Nocturne V.2
A World of Darkness Sim

The Warriors Of Gaia
Color Key:
Rank 1 Galliard Gift
By invoking the power of waking dreams, the Garou can place any chosen characters into silent communion. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
All those included in the dream may interact normally through the Mindspeak, although they can inflict no damage through it. Their real bodies can still act, although all actions have penalty of -2. The Mindspeak ends when all the participants want it to, or on the turn the Galliard fails the roll against an unwilling member. The beings affected must be within line of sight.
Heightened Senses
Rank 1 Lupus / Black Furies / Galliard Gift
The werewolf with this Gift tunes in to the world around him, increasing his senses vastly, allowing him to hear sounds beyond his normal range, granting him superior night vision and making his sense of smell stronger than that of any dog. In wolf forms, his senses become preternaturally potent, allowing him to perform feats that border on precognition. This Gift has drawbacks as well. If a fire alarm were to go off around a Garou using this Gift, it might render him helpless. Cities can barrage the werewolf with a sensory overload. Wolf-spirits teach this gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Duration: A Scene
The werewolf’s may get +2 to Perception rolls. In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms the werewolf also gains +1 to Primal-Urge rolls.
Beast Speech
Rank 1 Galliard / Red Talon Gift
The werewolf with this GIft may communicate with any animals from fish to mammals. This Gift does not change their basic reactions; most animals are still afraid of predators such as werewolves. Any spirit of nature can teach this Gift.
Canine Call
Rank 1 Galliard Gift
Ever since the Impergium and the War of Rage, everything else on the planet has lived in awe and terror of the sound of wolves howling. Pitching her voice just so, the Galliard produces a call that only canines can hear (including homid werewolves). Humans and other creatures automatically ignore the sound, feeling safe in their ignorance. City Garou and those infiltrating enemy bases find this particularly useful. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Stamina + Primal Urge, Difficulty 14
This call can be heard only by Garou
Rank 2 Fianna / Galliard Gift
This Gift makes the victim’s mind wander down memory lane. While it may occasionally dredge up useful remembrances, it mainly serves to makes someone less observant or less focused on the task at hand. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: 1 turn per success
Gives -1 penalty to Wits per success rolled (max -3).
Howls in the Night
Rank 2 Lupus / Galliard / Red Talon / Shadow Lord Gift
The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the night sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia’s enemies. Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled and unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Stamina + Primal Urge vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: A Scene
This call can be heard by anyone who is no more than 100 meters away on the sim. All Garou gain +1 to Strength and Athletics rolls while all their enemies get -1 to Strength rolls.
Unified Force
Rank 2 Galliard Gift
The Galliard can bond the pack into a truly unified force, striking as one. As long as no one in the pack succumbs to frenzy, each member strikes at the same instant, and few foes can stand up to such an attack for long. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
The entire pack acts on the highest initiative rolled. If even one pack member frenzies, the effect is lost. Also, only pack members bonded by a totem may enjoy these benefits.
Rank 2 Galliard Gift
The Galliard can enter another’s dream and thereby affect the course of that dream. The werewolf does not have to be anywhere near the target, but she must know or have seen the dreamer. A Chimerling teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
If the dreamer awakens while the Galliard is still within the dream, the werewolf is thrown out of the dream world, and he loses a Gnosis point.
Ritual Tunning
Rank 2 Galliard Gift
The Galliard sets the stage for a rite, performing a prelude before it begins that helps to catch the attention of the spirit world and put the attending Garou in the right frame of mind for the ritual. Any kind of performance can accompany this Gift, including dance, music, and song, howling, a rousing story or the recitation of a grand epic. Any others who wish to join in may do so; in fact, multiple Galliards using this Gift together can boost the rite even further.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Performance + Charisma, Difficulty 14
The werewolf spends anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more on a performance for the attendees of a rite that’s about to begin. The performance should be appropriate to the rite; the Gift won’t work if she plays a soft lullaby as a prelude to the Rite of Boasting. The Ritemaster gains +1 to their rite roll for every success that Galliard achieves by using this gift, to maximum of 5 successes. Only one Galliard may be used for this buff at the time.
Rank 2 Galliard Gift
The Garou can alter her voice such that she can imitate any sound or voice she has heard, including sirens, gunshots, musical instruments or even specific quotations. The Gift does not allow the creation of new sounds, but new combinations can have interesting effects. Magpie-spirits know this Gift, but learning it from them can be an embarrassing and frustrating process.
