Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim
Color Key:
Rank 1 Stargazer Gift
A Stargazer possessing this Gift causes considerable problems to all attackers. Those attacking find themselves clumsier and less nimble with every successful strike. An earth elemental teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
At the beginning of close combat (this Gift cannot be activated after the first turn of combat), the player spends a Gnosis point. If an attacker completes a successful hit against the Stargazer, the attacker’s next roll to strike is at -1 penalty. Each turn thereafter, the Stargazer may gain a Rage point to continue the effect.
Paper Butterfly
Rank 1 Stargazer Gift
Ancient court magicians of the Chinese emperor were able to conjure a cloud of paper butterflies out of thin air. Stargazers who have mastered this trick use it to create a mood of tranquility, or can use them to distract an opponent. This Gift is taught, appropriately enough, by a butterfly or moth-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Wits + Performance, Difficulty 10
Duration: 1 turn per success
A flock of fluttering butterflies made of varying colors of paper appears in the air around the Stargazer’s head. The butterflies may be instructed to head in any direction (up to 20 meters away). If the Stargazer is using this Gift as a distraction to an opponent, the butterflies take one turn to reach the opponent. The butterflies that distract the enemy give that enemy a -1 penalty to all physical rolls. The opponent may roll an attack to destroy the birds, sacrificiong that turns action.
Iron Resolve
Rank 1 Stargazer Gift
Through the blessings of the spirits, the Stargazer’s resolve is tempered like steel, allowing great feats through application of sheer will. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Gain 1 Rage
Once per scene, the Stargazer may gain Rage to gain an automatic success on an action. May be applied to offensive action, but useless for defensive actions, since if you win your mental or physical defense roll then there is no need for you to gain more successes there anymore.
Grim Resolve
Rank 1 Ahroun / Silent Strider / Silver Fang / Star Gazer Gift
Other werewolves look to the Ahroun for leadership in combat. The Gift of Inspiration is one reason. The Garou with this Gift lends new resolve and righteous anger to his brethren. Either a lion- or wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
+1 to Resolve rolls
Rank 1 Stargazer Gift
The base chakra is awakened and the energy stirs. The character can call on this energy to help himself root or center for meditation, or summon energy to stave off fatigue. This also includes the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra, governing the sex organs.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
Adds +1 to rolls on resisting frenzy.
Rank 1 Stargazers Gift
Rage is both a boon and a bane to the Garou, and the Stargazers feel this doubly so. Rage, while certainly a vital resource, is also a dangerous element. Many Stargazers seek new ways to harness and direct their Rage, and those with this Gift have at least one more option. A Garou using this Gift can channel her Rage into a single action, helping her perform that one action as best as she is able. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.
Free Action
Gain 1 to 3 Rage
This Gift can be used once per day. Each point spent in this manner gives the Garou a +1 bonus to any Skill or Knowledge roll.
Surface Attunement
Rank 2 Stargazer Gift
The Stargazer may attune herself to the surrounding environment, thereby gaining the ability to walk at normal speed across such surfaces as mud, water, snow and quicksand without falling through or leaving tracks. The spirits of small animals that are often overlooked by other tribes (such as rabbits, sparrows and mice) teach this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Dexterity + Athletics, Difficulty 12
The effects last for a scene.
Rank 2 Stargazer Gift
The warrior-teacher caste of the Sacred Thread is able to focus in on the mystic power underlying each and every word. Even a ksatriya without a weapon may conjure one using nothing more than the sound of his own voice. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Conjures translucent scimitar out of thin air that has +3 to attack rolls and does lethal damage.
Inner Light
Rank 2 Stargazer Gift
The Stargazer can step sideways into the Umbra using only his own inner light; he has no need of a reflection or bright light to guide him. This Gift is taught by an Epiphling of Truth.
+2 to stepping sideways into umbra rolls.
Resist Temptation
Rank 2 Stargazers Gift
Using gestures to her chakras, as Klaital did, the Stargazer can resist worldly, mental and spiritual temptations, including corruption. This Gift is taught by an earth-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Sets a difficulty on powers like dominate or other commanding powers to 12 if the power does not have the difficulty already. If the power have the difficulty then it is raised by two. This gift does not work agast powers that affect sanity or emotions, like presence or dementation. This gift also does not stack with other gifts that are similar to it, like Mindblock.
Rank 2 Stargazers Gift
The solar plexus chakra stirs, allowing the character access to powerful energy and strength which can greatly aid Kailindo maneuvers.
+1 to all Grapple rolls.
