Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim
Color Key:
Resist Pain
Rank 1 Philodox / Children of Gaia / Get of Fenris / Wendigo Gift
Through force of will, the Philodox is able to ignore the pain of his wounds and continue acting normally. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
The player may choose to heal their wounds via gnosis spend rather than rage gain for the remainder of the scene. Note: They may use both methods but not in the same turn.
Call the Breeze
Rank 1 Wendigo / Silver Fang Gift
The Garou calls up a strong (20 mpg), cold breeze and directs it at whim. This breeze chills anyone not prepared for it, and it disperses (or redirects) clouds of vapor (including tear gas or airborne toxins) or swarms of insects. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Primal Urge + Performance, Difficulty 16
The Garou simply whistles to call the breeze. Anyone caught in it gets -1 to Perception rolls as long as the breeze lasts.
Rank 1 Wendigo Gift
As a wolf curls into a ball to keep warm, tucking her snout beneath her bushy tail, curving her spine inward to capture body heat, so the Garou may make herself resistant to cold. The Gift is more effective if the Garou is in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus form, but can be used in Homid or Glabro form in extremis. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Stamina, Difficulty 10
Duration: A Scene
The character should physically assume the nose-to-tail position, or curl up, to activate the Gift, but once it has taken effect, she may move about normally. This does not protect the Wendigo from cold-based attacks or spirit abilities, but rather only ambient cold temperatures.
Snow Sight
Rank 1 Wendigo Gift
The Garou gains the ability to see clearly even in the harshest of blizzard or “white-out” conditions. Any arctic spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 12
Duration: A Scene
The use of this Gift cancels any disadvantage due to reduced visibility caused by bad weather conditions, whether heavy falling snow, rain, fog or glare.
Ice Echo
Rank 1 Wendigo Gift
The Wendigo conjures a perfect reflection of himself. The image is identical to the Garou, except that it is reversed, as though seen in a mirror (so any writing on the Garou’s clothing would be backwards, scars would be on the wrong side, etc.) The Wendigo can control the image easily, giving it voice and guiding its motion. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
The player spends a point of Gnosis to create the Ice Echo at any point within 30 meters. The Echo moves and sounds exactly like the Garou in addition to taking on her precise appearance, but gives off no scent or heat, and is intangible. Discerning which is the echo and which is the original requires a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty of 18).
Beat of the Heart-Drum
Rank 1 Wendigo Gift
The werewolf becomes an inescapable hunter, drawn ever onward by the beat of his prey’s heart until that heart grows still. A spirit servant of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 14
The Garou must have an object belonging to his target, a piece of the victim (a blood sample, a lock of hair), or must have tasted his quarry’s blood in the past. The Wendigo can hear her quarry’s heartbeat for one day per success, no matter how far away they may be. The beat grows louder as the werewolf draws near, making tracking effortless. Does not work on vampires since their hearts do not beat.
True Fear
Rank 2 Ahroun / Rank 2 Shadow Lord / Wendigo Gift
The Ahroun can display the true extent of her power, scaring one chosen foe into quiescence for a number of turns. Spirits of fear teach this Gift.
Resisted Action
Gain 1 Rage
Roll Charisma + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Each success she achieves cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack at this time. He may defend himself if attacked and otherwise act normally, although his action will likely be guided by fear.
Claws of Frozen Death
Rank 2 Get of Fenris / Wendigo Gift
The Wendigo version is called Claws of Frozen Death
Blue smoke rolls off of the werewolf’s claws and teeth, which are transformed into curving daggers of hardened ice. Wounds inflicted with these terrible weapons turn black and fester, all the warmth and life driven out of them. A snow-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
Any individual wounded by the werewolf’s fangs or claws suffers a –1 penalty to all physical rolls for the rest of the scene as chills wrack her body (Does not stack with additional uses).
Rank 2 Silver Fang / Wendigo Gift
The Wendigo version is called Claw-to-Thumb
To be a leader among wolves is largely a matter of physical dominance, but a human leader must understand his charges and follow their will to a degree. With this Gift, a Silver Fang can understand those around him and live up to their expectations. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Empathy, Difficulty 16
Success indicates that the Garou knows what the majority would like to see, be it attack, mediation, harsh punishment or clemency. The more successes the player rolls, the better the Garou understands the people’s desires, even if the people would rather keep their desires secret. Note that this Gift by no means reveals the wisest or most rational decision, just the most popular one.
Umbral Compass
Rank 2 Uktena / Wendigo Gift Gift
This Gift helps Garou cross the Gauntlet and traverse the Umbra more easily. Once in the Umbra, the Gift helps the Garou orient herself so she has less chance of becoming lost or confused as to where she is. Further, it seems to urge the Garou toward a direction she needs to travel. Thus, if something terrible is happening in the Umbra, use of this Gift will point the Garou right toward it. This could be a good thing or very inconvenient and potentially deadly, depending on the Garou’s point of view and her ability to talk or fight her way out of difficult situations. This Gift is taught by any bird-spirit.
