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Pure Identity
Rank 1 Shadow Lord Gift
If anyone trying to identify Garou's Race through any means they will find it harder to do so. A Night-spirit teaches this Gift.



Gain +2 to resist rolls when someone trying to identify you through any means. 

Ears of the Bat
Rank 1 Shadow Lord Gift

This Gift allows the Shadow Lord to use sonar like a bat. He may act in complete darkness without impairment. Shadow Lords with this Gift have large, bat-like ears. Even in Homid form, they have abnormally large ears. Bat-spirits teach this Gift.


Free Action

This Gift can be counteracted with some means of generating confusing ultrasonic sounds. Adds +1 to Perception rolls. 

Heightened Senses
Rank 1 Lupus / Black Furies / Shadow Lords / Galliard Gift

The werewolf with this Gift tunes in to the world around him, increasing his senses vastly, allowing him to hear sounds beyond his normal range, granting him superior night vision and making his sense of smell stronger than that of any dog. In wolf forms, his senses become preternaturally potent, allowing him to perform feats that border on precognition. This Gift has drawbacks as well. If a fire alarm were to go off around a Garou using this Gift, it might render him helpless. Cities can barrage the werewolf with a sensory overload. Wolf-spirits teach this gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Duration: A Scene

The werewolf’s may get +2 to Perception rolls. In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms the werewolf also gains +1 to Primal-Urge rolls. 

Rank 1 Shadow Lord Gift

Lords of the Summit don’t remain such for long unless they can see their enemies coming. This Gift gives the Lord a heightened sense of awareness, and also reveals a few details about the enemies he’s about to face. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Roll Perceptions + Wits, Difficulty 14

Determine the number of opponents in the area. 

Shadow Weaving
Rank 1 Shadow Lord Gift

Slightly flexing her fingers or claws, the Garou pulls and weaves shadows as she desires — lengthening or shortening them, lightening or darkening, or even twisting them into grotesque and frightening shapes. A shadow-spirit teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

For the rest of the scene, the Shadow Lord may warp shadows within 50 meters. Among other creative uses, this adds +1 to all Stealth rolls.

Seizing the Edge
Rank 1 Shadow Lord Gift

To the Shadow Lords, there is no possible way for a contest to be even. If neither competitor wins, they both lose. This Gift allows the Garou to swing the balance, ever so slightly, in her favor. A spirit servant of Grandfather Thunder teaches this Gift.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Duration: A Scene

For the remainder of the scene, whenever the Shadow Lord is involved in a direct confrontation with another being (specifically, if the player must make an opposed roll), any ties go to the Shadow Lord. For example, a Shadow Lord and her Get of Fenris rival are wrestling. Both players must roll to see if the Get of Fenris can break the hold that the Shadow Lord has caught him in. If the players roll the same number of successes, the Shadow Lord wins, and the Get remains pinned. 





True Fear
Rank 2 Ahroun / Rank 2 Shadow Lord / Wendigo Gift

The Ahroun can display the true extent of her power, scaring one chosen foe into quiescence for a number of turns. Spirits of fear teach this Gift.


Resisted Action

Gain 1 Rage

Roll Charisma + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Each success she achieves cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack at this time. He may defend himself if attacked and otherwise act normally, although his action will likely be guided by fear.


Howls in the Night
Rank 2 Lupus / Galliard / Red Talon Gift / Shadow Lord Gift 

The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the night sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia’s enemies. Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled and unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Stamina + Primal Urge vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: A Scene
This call can be heard by anyone who is no more than 100 meters away on the sim. All Garou gain +1 to Strength and Athletics rolls while all their enemies get -1 to Strength rolls. 


Halt the Coward’s Flight 
Rank 2 Get of Fenris / Shadow Lord Gift

The Garou may slow a fleeing (not charging) foe, making him easier to catch. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Roll Charisma + Primal Urge vs Wits + Composure

Victim gets a penalty of -2 to all flee rolls. 

Storm Winds Slash
Rank 2 Shadow Lord (Hakken) Gift

Hakken may use their blades to injure Wyrm creatures at a distance. This Gift is taught by a metal or wind-spirit.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Dexterity + Melee vs Dexterity + Athletics

Success enables the Garou to strike an opponent from as far away as 40 meters. The opponent may attempt to dodge the strike but if they fail they take damage as usually but damage type is lethal. 