Sound of Suffering
Rank 2 Stargazers Gift
Mantra Gift
The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Kama-Rudra. Life is suffering. Among the Stargazers this is not a philosophy, this is fact. Once someone realizes that suffering is the dominating force within the universe, he can move past it onto a fuller, richer life – or so the theory goes. With this Gift, a Stargazer can inflict a temporary “realization of suffering” onto a single individual. The individual affected by this Gift is beset by a swell of sadness, and they can’t help but break down into hitching, wracking sobs. For the duration of this power, the target is left feeling both empty of substance and full of the world’s pain. This Gift is taught by both pain- and rain-spirits.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: 1 turn per success
The target is incapacitated for one turn per success rolled as she is afflicted by terrible sorrow and sobbing. The effect is broken in cases of danger.
Sense Balance
Rank 3 Philodox / Stragazer Gift
As the arbitrators of the Garou Nation, the Philodox have developed an attunement with the precarious forces that balance the world and the individual alike. This Gift allows the user to detect an overabundance of any of the prime forces of the universe, whether Wyrm, Wyld or Weaver. It can point out a Bane manifestation at an industrial plant or mental instability in a packmate. A cat-spirit teaches a friendly Garou this Gift in exchange for a warm fire and promise not to chase her kin.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Perception + Primal Urge, Difficulty 14
The Garou can feel the balance, or lack thereof, within an area, person or inanimate object. Wyrm manifestation feels dense and oily, Weaver presence feels cold and unyielding and Wyld energies feel warm and trembling. Such manifestations are more subtle than ones detectable through Gifts such as Sense Wyrm.
Rank 3 Stargazer Gift
A Stargazer with this Gift can introduce an unsolvable problem into a victim’s mind. Depending on the effectiveness, the target could be completely immobilized by her new, fascinating train of thought. The effect varies with every individual, but it usually derives from the target’s personality: A computer-hacking Glass Walker might try to discover the last digit of pi, while a Bone Gnawer might try to reason why, indeed, did the chicken cross the road. An avatar of the Chimera teaches this Gift, but the Garou must first solve her instructor’s puzzle.
Resisted Action
Roll Manipulation + Occult vs Wits + Occult
Each successes gives -1 penalty to targets rolls on solving certain problem.
Merciful Blow
Rank 3 Stargazer Gift
The Garou can subdue a foe in combat without harming him. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
If his next blow (hand or weapon) strikes the player may then roll Perception + Medicine vs Stamina + Athletics. 1 - 3 successes on this roll cause any opponent to keel over for the next turn, losing an action. 5+ successes may paralyze human foe for the entire scene. This Gift inflicts no actual health levels of damage.
Rank 3 Stargazer Gift
This Gift grants the ability to see through fog, pitch darkness and even recognize illusions or invisibility. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Perception + Occult vs Illusion/Invisibility Stealth rolls/ or Difficulty 14 for darkness
Stargazer may see through darkness, illusions or invisibility if they succeed in the roll.
Great Leap
Rank 3 Stargazers Gift
The Garou with this Gift can jump truly astounding distances. A jackrabbit-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Rolls Strength + Athletics, may be used as an attack.
If successful, move up to 40 meters and perform an action.
Wind’s Returning Favor
Rank 3 Stargazers Gift
A Stargazer may use weapons, but most need none. This Gift allows a Stargazer to take an opponent’s weapon upon their attack. This Gift is taught by a wind-spirit.
Normal Action
Gain 1 Rage
Roll Dexterity + Athletics vs Melee + Dexterity
If the Stargazer’s wins the roll they steals the attacker’s weapon and may use it on the following turn.
Cunning Koan
Rank 3 Stargazers Gift
The character can cut through any falsity, illusion or bullshit with a few choice words. The words cannot be profane and must come in the form of a short haiku poem or koan. This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit or a Chimerling.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Perception + Wits vs Manipulation + Persuasion
Anyone attempting to speak a lie is revealed as a liar — his words instead speak his true intent.
Rank 3 Stargazers Gift
The heart center stirs, opening the Garou up to normally unseen perceptions concerning others. She can sense what they are feeling and know the best way to make them listen to her (although they cannot be coerced into acting against their wills).
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Perception + Empathy, Difficulty 14
Duration: A Scene
For the rest of the scene, the Stargazer can sense the surface emotions (anger, frustration, joy, etc.) of those who directly interact with her.