Resisted Action
Roll Manipulation + Performance vs Perception + Wits
Once the Garou learns this Gift, she can reproduce anything she hears. When simulating another person’s voice (or animal speech) she can only iterate what she has heard and cannot improvise new speech. Clever Garou create new combinations to form new sentences, but they often sound choppy.
Call of the Wyrm
Rank 2 Galliard Gift
This dangerous Gift actually attracts creatures of the Wyrm. Galliards typically use the Call to bait an ambush or to flush prey from hiding. Any spirit servant of Gaia can teach this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Performance + Charisma vs Resolve + Composure
This call can be heard by anyone who is no more than 100 meters away on the sim. If the Wyrm creature loses the contest, it must come to the source of the Call.
Song of Heroes
Rank 3 Galliard Gift
Reciting a tale of ancient Garou heroism, the Galliard conjures up the spirit of fallen heroes and infuses those listening with some portion of their power. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Extended Action (takes 3 turns)
Costs 2 Gnosis
Roll Performance + Charisma, Difficulty 16
Duration: 1 Day
This Gift requires the full recitation of a story of epic heroism, taking at least 3 posts. Every Garou or Kinfolk listening to the tail gain +1 to said Skill.
Sing the Spirits
Rank 3 Galliard Gift
The earliest incantations to the spirits were sung, and although the Theurges may be the auspice chosen to deal with them, the Galliards still know some songs with power in them. Such songs are many, but always have a similar construction. They begin by calling out the spirit’s name, and ordering it to stay away, and finish with a threat issued against it if it doesn’t. When done right, the spirit will be unable to approach the Galliard, or anyone she touches. The Gift is taught by a bird or fish-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Strength + Performance, Difficulty 14
Duration: A Scene
The spirit named must remain one meter per success away from the Galliard and anyone she is touching. The Galliard doesn’t need to know the exact name of a spirit, but must be able to name it appropriately. (Telling it what kind of spirit it is, such as “Cat” or “Nexus Crawler” is sufficient.). The spirit may attempt to break through this ward by rolling their Rage, difficulty 80; they must receive more successes than the Galliard did on their Performance roll.
Scent of Distinction
Rank 3 Galliard Gift
This Gift enables the Galliard to mystically “sniff out” the general spirit nature of her surroundings (i.e., influenced by the Weaver, Wyld or Wyrm; under the domain of a powerful Incarna; etc.), as well as the area’s history. For example, a werewolf who sniffed out a caern might learn about the totem and purview of the caern, when it was founded, important events that happened near it, etc. This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Perception, Difficulty 16
The Gift may be used over as large an area as the character can physically sniff, but information is more specific for smaller areas.
Song of Rage
Rank 3 Galliard Gift
This Gift unleashes the Beast in others, forcing werewolves, vampires and other such creatures into frenzy and turning humans into berserkers. A wolverine-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Duration: 1 turn per success
The victim flies into a violent rage.
Eye of the Cobra
Rank 3 Galliard Gift
With but a look, the Garou can attract anyone to his side. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Garou needs to have someone in eyesight for this to work at maximum distance of 40m. Once there, the target can do as he pleases, but he must try his best to get to the Galliard until then.
Fog of War
Rank 4 Fianna / Ragabash / Galliard Gift
No matter how disciplined the army and ordered the plan, a battlefield is chaos. Smoke, noise, hidden enemies and fear can all lead to disorganization. Even in the modern age, mistaken identity leads to “friendly fire” casualties. This Gift exacerbates this problem to often devastating effect. A commander might not see advancing foes, or see foes that aren’t there; a team may fire upon allies, or mistake a command to “advance” for a call to “retreat.” This Gift is taught by a raven- or other trickster-spirit.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Manipulation + Performance vs Wits + Perception each turn
Zero successes on a resisting indicates confusion, which leads to a player not taking any action except defensive ones.
While on a botch the character critically misinterprets what she sees and may attack allies.
The Gift lasts as long as the song or howl continues, but the singer must concentrate on the song (and thus cannot engage in combat or other strenuous activity).
Song of the Siren
Rank 4 Galliard / Black Furies / Fianna Gift
The sound of the Garou’s voice can entrance anyone who hears it. Typically, the Garou sings or howls while using this Gift, although some modern Glass Walkers have taken to poetry recital. This Gift can make an opponent pause before a fight but can rarely stop a heated combat already in progress. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Performance + Charisma vs Wits + Composure
Enchanted targets cannot perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. The effect breaks if combat starts.