Hidden Secrets
Rank 2 Shadow Lord Gift

Children of Crow are terribly fond of blackmail, and this Gift does a lot to help their natural tendencies along. The Corax know this Gift as Dark Truths; the Shadow Lords learned the Gift from the raven-folk, and improved on it a bit. The Gift is taught by a fly-spirit.


Resisted Action

Costs 2 Gnosis

Roll Perception + Empathy vs Manipulation + Persuasion

Success indicates the Garou learns one of the target’s deepest and most embarrassing secrets. These secrets are of no use in combat, but make excellent blackmail material. Of course, not everyone has secrets of equal value.

Song of the Earth Mother
Rank 2 Shadow Lord Gift

This Gift allows the user to sense the presence of Wyrm activity within a broad area. Essentially, the Garou communes with the earth and listens to what it says. The Gift is taught by an earth-spirit.


Extended Action (takes 3 turns to cast)

Costs 2 Gnosis

Roll Perception + Occult, Difficulty 14

The user spends 3 turns communing with the earth, during which time she may take no other actions. Success indicates that the earth tells her about any supernatural presence within an area of 100 meters. While the Gift doesn’t offer specific information about the being or beings detected or where are they exactly, just if there are any in the area. 

Clap of Thunder
Rank 2 Shadow Lord Gift

The Garou slams her hands together and creates a mighty thunderclap that stuns those who hear it. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Strength + Brawl vs Stamina + Athletics

All characters that fail a resist roll within 10 meters get penalty of -1 to all rolls for one turn per success of a Garou (max -3). 

Rank 2 Shadow Lord Gift

The Shadow Lord can place a nasty boil or dishonorable scar on the target. She can disfigure her rival in embarrassing ways that rob him of prestige in the presence of other Garou. Although the lesion isn’t physically handicapping, it certainly limits the victim’s social grace. A baboon-spirit or toad-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

The disfigurement comes in form of a scar or blemish that heals at the end of one scene.



Dark of Night
Rank 3 Shadow Lord (Hakken) Gift

A Garou can cause an opponent to become temporarily blinded. Hakken reserve such underhanded tactics for use against minions of the Wyrm. This Gift comes from a raven-spirit.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 turn per success

Garou makes opponent go blind for the duration of time. 

Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

This Gift was originally discovered by a cult of Shadow Lords known as the Judges of Doom. A Garou may use this Gift to terrify his victim into a confession. This Gift is taught by a Fear-spirit.


Resisted Action

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

If the Garou succeeds, the defendant will be paralyzed with fear for one round and confess the greatest crime that he has committed during the last cycle of the moon. This is long enough for a one sentence confession, but may only be used once per moon cycle. 

Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

The Shadow Lord can extrude large flaps of skin under her arms, resembling a flying squirrel’s membranes. When not in use, the flaps usually shrink into the Lord’s arms and sides, where they are not detectable. This Gift is taught by a bat-spirit or a squirrel-spirit.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

The Shadow Lord stretches her arms and leaps from a height. She may glide at 25 meters per turn. 


Fatal Flaw 
Rank 3 Shadow Lord / Philodox Gift

By watching an opponent’s fighting style, the werewolf can evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. Snake- and wind-spirits teach this Gift.


Extended Action (3 turns, roll on final turn)

Roll Perception + Brawl vs Composure + Brawl

Duration: A Scene

Each success gives her either +1 to attack rolls against the target (Max +3). 

Direct the Storm
Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

Having a packmate who is prone to frenzy isn’t safe for anyone. With this Gift, the Shadow Lord can direct the primal instincts of a frenzied Garou — friend or foe — causing him to attack targets of the Lord’s choice. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure
Success indicates that the Shadow Lord controls the target’s frenzy and can set him on anyone she chooses. Using this Gift on a Garou in the Thrall of the Wyrm is possible. 

Shadow Cutting
Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

One of the more cunning tactics of the Shadow Lords, this Gift allows a Lord to maim or kill her opponent by attacking the shadow he casts. This tactic makes her attacks difficult to dodge, and can provide a great advantage in situations where the shadow is a larger or more accessible target than the opponent himself. A night-spirit teaches this Gift


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

For the remainder of the scene, she may injure her opponent by striking his shadow. Only fetish weapons, silver or natural weaponry (claws and teeth) will work in conjunction with this Gift; firearms or other mundane measures cannot transmit damage across the spirit-link. The victim has -2 to all defense rolls against that attack. 

