Need
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
It takes a lot for a pack to accept a Bone Gnawer as an equal, but once they do, the Bone Gnawer’s loyalty is unshakable. This Gift allows a Bone Gnawer to risk all, even his own life, to aid a packmate or tribemate. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 14
When a packmate or fellow Bone Gnawer is in danger, the Bone Gnawer may transfer their Gnosis or HP to them, 1 per success scored.
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
Playing upon the compassion of others, Bone Gnawers can generate an amazing amount of pity. By exaggerating her miserable state, a clever Bone Gnawer can gain favor with people who have too much anyway. By groveling or telling her particular sob story, she ;might get a handout, a favor or at least a good meal. A pigeon-spirit teaches this Gift, which is one reason only Bone Gnawers ever learn it.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Manipulation + Performance vs Wits + Perception
The number of successes determines the amount of pity generated and the generosity of the favor.
Mental Speech
Rank 3 Metis / Philodox / Bone Gnawers Gift
This Gift grants metnal communication, even over vast distances. The user must either known the target personally (although he does not have to be friends with tat person) or have something that belongs to that person, such as a lock of his hair. Bird spirits and spirits of intellect teach this Gift. Owl is a particularly sought-after teacher, and those who learn from him claim to have enhanced abilities at night.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
For each success you may communicate for 1 turn if other person is unwilling. Every message can only hold 1 sentence. (1-2 lines max).
Gift of the Termite
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
The Bone Gnawer can cause wood and appear to rot with astonishing speed. Furniture falls apart, documents disintegrate and even building collapse. Obviously, the best instructor of this Gift is a termite-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 14
The number of successes determines the amount of wood or paper destroyed: One success can rot a ream of paper, three successes can deteriorate w all, and five successes can collapse the roof of a small building. Strategic use of this power can have dramatic results even for users with little skill.
Gift of the Skunk
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
With this Gift, the Garou can swell his musk glands, allowing him to spray musk like a skunk. It is, of course, taught by a skunk-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Dexterity + Primal Urge vs Dexterity + Athletics
Range: 10 meters
If someone is hit with that power they must spend one turn retching, unable to take any offensive or proactive actions, except defensive ones. This does not work on victims that do not breathe.
Streets Tell Stories
Rank 3 Bone Gnawers Gift
You’ve got an ear to the sidewalk… literally. By touching a road, sidewalk, or path of some kind, you recieve a flash of impressions about what has transpired there during the last twenty-four hours. Urban spirits whisper words, waft scents, and even give a taste of events in the neighborhood. This Gift is bestowed by a City Mother or City Father Totem, usually as a reward for acting in defense of the city.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Perception + Wits, Difficulty 12
You may specify what sort of information you require before you roll the dice. One success reveals a brief sensory impression with any one sense other than sight. Three successes gives a rush of images (described rapid-fire by the Storyteller); you may ask questions about any one of them and receive more specific details with all five senses. Five successes gives you access complete recall about everyone who’s passes within the last day, including impressions from all five senses.
Reshape Object
Rank 3 Homid / Bone Gnawers / Fianna / Glass Walker Gift
The werewolf can shape once-living material (but not undead!) into a variety of objects instantly. Trees may become shelter, buck antlers become spears, animal hides become armor, and flowers become perfumes. The item will resemble the object from which it was shaped (e.g., the aforementioned spear is made of antler, not wood). A Pattern Spider — one of the Weaver’s spirits — teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Manipulation + Craft ((Difficulty variable))
Example Difficulties
6+ to turn a broken tree limb into a spear,
12+ to turn a plant into a floatable raft
Duration: A Scene
The created object will break after the scene ends. Expending an additional Gnosis point allows a created weapon to inflect aggravated damage
Weapons created with this Gift have +3 attack modifier. Armor Created with this Gift have +2 defense modifier.
Cliché Curse
Rank 4 Bone Gnawers Gift
From Roger Ebert’s Little Bigger Movie Glossary, “Clichéphobia. Condition affecting people raised on movies. Symptoms occur when real life situations echo movie clichés, and the sufferers must take action to avoid what would be the inevitable denouement in a movie.”
What is a humorous anecdote in the hands of humans becomes a deadly weapon in the claws of a Bone Gnawer. Most often employed with an appropriately dramatic curse (although this isn’t necessary), the target of this Gift becomes certain to suffer an unfavorable fate in a cliché-related way. Anyone reaching for something high in a cupboard will inevitably have the entire contents fall on top of him. Riding a bicycle on a sunny day invites being hit by a truck. While it is possible to avoid the effects of this curse, doing so requires virtually shutting yourself from the world, and not in a dark room, either. It is taught by a dog spirit or by a spirit from a television realm.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
The player must know name of the victim, who must be within hearing distance and line of sight. For twenty-four hours, the victim risks disaster. Once that disaster occurs, however, the curse is ended.