Normal Action
Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 14
A single success allows the Garou to lower the difficulty of crossing the Gauntlet by one and to find her way through the Umbra with little difficulty. If she then needs guidance while in the Umbra, she may roll her Gnosis (difficulty 14) to find her way. Should the Garou using Umbral Compass botch her roll to cross through the Gauntlet, she is allowed to make a single Gnosis roll (difficulty 16) to escape the effects of the botch. Failure on this roll means the botch takes effect as normal, while a botch makes the “caught” Garou difficulty for others to find and free. This gift may be used once per day.
Devouring Rime
Rank 2 Wendigo Gift
A Garou with this Gift can touch something living and cause it to become covered with ice. Slowly radiating outward from the point of contact, a shimmering coat of ice crawls over the target’s body, freezing every muscle it touches into motionlessness. A jaggling of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Gain 1 Rage
Duration: A Scene
The garou must touch the target and that will give a chilled ice like coating to the victim, resulting in -2 to all physical rolls unless it is melted or the target spends blood or gains rage to specifically break it.
Salmon Swim
Rank 2 Silver Fang / Silent Strider / Wendigo Gift
A Garou with this Gift is able to swim as easily as a fish, or even walk on the surface of the water as if it were land. Salmon Swim works only on freshwater bodies, not on oceans, but it works as well on a lake or pond as it does a river. The Gift does not work within a swimming pool or other purely artificial container of fresh water. This Gift is taught by a salmon-spirit.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
Allows the character to travel across water as if it were open ground and swim as fast as they can move.
Rank 2 Wendigo Gift
A werewolf with this Gift may use it to drastically reduce any amount of her own bleeding, specifically blood loss that she experiences as a result of combat. A bloody wound taken in a duel or in battle by a klaive, blade, fang or claw can be staunched swiftly with a whisper of gratitude to the spirits. Tourniquet does not heal, numb or close the wound, but simply keeps it from bleeding further. Wendigo consider it very bad form to use this Gift to stem bleeding caused by self-inflicted wounds, causing the loss of Honor Renown if its use is known. Accordingly, Wendigo may not use this Gift while attempting to complete a rite or other ritual that requires any check of Stamina. A hawk-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 12
Stops bleeding.
Cutting Wind
Rank 2 Wendigo Gift
The Garou conjures up a bitterly cold blast of wind and directs it at will. The wind can knock opponents off their feet, as well as chill them to the bone. A spirit servant of Great Wendigo itself teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Dexterity + Occult vs Dexterity + Athletics
Anyone failing to resist the wind gets -2 to all physical rolls for next turn. The wind can also knock foes off ledges, into traffic or into pits. The wind’s medium range is 20 meters. The wind lasts for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.
Scent of the Man-Eater
Rank 2 Wendigo Gift
The Litany states purely and clearly that Garou shall not eat the flesh of humans or wolves. Despite the reputation of their totem spirit, Wendigo truly revile cannibalism as one of the most horrible violations of the Litany and of the ways of Gaia. This Gift allows a werewolf to sense if another Garou is guilty of this depraved act, by scenting the stain of human or lupine blood on the target’s spirit. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Perception + Primal Urge, Difficulty 12
If successful, the character can detect whether or not a Garou has eaten a human or a wolf since the last full moon. With two successes, she can detect how recently; with three or more successes, she can tell if it is a habit with the Garou in question, or only a shameful aberration.
Rank 2 Wendigo / Black Furies Gift
Garou calls up a thick, eerie fog that obscures vision and unnerves her opponents. The Fury can see through the fog, but all other have trouble navigating by sight. A spirit in service to Aeolus, the fog totem, teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 14
The Wendigo can see normally, but others caught in this fog get a -3 penalty to Perception rolls.
Speak with Wind Spirits
Rank 2 Wendigo Gift
The Wendigo may call upon wind-spirits for knowledge and guidance. He can ask them one question, which must concern the immediate area (wind-spirits have notoriously short attention spans). A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Charisma + Occult, Difficulty 14
The number of successes reflects the accuracy of the information. This may not be used to figure out someones hideouts.
Firewater’s Quench
Rank 3 Wendigo Gift
Myeengun’s Lodge is a part of the Sacred Hoop dedicated to sharing the lore of wolves with the Wendigo tribe and their human Kinfolk and allies. Many homids and humans, out of poverty, misfortune, or boredom, fall into dangerous and destructive habits, habits that wolves regard as Man’s peculiar weakness – huffing gasoline, drinking too much liquor, becoming dependent on drugs that poison his body and mind. Wolves rarely fall into these traps, and they have aided many within their camp with their lupine ways, helping them to drive the desire for these vile substances out of their blood and their spirit. Myeengun, an ancestor-spirit who was born a human but became a wolf, teaches this Gift to his followers.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: 1 Day
For each success, no deliberately-ingested intoxicant works on the character.
