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The Warriors  Of Gaia







Rites are sacred ceremonies that Garou use to invoke a measure of the spirits' power. More involved and time-consuming than Gifts, Rites rely on longstanding pacts forged between Gaia's warriors and her spirit servants in ages past: perform a ritual just so, using precise methods and components, and certain spirits will answer and empower the ritualist.



Moot Rites


Moots are meetings, gatherings of Garou and much more. They combine social, religious and political functions. They honor heroes, address law and justice, resolve grievances and challenges and provide a chance for the sept to decide matters of import. Beyond even that, moots recharge the very spiritual energy of a caern. They help to keep the caern close to the Umbra and strengthen Garou ties with the spirits of the caern.


Garou are social creatures, and the moot reinforces that. It reminds them of what they're fighting for. It provides a necessary link to the waning Garou culture and gives them a little bit of fun in a gloomy world. Even soldiers need a break now and then. They must speak to one another, honor their pasts and decide on future actions. Garou who avoid moots are viewed with a great deal of suspicion. They deny the social nature of the Garou, refuse to help determine the path that the sept will follow and deny Mother Earth and the spirits their due.


Rite of Rejuvenation: This rite is held once a month, where the garou get together and sing in Gaia's glory, recite litany, but most important of all deposit Gnosis into the Caern to recharge it for next lunar month. At least 5 Gnosis must be deposited. All the usual roles apply in this Rite. 


Rite of Cleansing: This cornerstone rite of the Garou serves to purify a person, object, or area from the spiritual corruption that comes from contact with the Wyld, Weaver, or Wyrm. The Ritemaster carves a circle into the ground around then purify the air with a burning branch or stick of incense. They dip a switch of willow or birch into pure water or snow, with which they sprinkle the subject. Assistants in the rite will howl or growl to frighten away the unbalanced spiritual forces. Performing this rite at dawn, a time of renewal, gives it special potency. This does not work on vampire, ghouls, banes, Black Spiral Dancers, or fomori. 


Rite of Contrition: Garou rely on this ritual to smooth over tensions and offenses before fights break out, or to smooth over relations with the spirits. A typical apology involves the transgressor dropping to their belly, crawling forward in a posture of submission. The Ritemaster (who may or may not be the one offering the apology) joins in, or simply whines and licks their paws or hands. The rite is a formal apology. It is socially unacceptable for a Garou to refuse a well-performed Contrition.


Gathering for the Departed: The funeral rite of the Garou. It varies dramatically from tribe to tribe, although it is usually performed by a Talesinger. The Fianna may tell tales of the fallen over a great feast; the Uktena may observe a period of silence while crafting mementos to wear or to place at the grave; the Glass Walkers may hold a very contemporary wake and reception. Any form of ritual that allows the participants to grieve for the slain and celebrate their life is fitting.


Rite of Accomplishment: This rite honors the accomplishments of a Garou who has performed a worthy deed. The Talesinger calls the honored Garou forward and describes their worthy deeds, then invites others to add their voices to praise the subject(s). Some might speak up to challenge the subject's readiness instead, inviting a Frenzy -- but the subject(s) need only remain calm against such objections to prove them mistaken. This is a test of the subject's true character: the use of Gifts and powers to subvert the risk of Frenzy is greatly disrespectful to the Rite, and may well cause the Rite to fail. 


Rite of Passage: This rite formally inducts one or more cub into the Garou Nation as a full member. The Ritemaster sends the cubs on a quest to prove themselves worthy. The quest itself should be a test of the cubs' courage, honor, and wisdom appropriate to their auspices, as well as a test of their ability to operate as a pack. 


Rite of the Fetish: Creation of a fetish. Follow the fetish page to see which spirit to bind to what item to create the fetish. This is not required to do, as you already pay xp for the fetishes that you get, but this can add flavor and depth to your RP. The Klaives are all forged with Klaive hammers. 


Rite of Talisman Dedication: This rite takes a different form for every auspice, who typically perform it by the light of their auspice moon. The purpose is the same: to incorporate ordinary objects into your own spirit, enabling them to accommodate your shifts of form and travel with you to and from the Umbra.


Stone of Scorn: The offender watches as the stone is passed from Garou to Garou. Each participant carves or paints the stone with a symbol of contempt while telling an embarrassing story about the target. This mockery lasts until dawn, although the juiciest tales linger in the mind even longer. 


Voice of the Jackal: This punishment is used when a Garou's actions have brought shame not only to themselves, but also to their sept or tribe. You blow a fistful of ash or dust onto the offender and intone: "As thy (cowardice, wrathfulness, selfishness, etc.) proves thee to be of jackal blood, let thy voice proclaim thy breed!" The punished garou have their voice turned into high pitched and shrill for a 1-7 days (decided by the Ritemaster). The target gains -2 to Charisma and Manipulation rolls. 


Rite of Punishment: The Talesinger speaks of the garou's misdeeds in front of the Sept while the Philodox calls out the judgment, which may be disputed by the Fool. The punishment is generally decided by the storyteller but the more popular ones are: Giving disgraceful deed name, losing access to a gift for period of time, lose of rank with or without the gifts involved, exile to Ronin. 