Burning Fire-Mind
Rank 3 Stargazers Gift
The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Hana-Daha. It signifies the burning, fiery nature of anger and wrath, and relates directly to a werewolf’s usage of Rage. Rage, like fire, is an uncontrollable, all-consuming entity. It cannot be leashed or tamed, and can leave much damage in its wake. The Stargazers, as a rule, are not opposed to using Rage, but they understand that it can run rampant – and unmitigated Rage is a terrible weapon to behold. This Gift allows a Stargazer to punish other Garou for attempting to access this unmanageable source of power needlessly. Any opponent of the Stargazer feels the anger literally sear their flesh. This Gift is taught by a fire-spirit.
Resisted Action
Gain 1 Rage
Roll Manipulation + Primal-Urge vs Wits + Primal-Urge
Duration: 1 turn per success
The targeted fera or spirit will take equal amount of aggravated damage per Rage point that they gain.
Rank 4 Silver Fang / Silent Strider / Stargazer Gift
Upon learning this Gift, the Garou’s mental defenses are strengthened to the utmost. A falcon-spirit teaches this Gift.
The difficulty of any direct mental attacks or attempts to control the Garou’s mind, as well as more insidious psychic assaults (mind-reading or possession) are raised to 20. This means that even if you roll higher than garous willpower resist roll, it wont take affect unless you rolled over 20, however if you do roll over 20 then successes apply as usual, counting from garou's resist roll. The effects of this Gift are permanent, but they do not apply to powers that sway emotion.
Preternatural Awareness
Rank 4 Stargazer Gift
The Stargazer attunes all her senses to her surroundings, thereby becoming preternaturally aware of her opponent’s doing and allowing her to anticipate them somewhat. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
Adds +3 to Dexterity.
Imaginal Mantra
Rank 4 Stargazer Gift
The Stargazer can chant a mantra to banish Banality from the area and awaken Glamour. During the chanting, he must imagine the area as being inherently magical, seeing the rocks, stones and buildings as living things — he must pretend to dream while awake. This Gift is taught by a Chimerling.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 14
Or Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure if used on Changelings
If successful, any Banality is banished for one scene. In addition, any fae are revealed in their true forms.
Avoid Fate
Rank 4 Stargazer Gift
With this Gift, the Stargazer can dodge the wheels of fate for the moment. Through a preternatural connection between herself and the universe, she avoids certain disaster. A cat-spirit teaches the Garou this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Once per scene, the player can spend a Gnosis point to reroll any failed roll.
Call Elemental
Rank 4 Uktena / Stargazer Gift
The Garou is able to call one of the four classic elementals to his aid (earth, air, fire or water). An elemental teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
The elemental have stats of Normal Spirit Elemental.
The Silken Cloth
Rank 4 Stargazers Gift
This Gift takes its name from an ancient Stargazer tradition. It’s believe that those who are not shapechangers cannot enter the Mirror Lands of the Umbra because they are impure. They do not have a kernel of the celestial substance of cosmos within them, as the Garou and the other Fera do. But many Stargazers still wished to show mortals (or others unable to access the Umbra) the hidden truths and puzzles found only in the Mirror Lands. Once, Stargazers could purify others with a silken cloth, rubbing them with it, so that they may enter the Umbra together. Now, that ability has been made into a Gift. This Gift lets a Stargazer bring one other human (or otherwise Umbra-banned individual) with her when she Steps Sideways. This Gift is taught by an Engling.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
The player must make two stepping sideways rolls: one for the Stargazer, and one for her “guest.” However, the Stargazer must spend one Gnosis point for the guest to come through with her. If the roll to bring her guest across botches, the poor soul is lost somewhere in the Umbra. Only works on humans.
Rank 4 Stargazers Gift
The throat chakra stirs, allowing the character immense control over his voice and breath. He can halt others with a bellow or command them to heed his words.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
+3 to initiative roll
Seeking the Void
Rank 4 Stargazers Gift
The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-Ha-Sa-Kha-Prem. The Umbra, also called the Mirror Lands, is a void empty of true matter and built of little more than the ephemeral whorls of spirit substance. Many Garou are reliant upon hard travel within the Umbra. They must find their destination and get to it via moon paths or sniffing out spirit tracks. Stargazers using this Gift have a somewhat easier time getting somewhere in the Mirror Lands – provided that another Garou or spirit is already there. Using this Gift takes the werewolf directly to the location of the chosen individual, no matter where they are at that moment. The Stargazer must be in the Umbra to use this Gift. It is taught by a shadow-spirit.
Normal Action
Roll Wits + Occult, Difficulty 14
The Stargazer utilizing this Gift must speak the mantra while actually in the Umbra. She also must have with her some piece of the Garou she’s “traveling” to, usually a part of the werewolf’s body (a tuft of hair, a tooth, a claw) or one of the Garou’s possessions (a weapon, an article of clothing). In the case of traveling to a specific spirit, the Stargazer can only travel to spirits she has literally battled with. (Though “battled” can be a battle of wits and intelligence, and doesn’t necessarily need to be a combative conflict.)