Trust Me
Rank 4 Bone Gnawers Gift
Once a day, a Bone Gnawer with this Gift can tell an outrageous lie so well that ordinary humans accept it as truth. The story must at least be vaguely possible and end with the words, “Trust me.” What the human does with this knowledge is entirely a matter of roleplaying. Munchmausen Ratkin teach this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
NPC humans automatically believe the Bone Gnawer’s tale. This Gift does not work on supernatural creatures or animals.
Shadow of the Rat
Rank 4 Bone Gnawers Gift
Rats are known for their resilience, persistence, and ruthlessness. Since Rat serves as the Bone Gnawer’s tribal totem, Garou of this tribe may learn a great deal about survival under the tutelage of rat-spirits.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Adds 2 to Stamina
Rank 4 Bone Gnawers Gift
The Bone Gnawer can duck into a shaded area (an open dumpster, a dark alley, beneath a parked car) and pop out in another shaded area some distance away. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
he character can reappear in any shaded area within 40 meters.
Rank 4 Bone Gnawers Gift
The Garou can summon a horde of vermin to invade a structure (no bigger than a large building). The Gift summons any kind of vermin common to the area, which usually includes a lively variety of insect, slugs, and rodents, and it may also include carrion birds and snakes. These creatures will not attack humans mindlessly. They will act according to their natures, which often means fleeing to dark places and hiding out. Any vermin spirit can teach this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Manipulation + Animal Ken, Difficulty 14
One success stirs up some shrieks and a call to an exterminator, while five swamps that structure in vermin completely, making it uninhabitable for quite some time.
Face in the Crowd
Rank 4 Bone Gnawers Gift
You thrive in the midst of riots, angry mobs, lynchings, civil disturbances or any other situation where a crowd of humans rebels, revolts, or resists authority. The Gift doesn’t actually enrage a crowd; it just adds direction to a riot already in progress. Wyldlings and Ratkin Twitchers teach this Gift
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis each turn
That turn, you can use one noun and one verb to direct what an angry mob will do. The Garou doesn’t need to vocalize these commands; the player states them to the Storyteller. When using on players it is a resist roll of Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure.
Rank 5 Bone Gnawer Gift
The Bone Gnawer can open his jaws far wider than is normally physically possible, and can swallow things or beings whole. A werewolf with this Gift is even capable of gulping down an entire buffalo, or a whole pack of Black Spiral Dancers, only to regurgitate the creatures later This Gift is taught by a catfish-spirit.
Normal Action
Roll Stamina + Primal Urge vs Dexterity + Athletics
In the case of a very large being or object, one extra success is required for every Health Level the target possesses beyond the normal 5, or for every extra three feet in size over the Bone Gnawer (obviously, Crinos form is best for this Gift). Swallowed objects/beings wind up in the Umbra, in a subrealm that is a mystical “stomach” of the glutton. The Garou can belch these objects out later. The werewolf can store objects in this mystical stomach for a number of hours equal to his Stamina; after this time, the Garou automatically regurgitates them hack into the physical world. The objects appear next to the Garou, and are unharmed.
Rank 5 Bone Gnawers Gift / Rank 5 Croatan Gift
This Gift confers temporary immunity to many environmental factors. The Garou has no need of food, water or sleep, and she does not suffer from temperature extremes. She is also immune to natural diseases and poisons. Wyrm toxins will still affect her, but at half their normal potency.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
Immune to fire, wound penalties, none supernatural toxins, cold, and gain +1 HP
Rank 5 Bone Gnawers Gift
In times of great need, an elder can issue a call to his tribe that echoes through the Umbra of an entire city. First, hordes of spirits appear before him in the spirit world. They then swarm out to find everyone of the same tribe. Bone Gnawers use this Gift more than any other tribe, usually relying on hordes of rat-spirits to find all their hidden brothers and sisters. The tribalists don’t need to answer the call, but the spirit can relay a brief message exhorting the Garou to aid her brothers and sisters. Using this Gift for a trivial purpose may cost the Garou temporary Honor.
Normal Action
Roll Stamina + Primal Urge, Difficulty 14
This call can be heard by all Bone Gnawers on the sim. Everyone who hears it gain -1 Rage point.
Rank 5 Bone Gnawers Gift
This Gift summons a horde of malevolent spirits to provoke the inhabitants of a city into violent rioting. The Gift plays on the hatred and fear of the down-and-outs of the city: the homeless, the poor and even stray animals. The Gnawer can direct the riot to a degree, but such things tend to escalate, and the Garou has no power to stop the riot from doing so. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure if used on players, works only on humans
Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 16 if used on NPCs
If successful, the spirits direct their hosts against a target of the Garou’s choice. The different hosts, however, will not necessarily work together — they may even begin to fight each other as the mob mentality takes over. The number of successes determines the area affected.
Successes Extent
1 Room
2 Building
3 Block