Rank 3 Uktena / Wendigo / Metis Gif
tLike the Gift’s reptilian namesake, the Garou can blend with her natural surroundings. Unlike the lizard, the werewolf shifts fluidly with changing backgrounds, thus allowing the Garou to move about and even attack. A chameleon- or octopus-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
This gives +3 to Stealth rolls.
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways
Rank 3 Philodox / Wendigo / Uktena Gift
All werewolves have an innate connection to their ancestors, a form of racial unconscious accessible through intense meditation. The Philodox can tap into these deep memories to remember ancient facts and lore. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 16
The number of successes determines how detailed and exact the answer he receives will be. This can be used on fetishes to learn about their history.
Bloody Feast
Rank 3 Wendigo Gift
Great Wndigo, as a hungry cannibalistic spirit, can teach his favored children the ability to gain added strength from an enemy’s flesh and blood. An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
To activate this Gift, the Garou must first bite his opponent and be able to taste blood, and his victim must be something that bleeds. If his opponent has toxic blood or none at all, this Gift will not work. The Wendigo gains +1 to Strength when rolling attack vs that specific target.
Eye of the Storm
Rank 3 Wendigo Gift
The Garou may create a place of calmness even in the midst of a raging blizzard or any other severe weather phenomena. Up to ten people can take shelter within this quiet place, suffering no damage from the fury that surrounds them. This Gift is taught by an air-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 16
The effect of the Gift lasts for the duration of a single storm.
Blood of the North
Rank 3 Wendigo Gift
The Wendigo takes winter as his brother, infusing the spiritual essence of the howling cold into his very flesh and bones. A snow-spirit teaches this Gift.
The Wendigo ignores all penalties due to cold or chilling effects, and gains an extra +2 to defense rolls against all cold-based attacks.
Strength of Pine
Rank 3 Wendigo Gift
This Gift allows a character to ground herself in the presence of Gaia, spiritually as well as physically. If the character is struck by lightning or electricity, she remains unharmed by it for that turn of combat; she also becomes resistant to physical attacks. An earth-spirit and a lightning elemental jointly teach this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 16
Duration: 1 Turn
Any electricity damage inflicted on the grounded werewolf takes effect, but is then healed at the next turn, provided she does not move from her grounding-spot. Garou may also use this gift to add +3 to their Brace / Soak defense roll against a single physical attack.
Rank 3 Wendigo Gift
This Gift allows a Garou to transform the area around her into a blinding whiteout, rendering it utterly featureless and dangerously disorienting. Any characters within the reach of the spell are enclosed within a frightening, snowy blizzard-filled dome, which deadens all scents, mutes all sounds with the roar of wind, and blinds all types of vision. The Gifted character’s senses are untouched by these effects, although she remains within the whiteout. Similarly, other Wendigo are unaffected by the power of this Gift. A bear-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 16
Range of this dome is 60 meters and everyone inside of it except the garou gets penalty of -4 to Perception rolls.
Curse of Harano
Rank 4 Wendigo Gift
Called Curse of Harano in the Players’ Guide to Garou (revised)
The Wendigo can inflict a state of Harano on a single victim. The target feels the tragic history of all the world’s oppressed peoples, including the Garou themselves. Rumors that this power would not affect Native Americans have been dispelled by a Shadow Lord who swindled the Gift out of a native Wendigo — who found himself the victim of a Gift he’d just taught. The Shadow Lord has not been heard from in recent days. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: A Scene
During the duration of the effect the victim is too depressed to perform any actions without a successful Resolve + Composure roll (difficulty 16). This only works on other Garou.
Scream of Gaia
Rank 4 Get of Fenris / Lupus / Wendigo Gift
The Garou emits a horrible, ragged scream imbued with Rage and pain of Gaia. The force of the scream batters foes and knocks them off their feet. Storm-spirits, which the Get call Sturms, teach this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Rage + Primal Urge vs Dexterity + Athletics
Everyone within a 10 meter radius must roll the resist.
If victim wins the roll then nothing happens to them.
If garou wins the roll then victim loses balance and one action
If garou wins their roll by 5+ successes or the victim botches then not only they lose their action this turn but also are knocked off their feet and must spend next turn getting up.
Hero’s Stand
Rank 4 Get of Fenris / Wendigo Gift
The Garou channels the strength of Gaia herself, becoming one with the earth upon which he stands. While he may not retreat or even move from that spot for the duration of the Gift, he gains many powers through Gaia’s might. An earth elemental teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 16
Each success grants +1 to all Physical rolls. Also, the Garou may not be surprised, and all attacks are considered frontal. The Garou may not move until all foes have been defeated or have fled (You do actually have to stand in one place or the gift breaks).