Shadows by the Firelight
Rank 4 Galliard Gift
By invoking the power of shadows and dreams, the Galliard may create interactive stories in which other take part — willingly or not. Shadows dance around the participants as they act out their roles (as directed by the Galliard). This Gift is used commonly at moots, allowing many Garou to take part in the same legend recounted by the Galliard. However, this Gift can also be used on unwilling, forcing them to participate in a story of the Garou’s choosing. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Resisted Action
Costs 1 Gnosis per turn
Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
If successful, the player may tell a story and force the victim to perform exactly as the story’s character does. This effect lasts one turn per Gnosis point spent.
Gift of Dreams
Rank 4 Galliard Gift
The Galliard crafts a dream, then breathes it into a sleeping individual. A Lune teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Roll Manipulation + Wits , Difficulty 12
More successes allows for more vivid and impactful dreams. To ensure that an individual experiences this dream, the Galliard must breathe it into the target’s mouth while they sleep. The player spends a Gnosis point to complete the Gift. Dreams crafted with this Gift are often unusually vivid and dramatic, often leaving even lifelong skeptics convinced that they hold some deep meaning.
Bridge Walker
Rank 4 Galliard Gift
The Galliard has the ability to create minor moon bridges through which she alone can travel. The Garou travels between the ends of this moon bridge in one percent of the time it would take to travel that distance normally, allow her to disappear from in front of a foe and reappear behind it instantly. Note that these moon bridges are not protected by Lunes, and they attract the interest of spirit creatures occasionally. These being have even been known to follow the Garou into the physical world. A Lune teaches this Gift.
Free Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
The moon bridge lasts for only one passage. The maximum distance that can be traversed by the bridge is the Garou’s current Gnosis x 20 = meters. Garou must also have seen the area that they wish to go to at least once.
Book of Years
Rank 4 Galliard Gift
The Galliard taps into a floodgate of knowledge from her ancestors. While the amount of information thus received is overwhelming, the Garou, if she keeps her head about her, can find information on nearly any topic. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift, although certain reptilian spirits have been known to impart it as well.
Normal Action
Roll Primal Urge + Wits, Difficulty 16
The character falls into a trance and is immediately immersed in a deluge of memories stretching back to the dawn of time. For every success the character remains under the Gift’s influence, the memories stretch back roughly five centuries. If the roll botches, her body disappears and reappears somewhere in the Umbra; the Legendary Realm and the Battleground are both popular choices.
While the character cannot hope to remember all or even most of the information she sees, she can attempt to search for specific moments in history. The result is a sort of vision quest; the Storyteller may choose to simply describe what the character sees or might lead the character on a quest through the memories of the Garou until she finds the information she needs.
Fabric of the Mind
Rank 5 Galliard / Uktena Gift
The highest-ranked Galliards can bring the products of their imagination to very solid live, crafting creatures from the spiritual essence of dreams. Chimerlings teach this Gift.
Extended Action, 3 turns, one roll per turn
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Intelligence + Performance, Difficulty 14
Garou can create any form of life she can imagine, assigning it one level of Attribute for each success gained on the roll. The dream being takes form and requires the expenditure of Gnosis to keep it manifested. The cost is one Gnosis per scene if the dream being remains relatively inactive (such as doing minor chores or watching a location), or one point per turn if the being engages in combat or similarly strenuous activity. The werewolf must be careful, because if she botches at any point, the dream being escapes her control. It will remain in the physical world for as long as it sees fit.
Head Games
Rank 5 Galliard Gift
This Gift embodies the Galliard’s ability to manipulate emotion in its purest form. The Galliard can change a target’s emotions as she pleases, from hate to love and back again. Coyote-spirits teach this Gift.
Resisted Action
Roll Manipulation + Empathy vs Wits + Composure
Duration: 1 turn per success
Success allows the Garou to steer the emotions of any one individual.
Legend’s Insight
Rank 5 Galliard Gift
While any Garou with a spiritual connection to her ancestor-spirits may borrow an ancestor’s wisdom from time to time, the Galliards have, unsurprisingly, perfected the process. The character may call upon her illustrious predecessors for skill or knowledge and become, for a moment, the best she can possibly be. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Normal Action
Costs 1 Gnosis
Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 16
Duration: A a Scene
The player may boost a skill to five dots, or an Ability already at that level to six dots. Normally, “modern” Abilities such as Computers, Drive, and even Firearms are disallowed.