Summon Stormcrow
Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

The Judges of Doom learned this blessing from Grandfather Thunder himself. The Stormcrows, some of Grandfather Thunder’s servants, come to the aid of those Garou who activate this Gift. Acting as spies, the Stormcrows follow anybody the Judge chooses and report back all they learn. Rumors speak of networks of Stormcrows that pass information back and forth like a telephone line.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 14

He may give the crow a single command, such as “Follow the Red Talon and report his activities” or “Keep an eye on the Theurge elder.” The Stormcrow is not physical so spotting it is extremely hard (raven have +18 to Stealth roll).

Paralyzing Stare
Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

The Shadow Lord directs a terrifying glare at a target, causing her to freeze in terror. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 turn per success

The target must be able to see the Garou. This affect is broken is victim is attacked. 

Under the Gun
Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

The Shadow Lord lays a curse on her foe, ensuring certain death by bullets. While the curse is in effect, bullets (as well as arrows, hurled knives, and any other missile weapons) are strangely attracted to the target. Although this Gift is useful in battle, most Shadow Lords prefer to use it secretly on a chosen foe before a fight begins, ensuring an “unfortunate accident.” A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 day per success

The Shadow Lord touches the intended target with her fingertips. While it is in effect, the gain +2 to strike the target with any sort of missile attack. 

Icy Chill of Despair
Rank 3 Shadow Lord Gift

The Shadow Lord with this Gift can appear to grow larger and more imposing, becoming a terrible, shadowy version of herself. This change in aspect can severely intimidate any onlookers. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: 1 turn per success

Failure means that  victim cant attack or even verbally oppose the Shadow Lord for duration of the power. 




Living Treasure
Rank 4 Shadow Lord (Hakken) Gift

A Hakken can convince the spirit of a treasure in his possession to relate its history and lore. An ancestor-spirit imparts this Gift.


Normal Action

Roll Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 14

Each success causes the spirit to reveal one fact about itself. Hakken may use this Gift on common items as well, making it a useful tool for investigations or problem solving. This Gift may only be used once per object.

Assassin’s Strike
Rank 4 Shadow Lord Gift

Like the Ratkin and the Nagah before them, the Judges of Doom have learned to quickly slip into and out of the Umbra so that they may surprise their prey. When using this Gift, the Judge disappears for a moment and reappears behind his victim, whereupon he may attack his victim with complete surprise. This Gift is taught by a cobra-spirit.


Free Action

Costs 1 Gnosis and Gain 1 Rage

The character spends one Gnosis and gain one Rage, then uses the Umbra to “skip” up to 50 meters and reappear in the physical world directly behind his target. The Judge may then attack his victim with +3 to their attack roll. 

Ubiquitous Presence
Rank 4 Shadow Lord Gift

Paranoia is a wonderful weapon. It keeps enemies from resting, from thinking properly, and, done right, from ever attacking you. And if you can’t be everywhere at once, at least you can appear to be. The Shadow Lord can curse an enemy with paranoia, giving the victim an unflinching suspicion that the Garou is watching her, even when that belief would otherwise be entirely illogical. Shadow or night-spirits teach this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Success indicates that the curse takes effect, giving penalty of -1 to all rolls for every success (max of -3). The effects last for one day. 

Seeds of Doubt
Rank 4 Shadow Lord Gift

Talented tricksters, Shadow Lords with this Gift may convince a listener of one false idea, no matter how absurd. The Gift only works if the lie told is not obviously harmful to the listener. It is taught by a Raven-spirit.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Manipulation + Persuasion vs Wits + Perception

If the Lord succeeds, the listener will believe the lie until somehow “deprogrammed.” If he fails, however, the listener sees through the Lord’s argument and recognizes the lie for what it is. If the Lord botches, the listener goes into frenzy (unless normally incapable of such, like a human). Lie also auto fails if it is entirely outrageous and impossible. Also even if the lie works the victim is not blind to proof that can dispel it. 