Chill of Early Frost
Rank 4 Wendigo / Get of Fenris Gift
The werewolf calls down a mystical chill from Great Wendigo himself, freezing the surrounding lands and anyone in it. A spirit servant of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 16
Success drops the temperature to a bit below freezing in a five-mile radius, or even further below zero if it was already winter. All creatures without a natural coat of fur get -2 penalty to all rolls. This Gift wreaks pure havoc in urban environments, as pipes burst and roads freeze. This Gift lasts for one hour per success.
Call the Cannibal Spirit
Rank 4 Wendigo Gift
By dancing under the night sky, the werewolf can summon an avatar of Great Wendigo to hunt down a target of the Garou’s choice. The Garou must possess a piece of his target whose heart the Wendigo devours.
Extended Action (takes 5 turns to cast)
Costs 1 Gnosis and 1 Rage
Roll Charisma + Occult, Difficulty 16
If the roll botches, or if the Wendigo will attack the summoner. This does not work as a spirit that would fight by your side, but istead a lone hitman that is sent to attack someone.
Spirit Stats: Greater Spirit Stats
Call the Ice
Rank 4 Wendigo Gift
The Garou may summon the spirits of the ice to cause a great fissure to form beneath the feet of her enemy, engulfing and encasing the target in a prison of ice from which he has little chance of escaping. This Gift may also cause the ice on a frozen lake to crack, dumping the target into the frigid water. Ice-spirits teach this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Dexterity + Athletics
Duration: 1 turn per success
A fissure forms in front of the garou, 20 meters long. Anyone who is unable to dodge it will be frozen in place. Tanking 1 Damage per turn spent in ice. The Ice is extremely hard to break from inside or outside, Roll Strength + Athletics, Difficulty 25 and each success reduces the duration of power by 1 turn. No additional damage to the targets imprisoned in ice can be done while they are still incased in it.
Wsitiplaju’s Bow
Rank 4 Wendigo Gift
The Wendigo with this Gift can loose any arrow from her bow and unerringly hit her target, no matter where she stands, as long as there is a path through the air. The Gift sends the arrow traveling like a bird through any available space, diving over or under obstacles and around corners to reach its mark. However, Wsitiplaju’s Bow does not enchant the arrow used, and the arrow cannot pass through any barrier that a normal arrow could not pierce. The spirit of an ancestor with great skill at Archery teaches this Gift.
Adds +3 to bow attack rolls.
Heart of Ice
Rank 5 Wendigo Gift
The Garou can call down the curse of the Wendigo on an enemy. The Garou must whisper the name of the target to the winds; thereafter, the victim’s innards begin turning to ice. An avatar of Wendigo teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Each success inflicts 1 aggravated damage (Maximum 5). This damage accrues slowly, 1 damage per turn until all possible damage has been done.
Call The Storm
Rank 5 Wendigo Gift
The Hakken can call forth a powerful storm in a designated area. The storm uproots trees and overturns cars in its fury. An ancestor-spirit or a servant of Narukami, Lord of Thunder, teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 16
The effect of the weather depends on the number of successes scored.
Successes Result
Failure Nothing happens
1 Summon Fog or Rain or Snow: -3 to all perception rolls.
2 High Winds stars: -3 to all physical rolls.
3 Storm stars: -3 to all physical and perception rolls.
4 Lightning Storm: -3 to all physical and perception rolls. The user may also call lightning upon a single foe at the time. Rolling bonus of +20 vs targets usual Dexterity + Athletics roll. This can only be used once per turn.
NOTE: The effects do not stack with each other.
Balance of Wormwood
Rank 5 Wendigo Gift
With this Gift, a character can learn to aid another Garou who has succumbed to the service of the Wyrm, and guard them from the Destroyer’s influence. Because Great Wendigo treasures the purity of his Tribe, he has conferred this Gift upon his children, to give them greater power to continue the fight against the Wyrm. Like a taste of wormwood, which brings clarity to the mind, two Garou join their spirits together beneath the cleansing, eternal winds of Wendigo’s spirit. With this Gift, depending upon each other, they may resist the attraction of the Wyrm that drives werewolves into unspeakable acts and mindless vile savagery. An avatar of Great Wendigo teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
The target character must already have fallen into the service of the Wyrm, by walking the Black Spiral or through other means. If she succeeds, the target character may resist the horrific urges that the Wyrm brings for the remainder of the scene. This may be enough to allow the fallen Garou to attempt the long road back to Gaia’s graces, but those who are long fallen or far from Gaia’s grace may need much more than a simple application of this Gift. If the Gifted werewolf fails, her own current frenzy difficulty decreases by one, and she may be unable to avoid falling into the Thrall of the Wyrm.