Rite of Renunciation: Garou rejects the life they once led, including the Auspice given to them by Luna. This might be the result of some internal sense that they don't fit their assigned role. Sometimes this rite is a punishment for crimes that are not serious enough to merit death, but are too serious to continue living the same life. Under a new Auspice moon, the Ritemaster pours water from a silver basin over the supplicant, washing their old life away and baptizing them into their new Auspice. The garou then go by a new name and Auspecies and drop to Rank 3 (if they are above rank 3). Garou may never buy any Gifts from their lost Auspecies, as well as losing any Gifts above Rank 3. The xp is adjusted to reflect their old gifts  being out of their Auspice, as well as refunded for any Gifts lost. 



Sept Roles


The rites often require certain roles to perform them. Garou being a highly social creatures have different roles to fullfil desired duties in rites and their everyday life. 


Council of Elders: The Council of Elders is the sept’s main ruling body - usually three to thirteen elders, depending on the size and prosperity of the sept. The Grand Elder is the voice of the council, although he can be overruled if the council votes against his decrees.


Ritemaster: is a Garou who leads one or more other Garou through a rite. They are most adept in communication with spirits and familiar with a spirit world. This role is taken by Theurge.


Talesinger: During moots, the Talesinger takes the spotlight to relate the exploits and deeds of the ancient and contemporary heroes of the pack, sept and the Garou Nation. They are also the ones that would sing and tell tales of more disgraceful deeds, during any punishment rites. This role is taken by Galliard.


Fool: His job is to make fun of the Litany and Garou traditions, and to dispute the word of Garou who speak. What he does and says is (in theory) never held against him afterward. The idea is that someone should be able to say all the things that pecking order, custom and respect normally disallow. It can help greatly to have someone who can fearlessly point out when the Garou are being stupid. After all, rank and position sometimes mean that necessary things go unsaid – this is when they get said. The Fool's assertions also give the sept a chance to refute his words, to prove their worthiness. It gives them a chance to show their understanding of their heritage, to argue for the Litany and their own actions. It encourages each member of the sept to question and reaffirm his loyalty to sept, tribe, tradition and duty. This role is taken by Ragabash.


Master of the Howl: A limited but valuable role in the sept, this position is ideally designed for a Galliard. However, other auspices may hold this position as long as they possess a talent for performing, knowledge of all the howls, the songs used in the sept, and a good voice.


Master of the Challenge: The holder of this position oversees all challenges that may occur within the sept, whether the challenge comes as a result of a feud between rivals or as a prelude to a rise in rank.


Truthcatcher: those who holds this office must settle disputes among the members of the sept. These important duties take place during moots or counsels specifically called to hear grievances or judge crimes against the sept or the Litany as well as set redemption quests. This role is taken by Philodox.


Wyrm Foe: is a two fold position. During moots they lead the revel that leads to the end of the moot, therefore placing them at the center of the action during a time of solidarity with Gaia and Wyld. At other times, the Wyrm Foe's responsibilities consist of coordinating the pack within the caern, organizing strikes outside of the caern against the wyrm. Many see this position as a stepping stone to become a warder. This role is taken by Ahroun but also during modern nights a few trusted kinfolk have known to take this position, serving as a right hand to a Warder.


Warder: is responsible for caern's and bawns defenses. The Warder decides who may enter the bawn and who may have access to the caern's heart. This position is usually filled by either Ahroun, Philodox, or Galliard. 


Guardian: are chosen by Warder to patrol and protect the bawn and the caern. There are usually up to 5 Guardians, depending on sept size. Guardians act as the first line of active defense in the event of attacks against the caern. They range primarily on the edges of the bawn, making certain that no minions of the Wyrm or other hostile creatures cross into the territory of the caern. Guardians work closely with the Warder, and most Garou take this opportunity to learn as much as they can from the caern's expert battle master. Any Auspice can serve as a Guardian, and even capable Kinfolk


Keeper of the Land: The Keeper of the Land is the caern’s caretaker, who is entrusted with the duty of keeping the caern’s lands well maintained. This post stems from more than vanity - spirits demand respect for themselves and their physical analogues. Any Auspice can take up this role, as well as Kinfolk


Gatekeeper: oversees the maintenance of the caern's moon bridges. He or she is responsible for opening and closing these passageways into the Spirit World and for the annual renewing of the caern's moon bridges. Gatekeepers serve as the liaison between caerns, deciding whether or not to allow another sept to open a moon bridge linking two caerns. Any Auspice can take up this role. 


Den Parent: ensures that any orphaned Cubs and kinfolk are raised properly, with love and in the security of the arms of the sept. The Den Parent must watch over the children of their fallen friends and allies, to ensure that the next generation is prepared to fight the Wyrm. They keep the record of the sept lineage and history. As well as assigning cubs to a Garou, or drafting others to teach cubs or kinfolk. This position is actually most often held by Kinfolk. However any Garou Asupice can also hold that role if needed. 


Blade Master: a honorary role that is held by adept Klaviskar practitioner. A Blade Master owns a Klaive or Grand Klaive and are absolute masters in using them. Teaching the younger Garou and Kinfolk how to handle melee weapons against the Wyrm. Any Auspice can take up this role. 










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