Eyes of Ignorance
Rank 5 Stargazer Gift
The ksatriya using this Gift can look into another’s eyes and, for a period of time, literally strip them of their knowledge, leaving them ignorant and empty of ability. This Gift can be taught by an owl-spirit.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Successes on the roll allows the Garou to intrinsically “know” the target’s Knowledge (and the accompanying dots in each Knowledge). Also, for each success, the ksatriya may subtract 1 dots from the target’s Knowledge traits. This Gift lasts for one day, at which point the ksatriya loses the gained Knowledge points and the target regains it.
Wisdom of the Seer
Rank 5 Stargazer Gift
By gazing into the night sky for an hour, the Stargazer can find the answer to almost any question among the stars. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 14
If successful, the player can ask any one simple question of the Storyteller and expect an honest answer. The clarity of the information depends on the number of successes, and it is rare to gain a complete and straightforward answer.
Directing the Soul
Rank 5 Stargazer Gift
Stargazers with this Gift can redirect the effects of their Rage and Gnosis. By attaining this higher control over their inner selves, they influence the world around them in their favor. This Gift is taught by an Enigmatic spirit.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis or Gain 1 Rage
After learning this Gift, the Stargazer can spend her Rage or Gnosis to gain 1 auto success on any action as long as 1st success have been achieved.
Circular Attack
Rank 5 Stargazer Gift
The greatest Stargazers have no fear of fighting even a horde of opponents. They are able to not only avoid their foes’ attacks, but they can actually channel those attacks into other enemies. A Stargazer with this Gift can even redirect a single foe’s attacks upon himself. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Rage
Roll Wits + Dexterity vs Attack, Difficulty 12
The werewolf may redirect someone's attack to hit another target. The amount of damage done is determined by amount of successes scored over difficulty 12. Hitting a difficulty is 1 succcess and then +1 more success for every increment of 3 (15,18,21, etc.)
Harmonious Unity of the Emerald Mother
Rank 5 Stargazer Gift
The wisest of Stargazers understand that all divisions of the flesh are mere illusion. The only true separation is of spirit — Wyrm from Weaver, Weaver from Wyld, Triat from Gaia. But even then, the great forces of the universe are connected. Drawing upon this wisdom, the Garou banishes the boundaries dividing the mind and body of man from the power of the werewolf. An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: 1 day
For the next day, the Stargazer enjoys the physical Attribute bonuses and regenerative powers of the Crinos form while in Homid. This Gift doesn’t grant Crinos form’s claws, fangs, or expanded senses, nor does it inflict the Delirium.
Break the Loom
Rank 5 Stargazers Gift
The Stargazer uses controlled cognitive dissonance to temporarily confuse Paradox and banish it. With riddles and conundrums posed to the thin air, the Stargazer thus confuses the Weaver, who halts her spinning as she tries to solve the riddle. This Gift is taught by Chimera herself.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 14
If successful, a particular manifestation of Paradox is canceled. In addition, the Gauntlet of the area drops for the rest of the scene by one point for each success gained. This is an immensely powerful Gift when put: to use for a mage; however, Stargazers usually let mages learn from their own mistakes, intervening only if the Paradox threatens someone other than the unwise willworker.
Rank 5 Stargazers Gift
The crown chakra stirs and the third eye opens. The Stargazer gains immense wisdom and occult perception.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 14
Duration: a Scene
Each success lowers the difficulty of any Occult rolls by 1. In addition, for the following scene, the character sees spirits interacting with the world, and knows if Gifts or other supernatural powers (Disciplines, Spheres, Cantrips, etc.) are active within his sight.
Liberation of Flesh
Rank 5 Stargazers Gift
Mantra Gift
The spoken mantra for this Gift is Aum-waha-guru-dha-yan. Some Stargazers (particularly those among the Tranquil) posit that all flesh is weak, and like an anchor, it drags the spirit. Stargazers using this Gift find themselves “liberated” from their physical forms, becoming insubstantial and bodiless.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
When this Gift is activated, the Stargazer becomes quite literally like a silvery ghost of her physical body, and can be seen with a successful Perception + Wits roll (difficulty 16). The Stargazer may take no actions except for simple movement). The Stargazer may stay in this bodiless state for as long as she chooses, and may not be physically harmed by other physical creatures or spirits. To return to a corporeal, physical form, the Stargazer spends another Gnosis point and her ghostly form becomes immediately corporeal once again.