Strength of the Dominator
Rank 4 Shadow Lord Gift

The Garou draws their anger out to someone else. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

For a number of turns equal to the successes scored, the garou will lose a point of Rage per turn while their targetted fera gains it. This means the gift is only usable on fera. 

Open Wounds
Rank 4 Shadow Lord Gift

The Garou may cause the next wound he inflicts to bleed profusely, weakening the target further. A pain-sprit teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

If the Shadow Lord’s next attack does any damage, the target will bleed continuously, losing 1 health level per turn for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled unless healed. This hemorrhaging is considered lethal damage.




Divine Wind
Rank 5 Shadow Lord Gift

The Hakken can call forth a powerful storm in a designated area. The storm uproots trees and overturns cars in its fury. An ancestor-spirit or a servant of Narukami, Lord of Thunder, teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Roll Resolve + Occult, Difficulty 16

The effect of the weather depends on the number of successes scored. 


Successes         Result

Failure            Nothing happens

1                   Summon Fog or Rain or Snow: -3 to all perception rolls. 

2                   High Winds stars: -3 to all physical rolls. 

3                   Storm stars: -3 to all physical  and perception rolls. 

4                   Lightning Storm: -3 to all physical  and perception rolls. The user may also call lightning upon a single foe at the time. Rolling bonus of +20 vs targets usual Dexterity + Athletics roll. This can only be used once per turn. 


NOTE: The effects do not stack with each other. 

Purity of Blood
Rank 5 Shadow Lord Gift

The disciple has become so resistant to the Wyrm that she may overcome the Blood Bond of vampires. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Grandfather Thunder himself.


Extended Action (takes 3 turns to cast)

Costs 2 Gnosis

Roll Inttelligence + Medicine, Difficulty 16

The Shadow Lord spend 3 turns in meditation and make a successful roll. Also note that this allows an infiltrator of the Sabbat to shatter the effect of the Vaudelaire. This only works on self. 

Find the Transgressor
Rank 5 Shadow Lord Gift

With this potent Gift, the Judge calls upon the might of Gaia Herself to determine the exact location of any one named individual that has violated the Litany in some fashion. Use of this Gift is never a trivial undertaking, and those that abuse its power usually suffer dire consequences. An avatar of Gaia Herself teaches this Gift.


Normal Action

Costs 2 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure, Difficulty 16

 Invokes the will of Gaia to help him find a Garou who has violated the Litany in a particularly foul fashion. If Gaia would agree with the Judge’s assessment of the situation (which is left entirely to the Storyteller’s judgment), he learns the exact location of his quarry. No method of obfuscation, be it supernatural or mundane, can keep the target hidden. The Gift does nothing to help the Judge reach the target and it does not work on Wyrm-creatures (who are shrouded by their patron).

If Gaia disagrees with the Judge’s opinion, or if the transgressor has violated the Litany in only a trivial sense, the Judge instead suffers one aggravated level of damage per Rank of the targeted Garou.


Wounding Lies
Rank 5 Shadow Lord Gift

For all their ability to prevaricate or misdirect when the need is there, few Shadow Lords – particularly elders – like being lied to. This Gift is the ultimate expression of that conceit; it forces those whom the Lord is interrogating to speak the truth or suffer the consequences. A person that lies to the elder suffers great wounds that mystically appear across his body with each untruth. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

Duration: A Scene

Each lie the subject tells inflicts 1 aggravated damage to them.

Shadow Duplicate
Rank 5 Shadow Lord Gift

The Garou summons up shadowy duplicates of himself to stand by him in battle. These shadow-wolves resemble the Shadow Lord and have some of the same capabilities. A night-spirit teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 2 Gnosis at least

Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 16

Duration: A Scene

Summon a shadow duplicate of yourself, the copy has the same stats, except HP, which is cut in half. The copy also may not use gifts, rage, or gnosis. 

Rank 5 Shadow Lord Gift

With the power of this Gift, the Shadow Lord becomes the ultimate alpha, compelling all others to follow her orders. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.


Resisted Action

Costs 1 Gnosis

Roll Resolve + Composure vs Resolve + Composure

If the werewolf wins by one success, the targets follow any order they don’t mind following. Getting three successes means that the targets will treat the Garou as their alpha and fight for him. Getting five successes means that the targets will follow him into the Abyss or perform other virtually suicidal actions.










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